Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Friday, April 18, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Friday, April 11, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
This is a test of the emergency broadcasting system
At 10 a.m. across the nation, an air raid... well, I'm going to call it an air raid siren drill, rather than an air raid drill, took place. It seems they're only testing the sirens themselves and not citizen readiness to an actual attack since no one I know received any actual "in case of an attack" instructions.
And frankly here on the settlement, there's precious little we could do.
Oh sure, we have bomb shelters. We have 4.. maybe 5.
Of the approximate 100 houses and additional 20 trailer homes, maybe 20 of these houses (all built after the first Gulf War) have actual 'safe rooms' built into the house. It's a room made of reinforced concrete with a heavy fire door and metal plates for the window.
The rest of us poor schlubs have to make use of the 4 (or 5) bomb shelters. Which in theory is great, but in practice would doom us.
2 of the shelters are used for the Gemachim here. One is packed with clothes and the other has clothes as well as whatever else is available for loan - dishes, tables, cribs, etc. 1 shelter is being used by the physiotherapist and the fourth is the 'music room' and hang-out for the kids. I have no idea where shelter number 5 is or if it even exists (I think it's in the center, where the original 20 trailers are). If it does exist, there's a better than good chance it's unusable as a bomb shelter.
I have no idea when the plumbing in any of them was last checked or if they even have serviceable toilets. They're certainly not stocked with emergency essentials or rations.
So yeah, they were testing the sirens.
Monday, April 07, 2008
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Friday, April 04, 2008
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Hillel opens doors to non-Jews
Published: 03/31/2008
WASHINGTON (JTA) -- Hillel centers on university campuses were viewed not long ago as little more than the local Jewish hangout, a place where students could come for kosher meals or socialize with other Jews. (and that's bad.... why?)
But in a move that Hillel leaders say has been forced upon them by this generation's altered social landscape, the organization is throwing open its doors to everyone, designing programs that appeal to Jews and non-Jews and hyping its contribution to university -- not only Jewish – life. (Ah, thank you Barney.. I love you, you love me and we have to welcome anyone and everyone regardless of whether or not they fit the criteria of the group's dynamics)
Examples of the shift are abundant.
Rabbi Joshua Feigelson, the self-described "campus rabbi" at Northwestern University, has designed a campus-wide program called "Ask Big Questions" that stresses the value of Jewish wisdom in addressing contemporary challenges. Other Hillel chapters are organizing interfaith programs, like Jewish-Muslim coexistence houses or trips to rebuild the Gulf Coast. And it's becoming more common to find non-Jews serving on local Hillel boards or as regular attendees at Shabbat dinners. (nothing wrong with programming which allows interfaith interaction, it's allowing them to dictate rules and such that problems may arise)
The shift is even evident in Hillel's changed mission statement. Prior to 2006, the organization sought to increase the number of Jews "doing Jewish with other Jews." Now it seeks to "enrich" Jewish student life, the Jewish people and the world. (ah yes, the whole 'tikkum olam'... repair the rest of the world while your own house falls down around you. it also reminds me of many secular Israelis 'searching for spirituality' in the Far East religions, rather than look inwards to Judaism)
"Most of the students that we have are not interested in doing Jewish with other Jews," (is it me, or do you feel the urge to check The Joy of Sex to see what position that is every time you read that phrase?) Feigelson told JTA. "They're interested in doing Jewish with their friends who are doing Catholic and Puerto Rican and Turkish -- their friends and their family. The challenge for us is how do you create expressions of Jewish life that students will deem to be authentic at the same time as they are not exclusive or tribal." (there's nothing wrong with introducing or teaching Jewish traditions to people of other faiths. It's when it comes at the expense of teaching Jews about their own faith, I being to have a problem. And why is exclusive and tribal such a bad thing?)
Beginning under the leadership of Richard Joel, Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life sought to expand its reach beyond the minority of students with strong Jewish identities who naturally gravitated to the local Hillel chapter. (oh I see, so instead of using those with a strong Jewish foundation to bring in those with a weaker one, just bring everyone in? how does that help a Jew with a weak knowledge of Judaism?)
But Hillel leaders say increasingly that to reach the majority who might view the organization with anything from disdain to indifference, it must actively counter the perception that its chapters are "Jews-only" venues. (uh... but isn't Hillel the "Jewish club", so to speak? Isn't their main purpose to attract the Jews?)
As it attempts to do so, Hillel finds itself negotiating a tricky line between Jewish particularism and universality, between the twin imperatives of creating uniquely Jewish programming and protecting the fluidity of personal identities that today's college students see as their birthright. (again, there's nothing wrong with pluralistic programming, unless it comes at the expense of the Jewish identity, which in this case, seems to be the case)
"We're in a world that has no boundaries -- no boundaries and infinite choices, literally," said Beth Cousens, Hillel's director of organizational learning and the author of a 2007 monograph, "Hillel's Journey: Distinctively Jewish, Universally Human," which lays out guiding principles for Hillel in the coming years.
"It is just dumb, it's counterproductive for us to create boundaries," Cousens said. "The way to make Jewish life vibrant, and help people fall in love with Judaism and discover who they are Jewishly, is not to be afraid." (so basically... rules and regulations are dumb and counterproductive? The way to make Jewish life vibrant is to dilute the issue with multiculturalism? and who is your target audience for falling in love with Judaism? catholics? buddhists? or Jews who have a tenuous idea of what Judaism is about and need more immersion in Judaism, not less.)
Much discussion at Hillel's recent summit here focused on the peculiarities of so-called millennials, the generation born after 1980, and their unique set of cultural dispositions: globally minded, skeptical of institutional authority and unwilling to have their identities narrowly defined.
At the summit's opening plenary, Robert Putnam, the Harvard University professor who authored "Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community," described how he could name the religion of every person in his high school class because faith defined the limits of his generation's dating pool. High-schoolers today, he contended, couldn't perform a similar feat.
"It's not that people have stopped being religious, it's just not that big a deal anymore," Putnam said. "That line has been somewhat deconstructed."
For those who worry about the threat of intermarriage to Jewish continuity, the rise of the millennial generation, and Hillel's response to it, is likely to keep them up at night.
Hillel responds that it simply has no choice, that if an intermarried couple doesn't meet at Hillel, they will meet at a party or in the classroom where the organization will have no influence on them. (oh... so how is meeting your goyish girlfriend or boyfriend at Hillel supposed to prevent them becoming your goyish spouse? By opening their doors to non-Jews for socialization, are they saying "You're good enough to hang out with, but not good enough to marry", or do they honestly think that after a couple becomes romantically involved with one another is a good time to explain that intermarriage is a Bad Thing for Judaism?)
"Hillel is acknowledging that we don't live in a Jewish bubble," Cousens said. "If we don't do this, we'll be irrelevant." (by diluting Judaism, you're becoming extinct.)
Putnam has written extensively on the decline of community in America, and he urged the 675 summit participants -- most of them Hillel professionals -- to look for ways to create social connections that stretch across the boundaries of race or ethnicity.
In interviews with JTA on the sidelines of the summit, evidence emerged to suggest that process is already well under way.
At Syracuse University, the election of a non-Jewish student to the Hillel board occasioned some opposition. But while a meeting must sometimes pause to explain a particular Jewish phrase or practice, student leaders mostly say the addition has been positive.
"I think it's been a mutually beneficial experience for not only him and the board, but for also the community at large to see that we've reached beyond the Jewish student, that we've reached beyond what Hillel's stereotype is, and to bring in other types of people, and to really let ourselves realize that Hillel isn't just for one type of person," said sophomore Jillian Zarem. "It's for as many different people as we can reach out to." (silly me, and here I thought Hillel was supposed to be the campus JEWISH organization)
At the Jewish University Center of Pittsburgh, a Korean student who regularly attended Shabbat dinners at Hillel managed to recruit his Jewish roommate who previously wouldn't set foot inside the building.
"How did he do it?" asked Aaron Weil, the executive director of the Pitt center. "He said, 'John, I'm a Baptist. I'm Korean. I'm going to Hillel. Don't you think it's a little bit odd that I'm willing to go to Hillel and you're not?' He didn't have a comeback for that, and he came in and saw the open community." (yay. and if Hillel was doing a better job in OUTREACH towards their Jewish audience, instead of trying to become 'all reaching, yet reaching no one", maybe this guy would have shown up for Shabbat lunch beforehand)
"The benefit to us," Weil continued, "is by making ourself a place that is open to all, Jews are going to feel more comfortable to go there because they're not going to a place that is Jewish only. Jews are looking today, in general, for opportunities to be Jewish but not to be separate." (and the way I see it, it will just become another place where Jews have to defend their right to be Jewish)
Original article can be seen here
These are the people that you meet
His sock was falling off, so I fixed it, saying "Your feeselach* are going to get cold!"
Aha, I could see it in her eyes and she asks me in Yiddish if I speak Yiddish.
I tell her just a little... feet, hands, cheeks, teeth, eyes, head... basic body parts I learned either growing up or remember in that one year of Yiddish class we had in high school.
She asked me what his name is and I of course reply "Netanel", to which she responds "That's not a Yiddish name!"
I told her that the more Yiddish version would have been Yonatan (Jonathan) which although is also Hebrew, means the same as Netanel and in the Yiddish-speaking crowd is used.. although for her sake I pronounced it with the Ashkenazis inflection of "Yoi-nosson".
She nodded, as if giving her approval and went back to being flirted with by a 10 1/2 month old.
Last week, was a different experience altogether.
So there we were, three lactating Mommas (me with my 10 1/2 month old, another woman with her 1 1/2 year old and the third with her 6 month old) enjoying a warm day in Jerusalem, sitting at the outdoor tables of a felafel joint.
Us with our bottles of water and our babies discretely at our breasts.
When I noticed a woman (secular Israeli) sitting at a table down from us take out her camera and turn it in our direction...
Do I give her the benefit of the doubt that she snapped a photo of the street traffic behind me? Even though she had this shocked look on her face and I didn't hear the squeal of tires and crunch of metal from some horrific car accident on the street behind me?
(And just for the record, the three of us are Orthodox Jewish women... skirts, my two friends in long sleeves, I was in a tshirt and had the baby in his wrap and we all wore our hair covered - me with a head scarf, another with a snood and the third in a (obvious) wig).