Deb offers today's Friday Five for RevGalBlogPals:
1. Five flowers you'd like in a bouquet or in your garden:
Lilies, pansies, daffodils, tulips, bluebonnets. (Outside in TX, only pansies and bluebonnets grow at cooler and moister times.)
2. Five books you want to read (or re-read):
These are all books I already have, some of which I've started but not finished. I am eagerly awaiting the next Louise Penny mystery and any Maisie Dobbs mysteries that may come in the future. . .and. . . and. . .
Facing the Dragon: Confronting Personal and Spiritual Grandiosity by Robert L. Moore
(This was a book recommended by Father Ron Rolheiser at the 2013 Summer Institute which I mentioned in last Friday's FF. It is by a Jungian analyst and professor.)
The Round House by Louise Erdrich
All the Harry Potter books by J. K Rowling (for the third or fourth time)
My Bright Abyss: Meditation of a Modern Believer by Christian Wiman
Lincoln's Melancholy: How Depression Challenged a President and Fueled His Greatness by Joshua Wolf Shenk
3. Five places you want to visit:
So many more than five!
Boston, Chicago, Santa Fe, San Diego, Marfa (TX)
Greece, Spain again, Galapagos, Australia/New Zealand, Italy
4. Five people you'd invite for tea/coffee/beer and pizza:
My mother, her/my cousin Margaret from Calgary, Canada, my mother's mother (my Nana) and her two sisters (the Aunties) to have tea and yummy cookies. This family is known for its baking, so it would be fun to use my English bone china and have tea and goodies with them and learn so much about family history I don't know. I'd love to see them together, too.
5. Five chores or tasks you'd gladly give to someone else:
Cleaning out closets, sweeping, washing windows, cleaning the refrigerator, cleaning bathtub
BONUS: A five ingredient recipe! (This is harder than it sounds!)
1/2 cup flour or rolled oats
1 cup cottage cheese or tofu
4 eggs
1/3 cup milk, approximately
1/4 tsp. salt
Combine all ingredients except milk in blender and process at a medium speed until smooth. Add milk until batter is like medium-thick pancake batter. Bake as for ordinary pancakes.
Serve hot with fresh fruit, jam, hot applesauce or butter and cinnamon-sugar. (My family prefers the melted butter and cinnamon sugar.
(This recipe is from my old, well-used copy of Whole Foods for the Whole Family published by La Leche League International in 1981.)
1. Five flowers you'd like in a bouquet or in your garden:
Lilies, pansies, daffodils, tulips, bluebonnets. (Outside in TX, only pansies and bluebonnets grow at cooler and moister times.)
2. Five books you want to read (or re-read):
These are all books I already have, some of which I've started but not finished. I am eagerly awaiting the next Louise Penny mystery and any Maisie Dobbs mysteries that may come in the future. . .and. . . and. . .
Facing the Dragon: Confronting Personal and Spiritual Grandiosity by Robert L. Moore
(This was a book recommended by Father Ron Rolheiser at the 2013 Summer Institute which I mentioned in last Friday's FF. It is by a Jungian analyst and professor.)
The Round House by Louise Erdrich
All the Harry Potter books by J. K Rowling (for the third or fourth time)
My Bright Abyss: Meditation of a Modern Believer by Christian Wiman
Lincoln's Melancholy: How Depression Challenged a President and Fueled His Greatness by Joshua Wolf Shenk
3. Five places you want to visit:
So many more than five!
Boston, Chicago, Santa Fe, San Diego, Marfa (TX)
Greece, Spain again, Galapagos, Australia/New Zealand, Italy
4. Five people you'd invite for tea/coffee/beer and pizza:
My mother, her/my cousin Margaret from Calgary, Canada, my mother's mother (my Nana) and her two sisters (the Aunties) to have tea and yummy cookies. This family is known for its baking, so it would be fun to use my English bone china and have tea and goodies with them and learn so much about family history I don't know. I'd love to see them together, too.
5. Five chores or tasks you'd gladly give to someone else:
Cleaning out closets, sweeping, washing windows, cleaning the refrigerator, cleaning bathtub
BONUS: A five ingredient recipe! (This is harder than it sounds!)
1/2 cup flour or rolled oats
1 cup cottage cheese or tofu
4 eggs
1/3 cup milk, approximately
1/4 tsp. salt
Combine all ingredients except milk in blender and process at a medium speed until smooth. Add milk until batter is like medium-thick pancake batter. Bake as for ordinary pancakes.
Serve hot with fresh fruit, jam, hot applesauce or butter and cinnamon-sugar. (My family prefers the melted butter and cinnamon sugar.
(This recipe is from my old, well-used copy of Whole Foods for the Whole Family published by La Leche League International in 1981.)