Its been so long since i last updated anything in diary or journal fashion
When i first blog, all i wrote about was how my day started ( the moment i wake up) to the time it ended (the moment when i went to bed)
Lately, my blog seems so dull and i am becoming more mature which is equal to being secretive
Perhaps i'd finally learnt and recognize the boundary of sharing
The principle of sharing in my opinion is, you display what is of mutual interest of the majority
Your kind of story like what you eat or went that day perhaps only catch fancy of 2 or 3 people
And that 2 or 3 people can be informed via text,BBM or whatsapp
*note: i never use BBM and whatsapp, i dont even know how it looks like
But today i am feeling particularly generous to share my life's detail, for today:
*Note: Inappropriate activities such as my activities in toilet etc wont be divulge..haha
Today 17th of September 2012, i woke up at 6.00, performing my Subuh Prayer, then switch on my laptop, i log in to my facebook account 'Nadiah Che Rahim', replying comments about last nite status, liking a few status-es, like a few photos, sharing a few infos
The i logged out of my FB, get back on the bed, first sitting in a natural position, then lying
Then i stare at the ceiling fan, obviously daydreaming
i slowly drifted back to sleep, then when i finally woke up its 8.30, hungry
Hastily went to the sink, to wash my face and brush my teeth, not showering though
I got out of bed, walking lazily and slowly to the kitchen, opening the fridge, grab a few raya cookies still remaining
Went to the living room, open out all the windows for some fresh air
Then decided that morning i wanted to cook something
I've been craving for 'ketupat sotong'
Then i remembered, i do not have the required ingredient which is the pandan leaves
Grab my car keys, rushing downstairs, put my key to iginition, drove to the P4, located near to the Director's residential, bringing together a knife.
I cut off two slices of pandan leaves, enough
Went back home,take a shower
Then went to d kitchen, getting all the squid i cleaned last night out of the fridge ans started inserting glutinous rice into those squids.
Then i submerged all those squids into coconut milk, adding some salt and huge bulk of gula melaka, diulangi HUGEEE BULK OF GUULAAA MELAKAAA
and tadaaaaa
Siap pun ketupat sotong!
Sebab buat sendiri, memang cukup menepati selera lah, iaitu, mesti MANIS
Sebuku kot gula Melaka tu masuk dlm tu, sbb Tangkak dkt dgn Melaka kan, gula Melaka mudah dpt
Hambikk, byk giler letak
Sedapp, maniss...*kalau org yg bukan Kelantanese makan berpinar lah mata..haha
*ok malas dh nk taip, lagipun dh lupa dh buat ape ntah harini...:p
*ooo, maybe ptg tu ada main badminton sikit