Sunday, October 2, 2011

2nd Day of Preschool

G. did not want to go to preschool. She cried the whole ride there saying she "didn't like preschool". B. didn't make it any easier for G. because she was laughing, and taunting saying "it's my preschool". But don't worried G. frown only lasted for two weeks. Now it's B. who gets sad when we drop G. off.
G. was happy when I told her we'd get a treat after preschool. I liked this picture of B. because it shows a little bit of her personality. When we're pulling out of our garage B. says 1. mom seat belt (bc I don't put it on until I'm out of the garage, and 2. sunglasses (bc I have to hand them to her).

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

First Day of Pre-K

G. started pre-k this year. I can't believe she's old enough. I was expecting to cry when I saw G. walk into her classroom or when I looked in the rear mirror or when I saw moms crying in the parking. But I didn't! I thought to myself "something is wrong with me,why am I not crying"

Who do you think was more excited about pre-k? B kept saying she was going to pre-k and G. was going home. G. got mad at her and said she was going ^&*!@#$%. I couldn't hear what G. said but it made B really mad. Lets just say it was somewhat of a battle field in the backseat on the way to school.

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Monday, April 12, 2010

A Child's First Prayer

Tonight during our family prayer something happened for the first time. G. asked us to close our eyes. As our eyes were shut we started to hear her say "tanks Minnie Mouse, tanks Minnie Mouse, tanks Minnie Mouse, tanks Cinderalla, tanks Cinderalla, tanks Pooh, tanks Cinderalla" and then A. cut her off by saying in the name of JC amen. G.then looked up and said "Oracion"!(prayer in spanish) She told us to close our eyes as if she was the parent. She then continued her prayer and said " tanks Cinderalla, tanks Maegan, tanks Maegan, thanks Gong Gong (granpa in Chinese), tanks abuelita (grandma in Spanish), tanks grandpas, bless Amelia, bless dada, tanks Minnie Mouse, tanks Minnie Mouse Amen." When she was done she threw herself back onto her bed and started to laugh so hard. Of course we couldn't stop laughing as a family.

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Friday, April 2, 2010

The Spirit of Easter

The other day G. and I were in the garden section of a store. On the end isles they had displays of garden statues with assorted plants. As we walked passed them G. jumped up with excitement and said "JESUS! JESUS! I LIKE JESUS! I LOVE YOU JESUS! At first I was embarrassed 1. b/c G. made a small scene(she hardly talks in public), 2. the people around us were really LOOKING around for Jesus. 3. I hope those people didn't think I was teaching her all statues were of Jesus.
Then after we walked away I thought she forgot about it but she didn't. G. said in a sweet voice "I wana go see Jesus". I smiled and chuckled then explained to her I wanted to see Jesus too but we have to go. Then she replied "You no see Jesus"?

In that moment I was reminded of 3 Nephi 11:3-17 how the people of Nephi couldn't understand the voice of the Savior nor could recognize the Man descending out of heaven was Jesus Christ. This simple and sweet experience was a reminder of why I'm here on earth.

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Sunday, March 28, 2010

What would you do?

Every morning every day I make the same breakfast (except on weekends) for G. scrambled eggs, mangoes, yogurt w/flaxseed, cheerios, milk, and water. One morning I forgot to give her yogurt and cheerios... before she would begin to eat she insisted I also give her yogurt and cheerios. What am I teaching her?
B.loves playing in the jumper and goes wild jumping, screaming, and trying to grab G. as she walks by. One morning I was so busy trying to clean and get lunches ready I completely forgot I had a 2nd child who needed a nap. I felt bad.
When I put B. down for a nap I'll tell G. that I'm going to the other room and I let her know she needs to be quiet because B.'s going to sleep. I'll leave the door ajar so I can still hear and see if G. is doing okay. Normally G. is really good at playing in her room by herself and somtimes she'll open my door and say "shhh, B.'sleeping" however, one day when I was done putting B. down I heard no singing, talking, or playing. When I walked into G.'s room I found her in my jewlery box playing with my necklaces/bracelts. When I asked her what she was doing she quickly jumped up and ran towards the window. I couldn't help but laugh. It's a good thing all of my necklaces are cheap.

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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Rain, Rain go away, come again another day

G. propped against her window wearing a princess dress watching the rain come down. I thought it was so cute. Later on during the day I didn't think she was as cute when she pooped on the floor. That's right she showed me who's boss.
I've given up on potty training. I'm going to give her a break or at least let her think she's on a short spring break. Why? It's killing me. I feel horrible at the end of the night for getting flustered... it's not worth the battle. She's smart, cute, 2yrs,and I'm learning how to be patient.

p.s. It took me a while to clean it up. I had G. watch me and I asked her, "where poop and pee go" and she replied in a sweet voice "in the toilet". She knows where it goes but doesn't want to do it.

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Thursday, February 18, 2010


If you don't know G. she's cute, obedient, giving, kind, shy, and usaully follows directions. Even if it's another 2 year old. The above picture was taken at our ward Christmas party. The nursery kids played sheep in the nativity.
You'll notice G. is acting like she's conducting the music. Why? I told G. as she was walking up the stairs to follow the teacher. Well...she did...she followed what the teacher did. Every time the teacher lifted her hand to conduct there was G.doing it too.

K. & G. posing before the show.

After opening presents we had the girls pose for a picture in cowboy hats that were given by their Uncle D & Aunt J. We told G. to say cheese... maybe she thought we said "show your teeth". We now know how to get her to smile.

One night we got ready to see the Christmas lights at the temple. We told hold her arms. As I was taking the picture(see next picture)

G. pushed B. forward because B. was trying to look back at her while laughing. G. didn't like that B. wasn't paying attention to me. We thought it was funny when G. pushed B. and shouted "no B. sit"! We wondered do we sound like that? Do we sound that demanding?

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Monday, February 1, 2010

Who knew star stickers were a sign of love

Yesterday I came home from a weekend trip with friends. Part of the trip I wasn't my normal myself because I had a migraine that got worse and on top of that I was bloated with all the food we were eating.
When Sunday came around I felt better but later on in evening while I was breastfeeding B. I started to get very weak and my stomach started hurting. I yelled for A. to help me because I was about to throw up. As I was shutting the bathroom door G. kept on insisting to come in. I kept telling her no because I didn't want her to see me threw up and of course every time I took her out she would cry/yell for me. I was too weak to deal with her so I gave in. I felt bad she had to see me throw up. Not only once but several times. Yuck!
As I was kneeling by the toilet G. was trying to comfort me by massaging my back and saying "poop in toilet" while trying to look under my face. I guess she was trying to figure out where the throw up was coming from.
After a minute I thought I was fine so I went to lay down. Then moments later I ran to the bathroom because I knew something was not right. As I was throwing up G. was by my side again but instead of giving me a back massage she reached for the star stickers (which I give her when she goes pee or poop in the toilet) on the bathroom counter and then started putting them all over my arms.
I wish I took a picture of it but I couldn't.
When I woke up this morning I had star stickers all over my hair and arms. It was a sweet reminder that she loves me and that she thought the stickers would make me feel better...or she rewarded me because that the throw up went in the toilet not on the floor. It's true...children are innocent.

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Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Moon-embarrassing story

A few weeks before the movie NEW MOON premiered our family was out shopping at Nordstrom. We were in the kid's section checking out some items that were on sale. I looked up towards the jr. department and noticed a guy looking our way. I turned my head again and continued shopping. I looked up again and noticed the same man looking at me or at our direction. I thought it was odd. Again, I turned my head away but quickly turned back to see if this gentleman was still staring. I looked back again and thought it was creepy he was still looking at our direction. I went to A. and told him there was this weird guy looking over at us and to be careful with G. He looked to see where the guy was and then turned towards me with a BIG smile then started to laugh. (image him laughing at me) He said "F. you're funny...that's a live size cut out of Edward (from Twilight). I looked back and started to laugh too. We were laughing so hard. But A. of course wouldn't drop it the whole night. He kept saying over and over "yeah, F. Edward was checking you out". He had a good laugh that night, as for me I felt dumb but I promise you he looked REAL. I PROMISE!

I was able to see NEW MOON opening weekend night with some die hard fans... "friends". When we saw Twilight we learned our better tickets, go a different night, go to a different theatre or have connections...(we did have connections last time but it was luck). This time we purchased advanced tickets with assigned seating and then afterwards we went to my favorite Mexican restaurant.

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A new hobby...bragging rights

In September'09 my girlfriends (a fine group of ladies I love) gave me one of the best b-day gifts. They sent me to cake decorating school. They know I'm not into sweets but they know how much I've been wanting to learn how to decorate cupcakes/cakes. You may ask why? I feel that it's a great skill I can use at home to teach my kids and create wonderful memories at the same time.

The beginners class C. and I attended each week and we always left with amazing cakes/cupcakes. Then later on when the beginners class was over I took an intermediate class with my other friends while they took the beginners class. It was so much fun!

As for A. he didn't mind me leaving him with our two girls because he always knew I'd be coming back home with something good to eat. In fact I was the one scared to leave.

Thanks ladies for making my dreams come know who you are.

Below are just a few of the items I've made.
Halloween cake/cupcake

Fall cake
Fondant cake

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Monday, December 28, 2009

The Pope and Santa

We were watching TV when a commerical came on advertising midnight mass. The clip showed the Pope walking as someone tried to attack him. Then out of the blue G. got really excited and shouted as she was running towards the TV. Oh, noooo Santa Claus! Santa Claus! Santa Claus! Who knew Santa and the Pope looked a like. G. thought so. At least both of them give and are kind.

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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

No one will know

I woke up early Saturday morning tired and nervous. I went to G.'s room covered her, walked over to B.'s bed and looked at her, and then I kissed A. good-bye. When I opened the front door I felt the cold crisp morning air. I thought to myself I don't have to go no one will know. But I knew I had to leave and just do it. As I drove away thoughts in my head kept telling me "no one will know just turn back" but I kept telling myself I would know and I would regret missing it. As I parked my car the thoughts came back "no one will know just turn back" but I ignored them. As I tied my shoe and walked towards the check-in area the thoughts came back "no one will know just turn back" but I continued. As I stood in the sun looking at everyone talking, laughing, relaxing, reading, stretching and waiting the feeling of loneliness came over me, and again I thought to myself, "no one will know just turn back". Then I heard the announcer say that it was time to head over to the starting area. As I stood there with the crowd the feeling of loneliness came back with the same thought. I said a little a prayer in my heart and started thinking of all the positive reasons why I was there. As I waited two gentlemen and I sparked a conversation. We laughed and talked about ourselves and then to our surprise the gun went off. We started to run the race! I looked ahead and never looked back. My goal was to run,run,run and not stop even to walk. During the race I noticed people were running with groups and/or loved ones. I ran the race alone but not by myself. Why?
During the race I saw one of the gentlemen who I had met at an earlier stop. As I ran towards him I said "get up and finish the race"! He quickly got up and ran past me. Along the side there were patches of spectators cheering for their loved ones. Around the halfway point of the race I said a little prayer asking H.F for strength and to not feel alone during my weak points. A few moments later a lady running in front of me turned towards me and said "just two kids ahead" my eyes got big with a smile. I replied "how did you know I had two kids"? She laughed and said "just to 2k ahead let's do it"! Even though she didn't say kids it made me think of my family. Then as I was running harder to pass each rabbit in front of me I started thinking of my family. Then a few minutes later I started to feel lonely but then I heard, "go mommy go"! I turned and saw two little girls in their pajamas waving at me or someone but it was a sweet reminder I wasn't alone.
Then as I was heading towards the finish line I could hear people shouting Go! Go! Go! Finish the race! As I past the finish line I thought to myself no one will know but I finished my race.

Even though I didn't run the fastest time, or come in first. I DID IT. I finished MY race and that was my goal to get up and finish the race.

This experience kind of reminds me of the gospel and life. Sometimes we are too scared to change or try something new because of the thought in the back of our minds that tells us "no one will know".

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