Thursday, August 12, 2010

Farewells are never easy...

Okay. This is a bag filled with over 30 of my old t-shirts, shorts and pants. All ready to be donated to those in need of them.

By old t-shirts, shorts and pants, I mean clothing that I've worn when I was Form 1 till Form 4. Clothes that I've worn to go catch awesome movies like Batman Begins, to holidays in Thailand and Singapore, to attend tuition in Kasturi. In a nutshell, clothes I've worn through many very memorable times of my life. Well, yeah, I can be very nostalgic and sentimental at times, so to come to the decision to donate these clothes away took a considerable amount of time.

I have to admit, I was a late bloomer, and I have a very poor fashion sense, even right now, I'd always ask my mom's, brother's or friends' advice before buying any new clothes. And back in those days, my parents would always tell me before buying any clothes "buy a bigger size la, wait in the future you grow bigger then still can wear". I was naive enough to believe that I would grow bigger back then. Which is why all the old clothes I have are still too big for me and they aren't the best looking ones.

Trust me, if given the choice, I'd rather keep all those old clothes in a box and keep them somewhere hidden rather than donate them away. But my mom have always complained that my wardrobe is too crowded and if I ever wanted new clothes (which I am in dire need of), I'd have to get rid of my old clothes. Thus, I had to come to the decision to give them away...

Picking which clothes to donate wasn't an easy thing to do. I wouldn't want to go through that experience again. Painful. But in that process, I recalled an incident that happened way back during the Malacca trip with my high school friends where Miss Yin Thong left her jacket in A'Famosa Waterworld and we went back the next day in hope of retrieving it from the Lost and Found. But it was nowhere to be found. Lester said to Yin Thong and Syn Dee, who all went to look for the jacket "旧的不去,新的不来". Which basically means old stuff must go in order for new stuff to come. I know my translations sucks =D Haha...sweet memories can really soothe your feelings at times and help you make decisions.

So, it's time to go shopping!!!

Also, farewell, old clothes!!! ='/

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sem 2 so far...

It's been two months since I've posted! Haha. Well, probably because I've been enjoying my sem break. That 3 weeks was freaking awesome. Went to Taiping with my college friends, climbed Broga Hill, enjoyed the World Cup and many other stuff.

Semester 2 started on the fifth of last month. A week before the World Cup finals. Well, I'm down to my last four papers. T6, T7, T8 and T9. T6 and T7 are financial accounting and management accounting. T8 - Auditing...fuyoh...susah gila. Auditing is like making sure that the accounts are right la, so that no fraud takes place and all those. This is just a simple explanation minus all the jargons. Haha. T9 is taxation! I enjoy doing T9 somehow. I think I can calculate my parents income tax payable now. Haha. It's kinda cool to know that the stuff you're learning are actually being applied in real life. Not like Moral....blek...

Ooh, I'd like to talk about the World Cup final! It's damn cool to sit in the house with 4 Netherlands supporters and to be the only Spain supporter! Especially when one of the Netherlands supporter for that night has been going on about Spain not having slightest chance to win the world cup since before the tournament started. I'm not going to mention names, but I'll give you a clue - Sylvester. =p

Oh oh oh! Remember my post about me never scoring goals with my head? I finally did it! I was playing futsal with my classmates on the ninth of last month, a couple days before the World Cup final. So, filled with Spanish passion that day, I scored not one, but TWO effing goals with my head! GAH!!! Machoness and sexiness!!! I felt like a baby just entering the world, filled with all this new feelings and emotions. You gotta admit, not many Malaysians can score goals with their heads. Hahaha...Yeah, I know, I like to syok sendiri in my blog.

Life so far apart from my studies are alright. Well, not everything's been alright. Somethings have just not gone the way I wanted them to and are way out of my control. =( But I'm a big boy, so I can handle it la. =)

Just completed my 1st Progress Test for all the papers. 3 and a quarter hours a paper can just suck the life right out of you. But, hey, what's life without some sacrifices? I'm gonna be a pro accountant when I graduate! Haha.

Oh yeah! Roy Hodgson! Haha. I seriously dunno why, of all people, him. Well, we just gotta see what happens to Arsenal next weekend! and and and! Joe Cole! YEAH! I've always liked Joe Cole, have always enjoyed watching him playing for Chelsea. For an Englishman, he has exceptionally awesome skills. So, cheers to Mr. Joe Cole for joining the best club in the world! =D

Not much else I wanna say. So here are some awesome pics from my sem break!

Shots on Broga Hill which we conquered together! Really had a great time with you people. The 3.30am meeting time. Naqash being late. The hike up. The picnic. The scenery. The camwhoring. The satay! Haha.

Taiping! Had a blast in the ever beautiful Lake Gardens. Filled my stomach with awesome Taiping laksa. And the dip at the waterfall was refreshing!

Dear readers, when life drags you down at times. Try doing this. I guarantee that you'd feel better. It's one of my best college friend's signature jump which he calls 'Jump for Joy'. =)

*photos stolen from Syn Dee and Dennis