I woke up at 7.30am. I couldn't go back to sleep. It's SPM results day...
I took a shower. Then went out to Brickfields to eat pork noodle 猪肉粉 with my papa (probably last time eating it before going to NS). Well, it's because I went there for breakfast before getting my PMR results. So I thought it would bring me luck going there for breakfast. I had no appetite...But I managed to finish my noodles.
I arrived at school at around 9.50am I guess...
Maxine was the first person to greet me other than the cadet juniors who ere on duty, they wished me luck, I thanked them. We sat at the canteen. Cik Ng had to spoil the suspense and go tell Hoe Yan she got straight As. Haha. Congrats to her!
So we then went to Arena Wira to get our results. I was so nervous, I didn't dare get in line. Everyone was so anxious and nervous and talkative. What an atmosphere...I waited for everyone to actually move away from the table then only I went to get my results. It was 10.50am when I got my results. Overall, I'm satisfied. It's just Physics that I'm not satisfied with. I thought I could get an A2 in Physics, a B3 might do just dandy. But I got an effing B4. AirAsia cadet pilot intakes require a minimum B3 for Physics...Sigh...
Our cadet won the sports day marching competition. Good for them. Congrats to them all for working hard.
I then came home when everyone else went straight to Mid Valley. Well, I had to apply for the cadet pilot intake with AirAsia as the application closing date falls on the 13th, which is tomorrow and I know I won't be able to enjoy myself in Mid Valley until I've submitted the application. AirAsia very sui one...Cannot send application through mail. Only apply online. So I came home and started laa...First, the computer restarted by itself for some reason. Then I had to upload my passport photo, they require a file size not more than 15kb. My passport photo was over 100kb. So I had to resize it. AirAsia was so nice, they provided a link to a website which resize any photo you want with an easy 3 steps instructions. So I follow the instructions, from 100 over kb....compressed to 16kb...damn frustrating...So I kept on trying, but it never got smaller than 15kb...Then I cannot tahan...I just simply click around...The only I remembered about Microsoft Office Picture Manager, which saved my life and finally made the photo size to 11kb! So step one finish. I had to complete a 5 page application procedure. I had to rewrite a new resume this and that. Call my mom over and over again when she's in office working, asking her questions about stuff I didn't understand. I really appreciate my mom for being so patient with me and so supportive of my dream to be a pilot.
A work which I thought I would have completed in 10 to 20 minutes turned out to be done in 2 hours so I could join you guys in MV at around 1pm but it was already 2.30pm. So I missed lunch while you all enjoy Nando's. Didn't have the appetite anyway =p

The mess I made after all the hassle of the application.

and finally...I was so happy...
My bro came back at 3.30pm. He fetched me there and I finally met up with the rest in Mid Valley at around 3.45pm. It was only in Mid Valley that I finally relaxed. Gowrie, Sheau Wei, Jia Wei, Ju Vern, Jason, Jun-Wen, Chuen Hoe, Lung Wang, Wai Zack. Seeing my friends memang cheered me up. Chee Soon finally joined us around 4.25pm. Would you believe it? I have been friends with Chee Soon ever since Form 2, but I've never seen him in Mid Valley before, he never participated in the outings we've organised, not until today. So Chee Soon, I really apprecaite you for showing up. Then, Wai Zack, Lung Wang, Chuen Hoe, Chee Soon and I were later joined by Chee Kong from his love escapade at 4.30pm just about when the movie was about to start. We watched Marley and Me. Ju Vern and Jason watched Slumdog Millionaire. Parted with Gowrie, Sheau Wei, Jia Wei and Jun-Wen who couldn't stay any longer. Probably the last time I'll see them before leaving for NS. After the movie, a few of us went for dinner at Little Penang where Dr Mahathir ate before.
Later, Chuen Hoe, Jason and Yoong Chieh just loiter around MV and Gardens eating ice-cream. Left at 9.30pm...
So, results. I'm sure everyone have their own thoughts. Congratulations to Ju Vern for scoring so many 1As and to the rest who've scored straight As and even to those who got A2 for EST, you know who you are. =) I really feel happy for you people and to those who aren't happy, well don't be, even if we're sad now, we can't change anything, so just chin up and look forward no matter how hard it is.