Showing posts with label get cape wear cape fly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label get cape wear cape fly. Show all posts

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Get Cape Right Click Save

In order to generate a hullabaloo around the new Get Cape Wear Cape Fly album, they've released a couple of remix tracks into the wild: The Shoes Remix of Waiting For The Monster To Drown and the Alex Mix of Find The Time. [They're hosted on ZShare, unfortunately.]

Monday, January 14, 2008

Duckworth blogs, boxes

Just joined the Guardian's music bloggers line-up: Sam Duckworth, or Get Cape Wear Cape Fly, if you'd prefer.

Apparently he's taken up boxing to get fit for the new year. David Cameron would be proud.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Indie fights the elements

Amongst the effects of the flooding, the loss of Truck Fest has left the organisers facing a loss and unable to make their usual donation to charity. The festival itself has been rescheduled to the weekend of the 23rd of September; before that, there's to be a benefit gig in Hoxton, including Get Cape Wear Cape Fly and a surprise superact.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

GlastOn TV: Cape, Killers, and a dodgy Cold War metaphor

Eventually, the BBC played out Babyshambles in full. With his busted voice, and ladyscarf dangling from his pocket, it was a bit like a 1970s Rod Stewart tribute act. We'd actually turned on to a different screen before Kate Moss turned up.

There was no Carl Barat on stage with Pete, and Pete didn't wander on during the Dirty Pretty Things set, either. It would be foolish to try and set the two performances up in some sort of competition with each other, but that's never stopped us. DPT were West Germany to Babyshamble's pre-unification East; you're always aware that, just as the West never lost the faith that one day Berlin would be restored at the seat of power, so Carl has a look in his eye that reunification might be a possibility, but for now, is reveling in the freedom, while Babysshambles feels like a grimmer place to be, where even the fun comes with a sense of predetermination. There is no negotiation; the party line is the only line.

Seriously: would you rather be bouncing up and down to You Fucking Love It, or hoping your smile looks genuine as Comrade Moss comes on to perform her part on La Belle?

Also, Pete: your penis looks horrible. Please, never go near TV cameras without putting underpants on, ever again. Thank you.

An even bigger fashion mistake was Patrick Wolf, who seemed to have come dressed like a Pinnochio doll from a pound shop.

And we're still not sure if the guy who was hanging round the front of the Get Cape Wear Cape Fly stage in a big red cape was a fan paying homage, a support crew member with a sense of humour, or simply enacting a Get Cape Wear Cape Steal Equipment plan. GCWCF was the highlight of yesterday evening, though - even incoporating a backdrop with a fairtrade message, which is the closest anyone's come to that much-touted "glastonbury radical spirit" we keep hearing so much about.

By contrast, The Killers had some sort of pile of dead antlers to balance their keyboards on. And, of course, they had fireworks at the end. Isn't it about time one of the headline acts could come up with a more interesting idea than just letting off a few small-scale explosions to mark the end of their set?

Iggy Pop's skin: it looks like it's made of the stuff that they used in the 1960s when fake leather technology had yet to advance to a point where it could manage to replicate the flexibility of cowhide.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Get tape. Roll tape. Try.

Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly. - the horribly unattractively named band (from a punctuation point of view) - is going back into the studio to finish off demos and work them into a new album. It's all due for an autumn release - and although no actual work has been done, there's apparently a name: Searching For The How's And Why's. More ugly punctuation, then.