Sunday, October 19, 2008

Twitter. Now with Spears.

Microblogging. Now it's, like, OMG, official or whatever, as Britney Spears comes to Twitter. And not just some bloke in his late thirties trussed up in a red pleather catsuit pretending to be Britney, this is The Real Britney. It even says so:

Bio: Yes! This is the real Britney Spears! We've got updates from her team, her website and yes, even Britney herself!

Without wanting to be too pedantic, if the updates are mostly coming from flunkies and people employed by flunkies, isn't the account, at best, more "The Real Britney from time to time".

This Tweet is slightly scary, too:
Welcome to the new! We're taking you where no paparazzi lens ever could with pics, vids and news from Britney herself

There are a couple of places we can think of that a paparazzi lens hasn't yet violated - although even then, given that she's dated a photographer, we're not sure about that - but surely nothing that she'd want online? It's not like she's Paris Hilton, is it?

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