In the Spring of 1970, I was exposed to Agent Orange in Viet Nam. That exposure ultimately led to cancer. I have had good doctors and various treatments the past few years. Actually, I have lasted a good five or six years longer than I had expected. Now the cancer is at Stage IV. Things have become difficult.
As soon as I can manage to do so, I am now planning to move back to Southeast Texas to live in an assisted living facility.
The last few months I have been unable to properly care for the cats, so Lola and Lucas are living permanently full-time with Ex. They are nicely settled in, so the cats are well-taken care of.
This is my last blog posting. I want to sincerely thank everyone who has visited here over the years. Your comments have always been the best thing here. In addition, I have had the honor and privilege to have met several of my blog friends in person. For all of that, I am extremely grateful.