Tuesday, April 22, 2008
new design coming
I'll be updating the design of our blog here in the next few weeks (after I graduate!) and I'm open to suggestions. Just leave a comment with what you'd like to see. Thanks.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
Getting Groovy in Idaho
This is just a little clip that we took on our way to Idaho Falls. Evelyn was sleepy and in a bit of a zone as you'll see.
Sunday, April 06, 2008

so this weekend was my frist dance! it was really fun i had a blast. well i dont have a lot of pictures of what i looked like so we will have to wait till the school ones come out! sorry, my bad. but here are some of our day date. we look kinda scary but it was my favorite part. we went ice blocking, had a huge cup cake war, water baloon fight, capture the flag, and we feed each other pudding backwards. sounds lame but it was so fun all the guys had fun getting messy. i took nathan smith. he is a jr. and really crazy fun guy. well theres not much to tell, oh for the dance it was sports. nathan and i went to goodwill and found matching male cheerleading outfits, there histarical. so we got them and they were only 1$ ( i wonder why) so thats how rediculous we looked but we had the bet outfit there. ( i cantwait for carter and blake to be big enough to try them on!and mybe enjoy something like cheer! haha)but anyways sorry again about the pictures i didnt do very good. oh and i am not gonna lie this picture on me and him isnt a very good one of him and me so ya.
Thursday, April 03, 2008
This one is for the Girls
mom, this one is just of the trip. let me know if you want anything changed.