Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Brrr it's cold

I said I was cold when I went outside to have pictures taken of my latest cardi....

Luckily my head is not shown as I was pulling some lovely faces...

Details are here

It was a nice and easy knit and didn't take that long to finish

The blue is some match maker I've had in the cupboard for years, and I still have four balls left. I have some in purple so that might be on the needles in the future...

Still no news on when Neil's house might go through all it's paperwork.

Today's challenge was to go to a charity shop and arrange for them to come and get some unwanted furniture. So next Wednesday morning I need to have stuff ready - sofa, small table, cupboard, and as many books as I can find, we just have the small problem of clearing the conservatory so that it can all be in the one place. Then I need to get agents round...

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Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Good, Bad & very ugly

This is something we have been waiting to see in a very long time !

Yes, a cash offer has been accepted.

No time scales yet.

I have a scary job of getting my house ready to sell....

I was asked to knit a Starsky and Hutch jacket for one of Neil's neighbours.

I didn't realise how much knitting was involved, or that he wanted it in horrid yarn (25% wool).

I think it is bad, there are far nicer patterns around that would have suited her a lot better...

And just to show my thoughts about it...

At least I got paid money, and got myself a present - similar to this but in their sale and in purple....

now I think I should go and start on the great clear out upstairs, and cast on something for me that is in wool !

These photos also make me realise just how much weight I need to loose......

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Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Such a Mess

This laptop is dying.
My new laptop that I got at the weekend wont connect (but I have managed to install the modem software - goodness only knows where the original disk is...but downloads work !)
I need to sit down with both of them and move things over (like you do) and I just know that it will take days...

I have decided to decorate two of my bedrooms and move all the craft stuff from the small one to the larger - this involves swapping furniture round and trying to get rid of a bed and other smaller things .. as a result the house is in even more of a mess than usual ( hard to believe I know..)

At the moment I have a bookcase on the landing with piles of books and boxes covering the floor - I need to try and finish the wall papering this morning so I can paint this evening. Tomorrow I might be able to get furniture moved to where it should be - I can see a slight problem moving a king size mattress by myself, but I do have a plan (and not terribly cunning).

So I might be gone a while, and hopefully will be in a better frame of mind when I return, ready to conquer the world or at least be able to find what I'm looking for and have floors that I can walk over without raising my knees all the time !!

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