Friday, February 1, 2013

Finally an update!!

7th Birthday!!!
Guitar lessons with Papa
The twins: Learned how to play the Guitar, finished off their soccer season with one loss, started reading Junie B books which they LOVE, lost 4 of their teeth last, got they long hair cut, danced aparima with the older girls in a luau, is getting better at bumping the volley, They turned 7 in Dec, sang in sacrament 3 times last year, performed for an old folks home during Christmas. Learned how to harmonize on their own(still working on it).

Teuila: Potty trained, Talking A LOT, 80 percentile for height and 50 for weight, knows her numbers, letters and colors, loves to EAT, enjoys all cartoons, plays puzzles and connect the dot on mommies phone, Turned 3 in November, Loves copying everything her sister do. Loves Lullabies but doesnt like nap or sleep time. Loves to figure things out herself, Very stubborn but love her so nuch!!

Pa'a: Still working as service coordinator, he is in the young mens presidency, lost 35lbs, still writting his screen plays and hopes to continue pursuing that dream. Has found a love for Reading all kinds of insipring books. Fav shows Riduculousness, ultimate fighter theres more... The Best daddy,  husband who is a hard worker and provider love love my man!!

Me: Well nothing very new with me, I did lose 30lbs but gained 10 back after christmas break, working on my sewing, Im the 5th sunday Relief society teacher, still a stay at home mom but thinking of either going back to school for a masters or looking for a job. Licensed as a CNA and enjoying life with my family.

Hope everyone is doing well!!! Love and Aloha


Monday, April 23, 2012


Lately Ive been feeling really guilty because I'm almost done with the last book of the Hunger games the mockingjay and I aint gonna lie, It has been very I finished the first two books in two days and let me just add that I am not really a reader. I hate to just sit and read when I could actually be up and doing something, but let me just say as much as I love watching reality shows I guess for the dramatic part I guess I also love reading these novels for It all started with the Twighlight books and when Im done with the Hunger games Im on to reading the HOST!! which I heard is veeerry goood...and then this summer my hubby told me there is another series coming out with 6 books and its suppose to be good...I forgot the title but when I remember Ill post on it. now to the guilty part...well its been so easy for me to pick up a novel and sit and read it all day that In the back of my mind, I keep thinking "Don't ever sit and read novels, when I dont even read the Scriptures" GUILTY...GUILTY..GUILTY.. kind of sad but ive ignored that feeling for awhile and now that im almost done with mockingjay I just needed to take the guilt away. So Im happy to say that as of today I started to Read the Book of Mormon...well not actually read but I wake up in the morning and I turn on the audio scriptures on my comp and have it on while I get breakfast for the kids and start my day, I turn it up loud enough so that I can hear it even if im not sitting right in front of the comp. I also plan on downloading it to my ipod so that if im in the car on the go, I listen to the scriptures while I there, no guilty feeling for me anymore and it feels good...If you havent read the Hunger games trilogy yet do it, its very interesting..I'll haft to do another post on my thoughts on the movie, let me just say that "reading the book is better than watching the movie"..