April 4, 2013, Isabella's 5th Birthday.
She wakes up and comes into the kitchen. I greet her with a hug and wish her a happy birthday. I ask her if she feels different and she shouts, "yes!" but can't think of a reason why. I tell her its time to get dressed for preschool. I notice as she is picking out her clothing, that she is looking at each label making sure they are marked with a "5T". She is five now, she must wear the correct size clothing.
Another thing I suddenly notice--she is calling me "mommy". Overnight I went from being "mama" to "mommy". I don't like it. The tone, the inflection--it reeks of Caillou, which she has suddenly taken an interest in watching again.
Caillou is a PBS cartoon, about a four year old boy, named Caillou, who calls his mom, "mommy". Cailou is also a whiner. He cries. He laughs at things that aren't funny. He's always called on by the teacher in his preschool class and always has the right answer. I noticed in Isabella's last Caillou phase that there was a direct correlation between the amount of Caillou-watching and the increase of whining that occurred in our house. But it's not a bad show, and she loves it. I try to convince Isabella that now that she is five, she doesn't need to watch a show about a four year old--how could she possibly relate to someone so---young? But my efforts are squashed, and my new name "mommy" sticks. I'll find some way to live with it.
At five, Isabella is curious. She asks a lot of questions, but they are not typical "why" questions. They are "how" questions. She wants to know how everything is made. Mostly she asks Mark, and mostly Mark can distill everything made, to two things: rocks and dinosaurs. It goes something like this:
"Daddy, how are hoses made?"
"Well, hoses are made of rubber. Rubber comes from petroleum. Petroleum comes from dead dinosaurs, SO hoses are made from dinosaurs."