Saturday, March 23, 2024

I Left My Heart in San Francisco

 By the time Spring Break rolled around, we were really ready for a vacation. It kind of snuck up on me though, and when the plane landed at SFO we still weren't sure what we were going to do for our day in San Francisco. 


Now with attitude!

We flew over some really beautiful scenery!

I don't know why but the image of the pregnant woman really cracked me up.

After deplaning, we were separated headed to the tram so Brent had Liesel and Gita while I had Ireland and Sydney. My group made it to the rental car area first- but partly because Brent double backed trying to find us.

Initially we thought we'd climb Coit Tower but a quick Google search told us that was closed. Instead, we figured why not visit the Seven Sisters? It was raining a bit but hey, we knew there was a park across the street. We never could have imagined this would result in a rainbow over the city which was the perfect photo op!

Instead of needing a break from photos to go play at the park, the girls are in their selfie stage and they were so happy to just snap away. Both Liesel and Ireland now have their own cameras and they were having the time of their life capturing this iconic view.

Sydney was still interested in the park and how did I not realize they have replica painted ladies rooftops? This just gave me all the feels.

You know the girls are having a fantastic time when Brigitta and Sydney want to take a sister pic together!

Sydney really wanted to check out Lombard Street which wasn't too far away. Having driven that one many times, I didn't want to maneuver the huge rental minivan down those switchbacks. We agreed to park and walk it instead. Here's how it looked on the GPS:

I'm a fan of walking. The drive is over pretty quickly but you can really take in the homes and the view when you walk (rather than practically standing on the brake and cranking the wheel back and forth). 

We were able to appreciate the flowers and little signs like this one:

Going back up was not quite as enjoyable. That hill is a young man's game! At the top we were met by a cable car and had to quickly snap a photo with another iconic view.
Right after this picture, Gita almost darted across the street and there was a car coming from the other direction. I berated her and told her to at least wait until the car hit the two people beside us who were also trying to cross. They overheard me and gave me a funny look so I explained we are from Chicago, don't take it personally. The man smiled and said, "Ha, we're from France." We both laughed and it honest to goodness made me like French people!

We figured why not drive over the Golden Gate Bridge but en route passed by the Palace of Fine Arts and decided we absolutely had to stop. It just so happens we turned around at a yacht club with a fantastic view of the Golden Gate bridge. So we snapped some pictures of the bridge...

...then double backed to get photos with the Palace of Fine Arts all lit up as the sky grew dark. It was probably here that the crime in San Francisco was most apparent. Not because it looked particularly dangerous, but because there were a lot of signs warning you not to leave your belongings in plain view in your car. Sydney and Gita were getting tired so they stayed in the car while we snapped more photos. 

Finally we made our way across the Golden Gate Bridge and took in the view of the bay. 

After the sister photo, Sydney and Gita again tapped out. On our way to the hotel, we stopped at Jack in the Box in Castro Valley and tried all kinds of hot sauce which was random, but a lot of fun. Everyone was pretty ravenous by that point and we all slept HARD! We had such a fantastic day in San Francisco and I didn't plan a thing. 

Thursday, February 29, 2024

February Tid Bits

We don't give the girls an allowance but we provide opportunities for them to earn money, like memorizing a quote. I heard this one on The Crown- the character of Margaret Thatcher recites it to the Queen. Brigitta was the first to get it and eventually everyone got it!

My seminary teacher taught us that angels are very special and every time we come across them, we needed to circle the word in red and highlight it. It's a happy little reminder when I open my scriptures,

Someone didn't proofread the email to parents carefully enough and it made me laugh.

Sydney was really excited for Valentine's Day. She mustered the courage to tell her crush she likes him.

 He told her he just sees her as a friend. She was completely devastated and Brent scooped her up and told her he'd had his heart broken too and knew how much it hurts. She sobbed and sobbed and sobbed. 

I did a Bible quiz with the girls and it was Ireland's turn to give it a go. What is the first word of the Bible? In, it, Back or First?

Ireland thought it might be Back as in, "Back in my day..." Haha! Liesel actually did quite well thanks to her years of seminary.

Some sunrises during my morning walks!

Even though the trees look so bare, the glow of the sky looks so warm and inviting!

There was a trend of asking your significant other to give you a peeled orange (because girls don't want to get the rind in their fingernails) and see how he reacts. Lots of men would ask why or complain. I tried it with Brent and he immediately brought me a bowl of peeled oranges- without thinking twice. I got a good one!

Also trending were many videos showing dads watching the 2023 Super Bowl alone and then watching the 2024 Super Bowl with wives and daughters- thanks to Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce. It really was fun to see the girls so invested in something Brent has enjoyed for years.

I created Bingo cards for them and Ireland was the first to get it!

Speaking of fathers, now and again I have nightmares about my own. I dreamed he pulled a 10' snake (that was also an iguana) from his eye socket. He just said, "Huh, I guess I felt a little pressure back there!" 

Another great quote. Brent insisted on this one and it was really a beast for everyone to memorize. They got it though and I'm glad they have this one in their brain somewhere. 

I was in the powder room while Gita was coming down the stairs. 
Gita: Where's Mom?
Me: *just as she walks by* RIGHT HERE!!!!

LOL- she had the best scream.

First bike ride of the season!

Listening to the Office Ladies podcast, I learned the song Closing Time by Semisonic was written by a band member who had a baby girl prematurely. The song is about her finally being released from the hospital a year after her birth. I immediately re-listened to the song and started sobbing. I know who I want to to take me home references her parents- who finally get to take her home!

Sydney was invited to a party at Color Me Mine!

Then she received her latest build box from Crunch Labs. Best Christmas present ever!

Me: How come you have so much sarcasm in your body?
Ireland: I dunno, where would I learn that from? *smacks lips*

The CTR ring on my right hand was tight- REALLY tight and I was getting worried about the fact I couldn't get it off. For days I tried putting my hand in ice water, using different lubricants and just constantly tugging on it- to no avail. I tried calling two different jewelers and was told by both I should go to my local fire department. So in a moment of desperation I did. 

When I told the fireman who answered the door I had a ring stuck, he acted like they get people dropping by for this a few times a day. I was taken into the vehicle where they tried the "floss" method first: looping floss through the ring, then tightly wrapping it around the finger moving towards the tip. In theory, you should be able to pull on one end of the floss and unravel it while the rest of the floss is keeping your finger tight. That didn't work- my ring was stuck on there but good.

They pulled out the little tool to slowly saw through my ring and at long last, it was free from my hand. I was so relieved! In the middle of all this they had to call me in with those shoulder walkie-talkie things. "We have a female, white... middle aged, with a ring stuck on her finger." So embarrassing! I mentioned to them how local jewelers told me this was the best place to go and they exchanged looks. I guess a lot of issues get thrown to the Fire Department. 

Once it was off, I took the ring to a jeweler to have it repaired and resized which ended up costing $200- about what my parents paid for the ring when I graduated from high school. I think I was a little traumatized because honestly the ring is now a little too big.

Not exactly my fireman fantasy, but I'm so grateful to the Crystal Lake Fire Department!

Wednesday, February 07, 2024

Spirit Squad

 Brigitta had a lot of fun in Spirit Squad this year. 

Even though her older sister was one of the coaches. Spirit Squad is for 6th graders and is a much less intense version of a typical dance team. As a parent it was rather nice to have them in the same place at the same time- it definitely simplified pickup! And ordering those hoodies- Ireland's was supposed to not just have her name but say "Coach" on the back but there was some kind of mix up. 

They both had a lot of fun spending time with friends and flexing their dance skills a bit!

Friday, February 02, 2024

Rain and Powder Photo Shoots

I've been a big fan of local photographer Ron McKinney for a while, so when I found out he was doing a special for his rain and powder shoots, it was a no-brainer to sign the girls up for a group session. I agonized what would look best and decided to keep outfits simple- it's really the way he catches the movement. 

He and his son were fantastic! They had music and when each of the girls finished their portion they clapped for them and the whole experience was truly an experience. They had posters with suggested poses and it ran so efficiently and I am crazy happy with the results! 

 You can see how he takes a really brief moment and captures it so well!

To get this shot he layered 4 individual photos and I am obsessed with it!

A week later we were back for the powder session and Gita was ready to get down and dirty for that! I thought it might be cute to get a shot from behind with all the different types of leotard backs

When they finished, they all booped each other's noses with some chalk

We all had so much fun and the results were just incredible. 

I'm so glad I have these photos!!!

Liesel actually came up with this pose and I love it!