Saturday, July 13, 2024

Youth Conference

After Youth Conference, Ireland was asked to give a talk giving a recap so I'm going to intersperse her words with the fabulous photos Bishop snapped.

This year’s youth conference was short and sweet but still impactful on me. We spent two days at Trinity College taking classes, dancing, playing games, ang getting to know other youth. Youth Conference was actually a little shorter for me and Liesel because my mom got caught in a meeting at work so we arrived late. We wandered around campus for a bit trying to find the group. We turned a corner and there was Brother and Sister Pollack and we immediately knew everything would be ok. Brother Pollack took our luggage and Sister Pollack showed us where lunch was so we could jump in. Everyone had left but Sister Plott hung out with us. I’d like to take a moment to express gratitude for our ward family and our youth leaders. 

The rest of the day was filled with team building and classes conducted by Bishops. One of the team building activities involved a really long jump rope. From the outside it may seem simple to get about 20 people to jump over a giant jump rope at the same time, but believe me it requires alingning many hearts and minds into one. We actually didnt get it until several people had left the jump rope but we did get it. Like any good youth conference, day 1 ended with a dance. You should be very proud of your Crystal Lake Young Women and Young Men for knowing how to own a dance floor. I think everyone slept pretty well that night.


On the second day we had some more classes including my personal favorite, cooking. In my group, I learned how to make egg fried rice YUM and I got to crack the eggs. We also got to try the other stations foods. They were delicious. 

The team building that day was playing volleyball. I’d like to note our family is a dance family and not a sports family. Every January during the stake volleyball tournament, Liesel and I basically go to just cheer on Corinna and her friends who win us the tournament every year. This might explain the pictures Bishop caught of Liesel trying to cope with a volleyball flying at her face.

Our final classes focused more on the Strength of Youth Guidebook. There was a lot of great discussion about this inspired document. In one of the classes we talked about the Make Inspired Choices section and how Jesus can help us, but ultimately we are the ones to make decisions.

I think the testimony meeting is something that at the beginning of youth conference not many people are looking forward to but by the end of it, it only makes sense. A LOT of youth shared their testimonies. No awkward pauses waiting for someone to go next and they were great testimonies. It was a really great experience.

I know there is a lot that goes into planning and executing these youth conferences. I’m sure every person there had something else to do. Bishop probably had to put his family history work on hold but I’m so grateful for everyone who made the sacrifice to be there. It had a deep impact on my life and I’m really grateful for my experiences there. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Sunday, June 02, 2024

Dance Recital

 This year's dance recital was bittersweet because it's the last time I get to see Liesel in Lyrical or Hip Hop. Coming in to her Junior year of High School, she really has to prioritize her time and she's found a great group of friends in the Choir/Madrigal/Musical world. There are only so many hours in a day so moving forward, she is only going to do Ballet and Pointe. I knew she wouldn't be in dance forever, but I wasn't quite prepared for this to be her last performances in those dance styles. Tempus fugit! 

Our kind bishop came to one of the performances and took incredible pictures of the entire family. I'm so grateful to him for sacrificing the time and sharing his talents. If you see amazing pictures- they are his. If you see blurry ones, that was done with my iPhone. Without further ado, here are the highlights from this year's show:





 Check out Gita's little solo at 0:40! Swagger for DAYS!!! She was so excited about that part and told me repeatedly to look for it. 



Ireland's costume came from Amazon rather than a dance costume supplier who require measurements. It was really loose. I had to essentially deconstruct the seams around that belt and sew it back together again but it was totally worth it because it snatched Ireland's waist and actually stayed buckled throughout the dance. 




This number was kind of the nail in the coffin for Liesel. These costumes are borrowed from the studio and there weren't enough smalls so Liesel often had to wear a large, which for her frame, was really large and she was uncomfortable. Between some mean girl behavior and a leak which left a costume wet, with more mean girl behavior, Liesel was pretty done. Competition and attitude can be unfortunate side effects of the dance industry. 


As always, this number brought down the house and Brent had a lot of fun participating. Apparently there was some drama during the final show when one of the dad's was found rip-roaring drunk in his car in the parking lot. Other dads tried to sober him up and he made it through the number but passed out during final bows.


This was Liesel's first year assisting and they took a moment to recognize her. During Final Bows she walked out with her classes. It was cute to see all the little dancers she's worked with giving her hugs. During the final class before recital, one teacher was reminding the class to be sure to have their hair done so it doesn't fall out and Liesel mentioned her mom does her hair with so many different bobby pins to keep it in place. One girl quizzically asked, "You have a mom?" Another said, "Yeah, I thought you were a mom!" At the start of one performance, a little girl saw her family and started running off the stage. Liesel quickly grabbed her and brought her back in line and everyone chuckled, gasped and then laughed at that. 

She really has a knack with children- especially little girls.

I love watching my girls dance! This is my happy place.

Ireland's knee has flared up for years and it really became a problem during the final performance. She couldn't walk on it anymore and Brent had to carry her to the car like this. 

I love these girls so much and I'm glad we are a dance family- especially now it's become clear we won't always be drowning in dance shoes, costumes and tights. This is a special time in our lives that I want to hold on to as long as possible!