Thursday, April 02, 2020

Liesel is TWELVE!

"Wait 'till they're teenagers. Your poor husband!"

I can't count how many times I've been told this by strangers about my daughters- many times right in front of them. While I remember the ups and downs of my own teen years, I'm not calling it in just yet. In any case, we have one more year before entering that world and from where I sit, it's not the utter apocalypse everyone hints at. 

 As Liesel has grown up, our conversations have deepened. When she asks me about my day, she really wants to know about it. She remembers what I've said and brings it up in later conversations. Her concerns about this world are branching out (and yes, who's wouldn't when we are all in lockdown?). It's not just me either, her aunts have mentioned really enjoying spending time with Liesel when they've visited. 

I love Liesel's commitment to dance as well as how sweet she is to her little sisters. Watch how she coaches Sydney through this song. Caveat emptor- Ireland was recording so it's pretty wobbly.

Then she turned around and did the same for Brigitta. Even Ireland gets bored (you can hear her yawn). It can't be easy being the oldest. We default to Liesel when we need someone to be responsible and she has to try everything first, with little to no frame of reference. Liesel bears it beautifully.

For her birthday, Liesel received a new bike and an American Girl doll. Those gifts perfectly encapsulate this stage of life for her. One the one hand, she is ready and yearning for more independence. She's always looking for ways to earn money and wants to be with her friends and wants my input on hair and clothing choices less and less. On the other, she's still young and I hope she doesn't waste this year just longing for the day when she can be older than she is.

Childhood is fleeting, I tell her. You're an adult for most of your life. Enjoy this time to just be a kid.

Happy Birthday Liesel! I can't wait to see what this year brings.