Thursday, September 26, 2019

Orange Ruler Fun Run

The Fun Run is the elementary school's biggest fundraiser. Usually it's in the spring but this year they moved it up to the fall. Initially I was a little concerned the Fun Run would bump into back to school expenses but the school wagered a friendly competition with another school in our district. Nothing wrong with a little healthy competition, right? Especially when in the end we raised over $30,000 which was well above the goal. 

The different grade levels run at different times so basically I'm there all afternoon. It was one of those end-of-summer-beginning-of-fall days where the sun was hot but there was a nip in the air. I froze while getting a sunburn. The girls did fantastic and they had a lot of fun.

Ireland was wearing the exact same shirt as another girl in her class. The funny thing about that is her shirt is a hand-me-down from a neighbor. It's not until I see the girls around other kids that I realize how short they are. Hmmm...

 Brigitta was excited to wear her Safety Village shirt again! Oh the joys of being in the orange group!!!

Not long after the Fun Run, we received this email from her P.E. teacher.
During recess the kids can choose to participate in Mileage Club and run around the track by the playground. As they rack up miles, they get charms to add to a cord they can wear around their neck. Brigitta is proud as punch about her cord! Before the Fun Run, I just assumed she racked up the miles because she always put in the time- she does Mileage Club every chance she gets. Turns out she's quite the little runner! She has a pretty swift pace going which made me excited to do Girls on the Run with her when she's old enough.

Sydney's class garnered the highest donations so her teacher won a $100 Amazon gift card. Not bad, eh? I brought our big, red cowbell to ring while the girls ran. It's really loud so I didn't use it too much but even so, the most adorable little kindergartner from Sydney's class came up to me and said, "Could you please... just stop... with the bell?" I almost burst out laughing because she must have learned to speak like that from a parent and her little face was so serious.

The classes with the top donations get to participate in the pig race. Not actual pigs, little, plush mechanical ones the class gets to decorate and name. It sounds simple but man those kids get into that race! Here's Sydney in the middle of it, cheering her little heart out.

 I'll admit, I was skeptical, but it's really nice to have the biggest fundraiser of the school year behind us now! The middle school sent home a donation slip letting us opt out of fundraisers entirely. I think they prefer straight up cash anyway because there's no overhead or fees to cover. We filled that envelope pretty quickly. I get the need for fundraising, I do. But with so many kids in school it can be a lot! Now we are done!

Friday, September 20, 2019

School Photos

Even though I got matching shirts (aren't they cute!), somehow I missed the boat on ordering the actual school photos. Liesel had already left for middle school, so I did manage to snap this one of he youngest three and I'm absolutely in love with this picture. 

Picture day also happened to be the day Ireland's glasses came in. I ran them right over to the school knowing she would be super excited to be able to SEE for once instead of spending her day squinting at the board.
You can see her curls deflated quite a bit, but she was super happy to get her glasses!

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Like Learning to Ride a Bike

Confession: we did not teach any of our daughters to ride a bike. A little girl who lives next door taught the oldest 3 and Liesel decided to take Sydney under her wing this fall. It's not that we didn't try, it's just that it didn't work. We gave them sound instruction, we practiced patience like Job,  but in the end they were frustrated, scared and plain belligerent. Nothing clicked. 

Somehow that little girl was able to inspire and motivate our girls in a way we couldn't. In a way it makes sense, I guess. When your parents teach you, you're still a little kid but when a kid younger than you teaches, you're suddenly the oldest kid who still doesn't know how to ride a bike. 

Liesel took such pride in teaching Sydney. Listen to her tirelessly urge her to, "Keep peddling, keep peddling!" I think Sydney really wanted to belong so she worked hard to get the hang of it.

Liesel showered her with accolades and well, Sydney ate that up too. 

Just like that, all of our girls know how to ride a bike!