Saturday, July 30, 2016

High Adventure

I've sat down to write about High Adventure so many times and found myself unable to even start. When I was in Young Women as a teen, High Adventure was THE pinnacle event for me. I'd heard they used to have them in this ward but the tradition had died out. When I was called as YW President, re-upping that tradition was at the top of my agenda. Many people told me about the problems with getting support behind one. Luckily, we had hard-working girls for our fundraiser and our bishop was completely supportive of the idea. I also have fantastic counselors who can move mountains if they want to.

Grocery shopping with my 1st and 2nd counselor. Love these ladies!
As we loaded equipment, what was a bit of rain turned into a torrential downpour. My 2nd counselor Annie had promised me the only reason I didn't love camping is because I hadn't gone with her. After being drenched (and I mean DRENCHED), I felt a little cheated this wasn't quite the fun and games she had promised me.

We made it up to Door Co., WI but I kid you not, there were times it was raining sideways. I have never, in my entire life, seen a storm like that one. Eventually, we all made it there in one piece, and the adventure began in earnest.

I can't say enough about the Mia Maids and Laurels who came. Not one whiner or slacker in the bunch. Often I would look up from what I was doing to find a girl asking me what she could do to help.

It seems all outdoor things in Wisconsin are run by young guys who look like they do weed as much as possible. Our itinerary had to be rearranged, and rearranged and the girls just went with the flow.

We were going to do walking tacos and then realized we'd forgotten a pan to heat up the meat and beans. One of the girls pointed out it could still be eaten since it was cooked, so they just ate it cold. No one complained, no one said "that's disgusting" and just chewed on some carrot sticks, every girl just ate cold walking tacos.

I'm not much of a camper. I like s'mores, but that's pretty much it. My 2nd counselor Sarah single-handedly took care of the agenda and booked everything. Two priesthood members are required for something like this and she took care of that as well. Annie took charge of the equipment needs and showed me the ropes (sometimes literally). I basically just showed up.

These photos are my absolute favorite. I told the girls they were all being too good a sports about everything and I wanted a bratty teenager photo. They all pulled a face but one just couldn't so she put her head down in a failed attempt to stop laughing. That got another one laughing and then photo after photo was ruined. Then the rest of the girls started legitimately getting annoyed.

We never did quite get it, and that is the best part.

Hiking was on the itinerary, but we stopped to skip rocks across the lake which for some odd reason was crazy fun. It's funny what kind of conversations are had along a trail, you know? I'll never forget some of those talks.

We actually went kayaking twice. Once was over a sunken ship which was beautiful and eerie all at once. The second time was on our last day and I was so sleep deprived, just about everything was hysterically funny. Even thinking about it makes me smile.

Headed back to camp one night the sun was setting over the lake and everyone just pulled over to watch. This picture makes me want to hug those girls to death. It was such an amazing time! Such amazing girls! Seriously, there just are no words.

Turns out everyone on the planet but me has been zip-lining. After climbing up to that tall, tall platform and looking down onto the tops of the trees, my own mortality hit me like brick and I begged to be let down. Everyone but Sarah had already gone and the guide did NOT inspire confidence! With his drug teeth and nonchalant attitude, I didn't trust him for a second when he told me it would be ok. The line wasn't even the thickness of my pinkie, and all I had was a carabiner to keep me from falling to my death. I knew for certain I could not jump off that platform.

The young women were starting to notice there was a holdup and Annie was trying to encourage me on. My whole body was shaking as I stammered that I had children and a mortgage and I really, really, really needed to live so please just let me down. I'll never forget Sarah looking me in the eye and telling me she had kids and a mortgage too and promising me it would be ok. I took the leap, screamed like a little girl, and on the next platform our two priesthood representatives were waiting to catch me.

Being YW President at this time in my life can be a lot to shoulder. My kids are still little. The need for Sunday lessons and activities every week can be exhausting. I love interacting with the young women, but I feel like I don't get to do it enough and I find myself frustrated with my lack of time. However, I kind of fell in love with my calling as YW President out there. It was hard to imagine doing anything else in that moment. Again, there are just no words.

Once we returned from Door Co., WI, I couldn't stop repeating, "We did it!" Something that hasn't been done in decades in this ward is now a recent memory. I really hope High Adventures can become a permanent tradition from now on. They are so great!

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Christine's Fairy Garden

Last summer Christine invited us over to her house so the girls could visit her fairy garden. I didn't really know what that entailed, but once we had a chance to explore her acres, the girls and I fell in love. This summer, I unabashedly invited ourselves over to do it again. The place is just so magical, and Christine is one of the dearest people on the planet.
Sadly, I don't have many pictures because like the girls, I was running around exploring. The fairy garden is among trees which have little disco balls strung among them. Even in the shade, there are twinkling lights everywhere. Little bells at the entrance are to announce your presence (some fairies are shy), and then there are fairies everywhere! It's so fun to find them hidden among the flora and fauna. Christine also has a koi pond where the girls get to feed the fish, a "Froggy Corner" and a tepee. I think she knows everything there is to know about gardening, and her land is just beautiful.

Some of the adorable creatures in Froggy Corner.

This year, Christine outdid herself. She started out with games for the girls. They had a marshmallow race and once Sydney ran her marshmallow down to the end, she promptly ate it- along with a couple more from her opponent's bucket. After the games, they broke into teams for a scavenger hunt. Clues were all over the gardens, some even pinned up in the trees. At the end, each of the girls found their own adorable apron Christine made for them. Here they all are in their different aprons.

 The girls had so much fun, they didn't want to leave. 

 Christine was the fairy queen but just before we left, she let Ireland wear her cloak.

I'll have to get more photos next year, since Christine has already mentioned doing it again. I love that the girls get to experience a place with so much whimsy and imagination. It makes me want to create a fairy garden of our own!

Monday, July 11, 2016

Lake Michigan Love

I wasn't sure if we'd be able to do Lake Michigan this year. It's basically solid construction between here and downtown Chicago. Brigitta seems intent on drowning herself and it's nigh impossible to keep tabs on her and Sydney at the same time. Even thinking about it made me tired. Then my counselor mentioned she was overwhelmed with her obligations for Girl's Camp and I immediately plotted to take her two girls so sweet Rose could help me with the little ones. They'd never been to Lake Michigan so it was a win-win-win.

Even though prepping beach bags, lunches and actually getting to the shore is a process, the girls love, love, love it! It's amazing to me how some sand and water can keep them entertained for hours on end. There were at least a dozen kids just digging a hole in the sand. There's a simplicity to the beach that is beautiful.

Bubbles are a must for us when we go to the beach. It's always fun to see them blow away and then watching kids waaaay down the shore catch them. This might sound cheesy, but it kind of brings us closer to our fellow beach-goers as they shout for us to blow more. We will always have bubbles at the beach!

For whatever reason, photos always turn out beautifully at Lake Michigan. The water is clear and even 30 or 40 yards out, it only goes up to my hip. There are some gentle waves but nothing overwhelming for little ones.

My beach babes. 

Brigitta really enjoyed this trip. Again, the simple joy of just splashing around in the water is so perfect.

Brigitta informed me there are mermaids in Lake Michigan and she is one of them. Inevitably, the girls ask when we can go back the moment we've left. As exhausted as I am at the end of the day, I can't help but think about it too. Although we don't do it often, Lake Michigan is one of the best parts about living in the greater Chicago area.