Monday, August 31, 2015

First Day of School

First was Liesel on August 27th. The weather had turned a tad cool (it's the midwest, it happens) so she needed her jacket. Liesel herself was also cool as a cucumber, not a bit phased by the new school year. 

Our sweet bus driver Ron had to remind her to stop and turn around so I could get a quick photo. She was ready to run onto that bus without looking back.

Next was Ireland on August 28th. She was clearly nervous and inwardly I was grateful she'd at least be with Liesel on the bus and then see her now and again around school. I was always relieved to get a smile from my older siblings when it was me at that age anyway!

See the name tag they gave us at Meet the Teacher hanging around her neck? Ireland also wanted a special hairdo for the big day. She said a lot of people commented on how long it is.

Finally, finally, FINALLY was Brigitta on August 31! I adore how her little foot is turned in a bit as she poses for her official picture.
 She could probably fit inside that backpack!
No bus for Gita but I don't think she minded so much... she just wanted her shot at school! After I dropped her off, I noticed half a dozen parents peeking in the windows and one mother openly cried in the parking lot when her daughter walked in without so much as a "Bye Felicia!" over her shoulder. Sydney and I made a beeline to the car to run a couple of quick errands and the owner noted our drop off was fast. I can't help it, Brigitta was SO ready!

At Meet the Teacher, Mrs. Gardner (formerly Miss Barth who happened to be Liesel's teacher in first grade last year) gave me this. It's tea, a tissue and a cotton ball and the note is so very sweet. 

I have to take a moment to talk about shopping for school supplies this year... because I didn't do any! At the end of school last year, Liesel came home with a flyer for a company that puts everything together for you and delivers it to the school for a flat fee. We decided to try it and *choirs of angels* it has changed my life. At Meet the Teacher, Liesel and Ireland's big box of supplies was waiting at their desk, ready to go. No lists, no endless trips to Target, no checkout lines, no whining about who gets the purple folder and who gets the pink notebook, it was one and done. I'm a believer. I should probably buy stock in that company now...

We're excited for the knowledge, friends and adventure a new school year will bring!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Ode to Aunt Jules

We were spoiled to have Aunt Julie visit for two whole weeks! Since our summer started out with a visit from Aunt Katrina, it was the perfect bookend. Most of the time she helped me manage the general chaos, but near the end we were finally able to go out, explore and really have some fun. Then again, anything with Julie is fun...

Julie got a record number of likes when she posted this on Facebook. We were at a play-date and she came across this Merida wig and tried it on Sydney. I smile every time I look at this picture. 
Back when Brent and I were hashing out the summer budget, I told him I really wanted to take Julie and the girls to the MOSI. When I paid for the tickets, I realized just a bit more would get us a year membership (and oh how I miss having a membership!). Brent okayed it, Julie kept the girls entertained in the gift shop and I returned our tickets. We love the MOSI. Best museum ever.
Astronaut Liesel
Astronaut Ireland
Astronaut Gita
 I checked and re-checked the weather for the day we planned to go to Lake Michigan. It was supposed to have early morning scattered showers and then clear up. As we got closer and closer to our favorite beach, it started sprinkling again and I worried the whole thing would be a bust. However, as soon as we laid out our beach towels, a line dividing the blanket of clouds and the clear blue sky passed over us. The cool, rainy weather gave way to sunny warmth with a slight breeze. Even better, the beach was relatively empty so we had lots of room (unusual for this time of year). It was a picture perfect beach day!
It warms the cockles of my heart to see my girls so happily playing with each other.
The beach was right up Brigitta's alley. She didn't want to go too far into the cold water which worked perfectly for Julie and I as we kept an eye on the girls.
Julie requested Sydney wear this swimsuit. Normally I'm against two piece bikinis on little girls but there is no way this one is in any way overtly sexual. It manages to show off her baby chub in the most adorable way.
This California girl is no stranger to the beach scene.
Gita played and dug in the sand like this most of the time. How she managed to squat that low and balance for hours on end is still a mystery to me.

Two things I always, ALWAYS take to the beach are the pinwheel we've had since Boston (can't remember where it originally came from), and bubbles. Typically, I plant the pinwheel at a corner of our beach towel, but Sydney was too fascinated to leave it there for long.

There's just something about bubbles at the beach! The way they float over the water and sand is so cheerful.
Love taking pictures of this girl!
The girls found some friends on the beach who made this little baby pool for Sydney. They kept getting more water and pouring it in for her and let me tell you, Sydney was in heaven. I wasn't quite so happy when I changed her out of her swim diaper and discovered the layer of sand in there, but I'm glad she had a good time!
I've watched this over and over. It makes me laugh every time!

I love this photo Julie took. I was kneeling in the water, encouraging Sydney to try it out. When she let go of her fear, she was so very happy. You can tell I'm still pretty protective of her by holding her close but this is a big step in trying something new and daring for her. The fact that my hoodie which says "Life is Good" happens to be in the corner is just so perfect. 
For Julie's final day, we headed out early and visited Cloud Gate aka The Bean. It's such a great place for pictures and believe me, Julie had put in her time helping out with the girls.
Oh I love my girls!
Lucky for us, Aunt Julie loves them too!
It's not exactly a jungle gym, but The Bean provides just as much entertainment.
Ireland would find time to snuggle with Julie whenever she could. Such a cuddly girl!
Gita looking up into the inside. Hats off to her, since I can't do it without getting vertigo.
A super selfie: Me taking a picture of Julie taking a picture of herself and her reflection.
How cute is she?
Really, we are all Team Jules around here.
Thanks to Brent, we were able to swing by Ditka's and pick up an order of their fabulous pot roast nachos as we headed to the airport. I kept telling myself it was for JULIE and to keep my hands off... but I couldn't help myself. As I navigated traffic, I took chip after chip loaded with insanely delicious yummyness. 
We are really campaigning to make a visit from Julie an annual event. She's such a go-along, get-along type of person and we had so many great conversations. I know I keep saying this, but I'm SO grateful for the village of friends and family these girls have. Julie manages to love them but be reasonable about them too. The girls don't get away with much around her which I appreciate as a mother. Julie also has a thing about crumbs under the kitchen table so my floors were magically swept all the time. We all miss you Jules!!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


It's been a summer and looking back, I'm glad it's drawing to a close with so many memories to cherish. Some happenings around our little corner of the world:

Sydney gives "double stuft" new meaning

Brent is outed as the real troublemaker in this family.

For whatever reason, Sydney was in love with that bike helmet that day. She'd take it off and put it back on. She just looked so cute!

Love that girl!

We've had a lot of great library days. The girls get so excited to get a new stack of books. The DVD player in the car becomes second banana as the girls delve into them and everyone (Syndey included) falls asleep with a book in hand. It makes me crazy happy.

On this trip Sydney happened to be wearing her Eric Carle butterfly shirt. Had to snap a photo!

Sydney enjoying the dollhouse on another library day.

Liesel was asked to participate in a study on race at the University of Chicago. She was asked to identify her race from a list and she thoughtfully examined the list before announcing she was Pacific Islander. My blonde-haired, blue eyed, cream cheese white daughter told an Asian and Latino researcher she was Pacific Islander. Stunned, they looked at me for an explanation and I just didn't have one. In the car, I asked her why she selected that one and she reasoned that she thought the Pacific Ocean was near Florida where Disney World is and she really wants to go to Disney. Whatever the point of that study was, I'm sure we failed miserably. 

I asked Brigitta to take a picture of me. Here is a fantastic shot of my right leg.

I love how she easily takes a step up, and has to get on all fours to get back down.

 A pretty profile.

Oh how we miss the Funks! The girls made such a habit of sitting by them during church that I told the husband to send them back if they misbehaved. He unequivocally stated, "Never" and smiled. I'm grateful for the people who love our girls so much!

Sometimes Gita naps hard. I love her disheveled hair and sleepy eyes.

After a bath I was rubbing some lotion on Ireland when I pointed out her unique belly button. The top half sticks out but the bottom half is in so I told her she has half an "outie" and half an "innie". She paused for a moment and said, "Yeah, it's a 'middley'."


Sydney was all smiles until Brent told her to say, "Night, night!" Then the penny dropped.

 This appeared on Liesel's door one day. When I asked her about what exactly she does to make the mermaids and fairies beautiful she was surprisingly cagey.

Oi. This little one is cutting two molars at the same time. Her pained crying allows the perfect view of that nasty bulge on her gums. Poor dear.

Each of the girls has had a turn on a Daddy Daughter Date. Brent took Liesel miniature golfing, Ireland to a fancy dinner (they both dressed up), and Brigitta on the train. Brigitta was the last of the girls to get her date and she was excited about it for months. She'd drag a chair to the calendar and flip the pages to August where one Saturday noted in purple ink her special day. Liesel was so excited for her, she made this sweet note.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Brigitta is THREE!!!

Now that we are back in the land of Lincoln, I contacted the sweet photographer Kristy who gave Brigitta her first photo shoot (see here). Just in case you've forgotten, remember this stunner?

We set up a date for round two and aside from actually having Brigitta ready, I let Kristy run with it. Photographs of the girls always look better when I just take a step back. Case in point:
Kristy asked if I wanted to be in any of the pictures and I told her no. I wasn't dressed for it, had no makeup on and my hair was in a messy bun. She asked me to sit with Gita while she "tested" the light. Since Gita doesn't remember Kristy, I was trying to reassure her. I'm really glad I have this picture.
Can you sense the frenetic energy she has by that grin?
Gita has a sweetly sentimental side that comes out every now and again.
I love those pigtails flying!
With her favorite book.
Some Queen Anne's Lace

She almost has a halo with the sun shining though her golden hair in this one.
Gita is pointing out the freckle on her belly. Whenever I change her clothes or bathe her, she feels the need to point it out to me. "Dis is my fweckle!" It's like her own little You Are HERE spot.

She's as observant as she is chaotic.
Oh man, I LOVE the flying curly pigtails!
Such a sweet profile.
For these color photos, no editing whatsoever was done to Gita's blue, blue eyes. What you see is what you get.
People often ask me which of my girls looks most like me and I have to say it's Brigitta. She has more of a widow's peak than the Wuehler cowlick, and in this picture you can really see those hooded eyes (courtesy of our Danish ancestors). She's got a touch more Nielsen than Wuehler for sure.
I know someday I'll look at this picture and wish she's a little girl again.
That's my Gita girl!
The money shot and hands down my and Brent's favorite. No editing to those eyes... are you kidding me?
Last year when I sat down to write about Brigitta turning two, I really struggled. She was so exhausting to me as a mom and I just didn't understand her. This past year has been a lot of the two of us coming to an understanding of one another. She's calmed down a bit (although she still licks the bottom of her shoe and sneaks out of her bed during naps). I've come to accept that she is just a different beast (yes, I mean to use that word!) than any of her sisters. I can't clearly see Brigitta's future-- she's either going to be a CEO or run a meth lab but I'm certain she'll be successful at whatever she puts her heart into.

Brigitta frustrates me just as much as she entertains me. It's like the world operates on a very simple cog and wheel system and hers is more of a Willy Wonka Factory type system. We love her to pieces and love watching her grow.

Happy Birthday Gita girl!