Sunday, April 20, 2014


I have to admit that Easter is one of those holidays we haven't quite established very well in our house. This year however, we made leaps and bounds of progress! We finally purchased some baskets for the girls. They have Peter Rabbit along the bottom and I just adore them. The best part? Those liners are removable and *choirs of heavenly angels* washable. Pottery Barn Kids made a mistake when filling the order and they sent us two large baskets as well. I called to make the correction, they didn't want to make me send back something that was their error. It looks like going forward Brent and I will have baskets of our own!

Jim and Vanessa visited so we threw around some ideas. I wanted to try the glow-in-the-dark egg hunt I'd seen all over Pinterest and (of course) Vanessa was game. It was fantastic! The kids had a blast hunting and their baskets looked so cute all lit up from inside. Staying out late and running around made the kids nice and tired and they loved going to bed with all those glowsticks. Going forward, I either need to find eggs that are just plain glow in the dark, or make sure to not put unwrapped candy inside regular eggs with the glowsticks. A couple of the glowsticks burst and well, that candy was super nasty. Vanessa mentioned in her family they had a few eggs that had money inside and I'd like to try that one in the future as well.

I'm so grateful Vanessa whipped out her camera and caught pictures of the cousins. Doesn't Elizabeth just look like the missing link with our girls? They're so similar in skin tone and hair color, she could easily be a sister.

Vanessa is such a wonderful aunt. The girls had a blast with her around. We all enjoyed Jim and Vanessa's fabulous cooking. However, we all agree Que Bueno cheese should be renamed Que Bano. Eating that stuff has consequences. Fur rills.

I love it when the kids get together. That's what having cousins is all about. Before time slipped away from us, we all vowed to somehow, someway get the kids together before school starts in the fall. It will be tricky since Vanessa will be in California with her kids much of the summer and we have no idea how our house hunt will go. But going forward I think we will set dates to get together again before everyone parts ways. Then we won't be left looking around and saying, "Has it really been that long since we saw you last?"
I'd also like to find some really pretty eggs to put in the baskets that we will leave empty as a reminder of the empty tomb. I scoured after Easter sales and wasn't able to find anything I like, so I'm hopeful for next year. We still have some tweaking to do, but all in all I'm excited with how our Easters are shaping up!

I love this photo of Brent and Elizabeth indulging in their passion for pistachios. So sweet.

Monday, April 14, 2014


I came across this article 

About the Aries Child: Liesel

A Natural-Born Leader

If your Aries son or daughter was born ahead of schedule, it should come as no surprise: Aries children are always pushing ahead of the pack. With an "Are we there yet?" outlook, they are impatient to arrive and get started already! 

Aries children possess a passionate, creative, and restless nature. They seem to have more energy than other children, with a vitality that's matched only by their natural bravery. Their "me first" attitude can be a challenge for anyone who has to contend with their high spirits and frequent self-absorption. 

Legendary for their straightforward honesty, Aries children tell it like they see it. They can overstep boundaries because they're naturally impulsive and tend not to look before they leap. 

As the parent of a young Aries, you're probably no stranger to epic temper tantrums. Yes, Aries children have a hard time keeping their emotions under control, but there's a positive side to this: They don't hold a grudge. Once the fireworks are over, so is their anger. 

Since Aries children are great at starting grand projects but not as keen on sticking with them, you'll need to be patient as you guide your child gently but firmly, helping her stay on track. 

Also make sure she gets plenty of exercise. Any vigorous activity will be an excellent outlet for her energy, and if it's a competitive sport, so much the better. But be sure she wears a helmet or any other essential safety gear. In their eternal hurry, Aries children tend to be accident-prone.

About the Pisces Child: Ireland

The Dreamer

A deeply creative imagination enhances your Pisces child's experience of life, imbuing it with varied hues and shimmering possibilities. You might find her staring off into space, but there's plenty going on in that unfathomable mind of hers -- feelings, impressions, and bits of intuition woven together in a rich mosaic of perception. 

Pisces children are incredibly tender and compassionate, and they need extra affection from their parents. Your little Pisces may want to be held nonstop as a baby and will still need plenty of hugs, kisses, and encouragement as she grows older. 

Pisces children are often more concerned with their instincts than with logic, and more interested in their dreams or fantasies than in "real life." As the parent of a Pisces child, you can help to ground her in reality; avoidance and escapism are typical Piscean traits.

So is idealism. Your Pisces child may have grand visions of the way life could and should be, which will then fall flat in the harsh light of reality. 

Since your little Pisces is so emotionally sensitive (as well as physically and psychically), you'll need to be careful which people and influences you expose her to and what you feed her. Don't be surprised if she brings home stray kittens and other friends in need. Her heart's capacity to love and serve is enormous -- sometimes to a fault. 

Your Pisces child needs to protect herself against people who would take advantage of her giving and gullible nature, and that's one area in which you, as her parent, can step in.

About the Leo Child: Brigitta

Lionhearted Loyalty

Warmth, loyalty, and generosity are just a few of your Leo child's many shining characteristics. Leo children are enthusiastic and affectionate, and they experience life with the whole of their enormous hearts. 

Sensitive, proud, and often just a wee bit vain, Leo children seem lionhearted on the outside, but they're actually rather vulnerable emotionally. One harsh word can knock a Leo's self-confidence right off balance, so you'll have to be careful about how you talk to your Leo son or daughter, especially when it's time for discipline. 

Leo's primary needs include attention and approval, and a Leo child will do what it takes to secure the appreciation of his parents, friends, and anyone else around. These little ones have a natural dramatic flair. Your child might treat you to impromptu performances from an early age, and you may notice him looking into the mirror often or dressing himself with a colorful sense of style. 

Just as criticism can wound their souls, Leo children thrive on compliments and recognition of their accomplishments. And they're likely to rack up accolades throughout childhood and into adulthood: Your little Leo could easily become the star performer in his school choir, drama group, soccer team, or any other venue that allows him to shine. 

Be sure to reward your child for his many strengths, including his bone-deep sense of loyalty and morality. He may not realize that these internal gifts are even more important and admirable than his ability to impress others with his humor or good looks.

About the Scorpio Child: Sydney

Private and Mysterious

The saying "Still waters run deep" perfectly describes your Scorpio daughter or son. Calm as she may seem, there's a lot going on beneath the surface. As her parent, you may never learn all about what makes your little Scorpio tick because these children rarely reveal everything. 

Scorpio children are strong-willed, passionate, and intense, and the need to feel secure drives them to control themselves and others. A strong, durable emotional connection is one of their primary needs, but, perversely, they may test the durability of that connection, often without realizing they are doing so. 

Your Scorpio child may seem by turns affectionate, aloof, devoted, obsessive, loving, and manipulative. Scorpios have such range and depth of feeling that you may sense that your child is expressing only the top layer of her true feelings -- and that you could understand her a lot better if only she'd let you in on the secret. 

Scorpio children thrive on the mysteries of life and have a knack for understanding others' motivations. They might love reading suspense stories or watching horror flicks from an early age, and they'll be drawn to complex friendships that really stretch them.

It's all too easy for Scorpio children to be drawn into obsessive, vindictive, and controlling behavior, so be sure to teach your child about the importance of forgiveness as well as forging balanced relationships with other people. If you guide her carefully, you can help your Scorpio child develop interests that will benefit the world at large, as she brings her focus, willpower, and determination to bear.

About the Cancer Parent: Brent

A Sense of Belonging

As a Cancer parent, you're probably very involved in the childrearing process. You enjoy and learn from every miraculous moment of pregnancy, birth, and your child's growth. You're loving, protective, sensitive, and compassionate. If you're a typical Cancer, you may be a nurturing dynamo, creating a safe and cozy home environment for your loved ones. 

Caretaking is how you show your love, and this is your seat of power -- but it's not control you want most. You have a primal need to feel safe, secure, and needed. You try to do everything for your family, so that they'll depend upon you. 

This is perfectly appropriate when you're caring for a baby, but every Cancer parent must remember: If you do everything for your children, they won't learn to take care of themselves. Be sure to teach them the skills you've mastered. 

Overprotectiveness is another pitfall the Cancer parent should try to avoid. If you constantly hover over your child, letting go could be a challenge as you watch them grow and change. Deep inside, of course, you know it's all part of the cycle of life. 

Tradition speaks to you; some may even consider you old-fashioned. Holiday customs, family rituals, even ceremonies of religion or faith feed your soul with that strong sense of continuity and community that helps you thrive. The irresistible sensation of your feet on your home turf, surrounded by loved ones and protecting your brood under your generous wing: This is what you live for.

About the Scorpio Parent: Danika

Strong and Silent

As a Scorpio parent, you're likely to be the emotional center of your family -- whether you realize it or not. You're passionate, sensitive, and intense, and you're deeply bonded with your children. 

Your children see you as quite complex, even mysterious, so you may have to go against your nature in order to be open and honest. You'll have a much closer and more effective relationship with your family if you can be vulnerable with them, which includes communicating your feelings and your fears, and listening to those of your children. 

Your natural interest in history and psychology and your facility with research will make you a favorite resource when your kids need help with their homework or school projects. You're also quite perceptive, as you combine sharp focus with an emotional, intuitive point of view, so you'll have a unique insight into your children's feelings and motivations. 

But whatever you understand -- or think you understand -- about your children, encourage them to put their experiences and feelings into their own words, and above all, don't use their secrets against them! As a Scorpio, you might tend toward power plays and controlling, manipulative behavior, but obviously, those have no place with your children. 

Make yourself aware of these unconscious behaviors, and focus instead on openness, mutual trust, emotional candor, and genuine affection. If you can achieve these with your children, you'll create the kind of home life every member of your family needs to feel secure and connected.

Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Liesel is SIX!!!

Liesel's official six-year-old photos:

Why does six suddenly feel ages older than five? As her legs grow longer and lankier and her quips more witty, I'm determined to enjoy the little time I have left with Liesel as a little girl.

 Liesel's requested Cap'n Crunch, chocolate milk and bananas for her breakfast in bed. For her birthday cake she picked out the cookie dough ice cream creation from Coldstone. Yummy!
Before I ever had children, I had many, MANY reservations about being a mother. Trusting in the Lord, I decided to take the leap of faith and just jump in. Then the morning sickness hit and I felt like this baby truly hated me. After seeing my sisters suffer through their own difficult pregnancies, I was rather terrified. The OB from my regular OB/GYN was horrible and my gynecologist wasn't qualified to be my doctor. It took me a while to find a good doctor so I was pretty stressed and frazzled when I got to my first sonogram.

Doctrine & Covenants 110 details a visitation from the Savior to the prophet Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery at the Kirtland temple. In verse 3 the Lord's voice is described "as the sound of the rushing of great waters." That scripture came to have a very sacred meaning for me personally as I heard the SHOOoooSHOOoooSHOOooo of my unborn baby. That sound of rushing waters was to me the very voice of the Lord. That was the moment, the very second even, that I became a mother.

Liesel cracked my heart wide open and suddenly I wanted nothing more in life than to bring her into this world. Just before she was born, dear friends and family told me not to worry if I didn't bond with her right away. It's perfectly normal for that connection to take a while. I needn't have worried though because I fell utterly in love with her the moment I laid eyes on her. I was a goner. As much as I loved travel and my career and being relatively flush with cash, I happily traded it all in. I would much rather wear yoga pants, Brent's t-shirts and have not showered in 3 days if it means I get to witness the miracle that is my Liesel Lu. I am so very blessed and honored to be her mother.

I can't wait to see what this next year brings!