Thursday, February 28, 2013

Brigitta February POTD

Feb 2: The back of her new Easter outfit
Feb 5: I hate this car seat!!!
Feb 11: She has a way of smiling with her lips and tongue
Feb 13: Her fascination with her toes is almost as intense as mine.
Feb 21: Flipping over on the changing table is now her favorite thing to do.
Feb 22: Nakie bum!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Nocturnal Negotiations

There are oh so many nights when I've done the dishes, prepped backpacks and gym bags. I've made a decent dinner and then coaxed Liesel and Ireland to put on jammas, brush teeth and say a respectful prayer. I've gone through the mail, turned on night lights, locked doors and the house is finally quiet. Pretty much every night I'm ready to drop. Just one little detail needs to be taken care of. And that little detail is Brigitta. Who believes the party is just starting...
I'm glad I caught this video because her chortling is so much more precious than my tired voice. Someday when I've had 6+ hours of straight sleep (I can't even imagine!) maybe I'll just remember her delighted laugh. 
Eventually, I win.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Don't Ask

My Pinterest-inspired burlap bubble wreath which will adorn our door in the fall. Finished just in time for... Valentine's Day? Don't ask. Sometimes when inspiration (or motivation) strikes, you just have to go with it.

A Trio in TulleTutus

Which one looks better? Color?
Or black and white?
Brigitta cried...
...a little too much for her sister's taste.
But the photographer managed to get a good shot anyway!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Ireland's First Haircut

I put it off. For a while. Years actually. But I have learned by sad experience those adorable curls that frame my daughter's faces are only a baby phenomenon. Once Ireland had her hair trimmed, I knew the freakishly adorable ringlets would be a thing of the past. So I waited. And waited. And waited. One day I was washing her hair in the bath and realized it was almost down to her bum. Okay, so it was time.

I was sad to miss it, but in the end it's a good thing I wasn't there. Brent's much more easy going and I'm sure he didn't stand in the background cringing with every snip like I would have. He tells me Ireland really enjoyed herself. Now when I style Ireland's hair it doesn't tangle so easily. It's smooth and even and beautiful.When I try to comb her pigtails into ringlets, the hair just slides off my fingers--rebelliously straight. A lot of her blonde was cut off as well. She's starting to look more distinctive and I'm wondering if strangers will stop asking if she and Liesel are identical twins.
After... 3 inches shorter

Brigitta's 6 Month Photos

Liesel and Ireland turned 6 months when Halloween was right around the corner so it was a given to take their pictures in Halloween costumes. The timing for Brigitta's was a bit more challenging so we went for a Valentine's Day/Easter combination. I'm so happy with the results!
Doesn't she look like she's listening to voices from above?

Oh those toes! She LOVES to grab her toes.
Brent was barking like a dog to get Brigitta to laugh. The photographer told me she overshot this part but the smiles were abundant and she just couldn't resist. 
Happy girl!
Brigitta's starting to sleep a bit longer at night and she's tentatively entering the world of solids. She's in no way interested in baby food, she wants whatever everyone else is eating. Brent had to fight hard to get a bowl of popcorn out of her vice-like grip the other night. She sticks out her little tongue when she's truly delighted with something. Brigitta "talks" in her own way and we can clearly detect her feelings and intentions through her groans and grunts, sighs and squeals. She is the center of her sister's world and to make Brigitta laugh is to be successful in life at this point. Oh how we love this little one!

Friday, February 15, 2013

In Memoriam

Big sisters
Little sisters
It made no sense to go, but I had to. And Reagan felt the same way. After a dozen phone calls to coordinate flights, hotel and a rental car, we were all set. My sweet so sweet husband searched American Airlines for last minute flights. On Valentine's Day he kissed me and put me on a plane to San Diego while he took time off work to stay with the kids. He ran them to pediatric appointments, haircuts and child studies at the University of Chicago. The girls were over the moon to have a Daddy Daughter Date that lasted an entire weekend. Brent made sure to take lots of pictures and miraculously there was no bloodshed the entire time I was gone (unless you count Brigitta's shots). He never questioned my instincts about this wholly unexpected trip.
It wasn't until I saw my dear friend and hugged her and sobbed and sobbed and sobbed that I understood why I had to go. Because strong friendships endure even the hardest of times. Because grief can be haunting and beautiful all at once. Because I love surprising people I love. Because we should all step back once in a while and consider how we live our life, and what's truly important. Because being there is so much better than a Facebook comment. Because the best friendships are between two good forgivers. 
And because when all is said and done, we are meant to have joy. 

Friday, February 01, 2013

It Hurts

Some kids prefer pacifiers. Some sleep with security blankets. Some reach for a teddy bear. My baby? She likes to find that super sensitive hair at the base of my neck, entangle it in her tiny fist and then repeatedly rip it out by the roots.

Brent swears chest hair is more painful. I'll just have to take his word on that one.