Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Not My First Time at the Rodeo

This is my third pregnancy. As such, I've learned a few things along the way that have changed my outlook on how I deal with my gestation time. To wit:

I Don't Tell People My Due Date When someone asks my due date I tell them it's in August. If they follow it up by asking when in August I tell them it's at the end of August. If they ask for the day I say it's at the end of August.... or maybe early September. Then they figure I'm horribly forgetful and leave me alone. With my other two pregnancies it seemed like everyone mentally moved my due date up by two weeks or more. Nothing is more demoralizing than having to tell someone that you have weeks or worse, months to go when you've already told them the blessed day when your babe is to arrive. To be fair, I'm sure most people don't pull out their smartphones and mark it in their calendars. The topic is really more of a conversation starter than anything. However, if I never really told them in the first place, I'm hoping I won't get so annoyed should they get it wrong.

I Don't Go Into An Ultrasound With a Full Bladder
Nothing spoils a glimpse at your little one like cringing as the technician puts pressure on top of pressure to get a good look. Once I forgot about the ultrasound requirement and used the restroom just before. To my shock and amazement I discovered they could see the baby just fine. For some reason I thought they were going to look into my bladder and chastize me when it wasn't bulging. Turns out they didn't even care. Now when I'm instructed to have a full bladder for the ultrasound I don't nod, I don't say okay, I just smile back. I'd rather put my hand on a table and hit it with a sledgehammer a few times than desperately try to keep myself from peeing on the examination table in front of a complete stranger. I do eat a square of chocolate just before my appointment. That tends to get the baby moving so they can see all angles.

I Don't Have Breakfast Before My Glucose Test
Yes they say it's fine to eat a normal breakfast but should I not pass the dreaded tastes-like-sin-drink test I have to do the even more dreaded 3 hour test where I AM required to fast. I've heard many tales from women who had the normal breakfast only to be called back for the 3 hour test. After that horror, they were told the results were normal. If skipping breakfast means skipping that inconvenience you can bet I'm all for it.

When the Nesting Urge Hits, I Act On It... IMMEDIATELY
I used to be hyper aware of my energy on a day to day basis with my other two pregnancies. For good reason too, I was working full-time which was taxing in its own way. Often I would put off setting up the baby equipment or shopping or organizing some other aspect of my life. I then learned that leaving it all to the 3rd trimester is not the most brilliant idea. Not only was I more tired, but some things were physically prohibitive. I almost always had to enlist Brent's help and I was so hormonal and particular it was a miracle our marriage survived it all. This time around if I suddenly feel like setting up the baby swing, I set up the baby swing. I find it makes me feel like I'm being a good mother, albeit preemptively. Hopefully my third trimester will be nothing more than lying around like Jaba the Hut now that my ducks are all in a row.

I Don't Buy Maternity Clothes
If you don't get what the big deal is regarding maternity clothes I have a suggestion for you. Go to a regular store where you'd buy clothes like the Gap, or Ann Taylor. As you walk by the clothes, put your hand out and feel the fabrics. Crumple them up in your hand and let go (many will go back to their original shape). Now go to a maternity store and do the same thing. I guarantee you will want to wash your hand after just one rack of clothes. You may also be surprised to find that a good 1/3 of the clothing has wide, horizontal stripes on it. Spending money on maternity clothes (which are always overpriced), is absolutely depressing. My last two pregnancies were during the winter so I have a nice collection of maternity sweaters and wool pants. None of that does so well in the 90 degree weather we've been having. As such, I've been raiding Brent's closet for basketball shorts and plain t-shirts. I look horrible, sure, but I can't stand spending the ridiculous money to look decent for just another two and a half months... or maybe it's three months :).

How about you? Anything you did differently with subsequent pregnancies you didn't with the first?

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Liesel's Last Day of School

Liesel's preschool class had a little program for their last day of school. They sang songs, parents took pictures, everyone gave presents to the teachers, and then we all enjoyed cookies and punch. Seeing all those kids neatly lined up in their seats I have to say I was impressed with how much they've matured in one short school year. I'm really grateful to both of Liesel's amazing teachers and her classmates. I'd really hoped for a diverse group and we hit the jackpot. Liesel learned so much from them!
Liesel gets as excited as I do when something has her name on it.
Liesel with Mrs. Miller. Clearly she was an
amazing teacher and Liesel loved her!
Liesel and Mrs. Mohsin (who told me she'll
miss seeing Liesel's many hairdos).

Showing off the card her teachers gave her.
They gave each child the option of a hug or a high five.
Liesel went for a high five.
Ireland kept trying to sneak up to the front to join the kids. Whenever I tried to pull her back, all the parents around me said to leave her alone. They didn't mind and they actually thought it was cute. Although Ireland undoubtedly feels left out when it comes to preschool, she perked up when she saw Oreos were being served.
Now who taught her to twist off the top and only eat the creamy
filling in the middle? Hmmm...
I think we're ready to boldly charge into summer. We have swimming lessons and a math readiness class planned for Liesel while Ireland will continue gymnastics. I found a great summer reading list for preschoolers so we'll be doing a library day once a week. Hopefully we'll get lots of phone calls from the University of Chicago for the girls to participate in studies so we can pad their college savings accounts. I'm sure we'll go to the Museum of Science and Industry as well as Lake Michigan as much as we can. Whenever the weather's accommodating, the girls will be getting a good dose of vitamin d and Brent has big plans to take them to the pool at the clubhouse as much as possible. I can already tell it's going to be a great summer!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

A Child's Prayer

From Ireland tonight, "Dear Heavenly Father... I wanna stay up."

Friday, May 18, 2012

Preschool Fun Fair

At 81 degrees and sunny, today was the perfect day for an end of the school year fair! There were games galore (the girls both won lots of prizes), a bounce house, fair goodies like cotton candy and popcorn, and lots of preschoolers. Both of Liesel's fabulous teachers were there helping to man the many booths. They not only gave a hearty welcome to Liesel but to little Ireland who's really dying to go to preschool herself.
Quite the budding equestrian!
Irelands opinion on the whole
thing differed somewhat.
When Liesel spotted the pony rides she shocked me to my core and asked to go on one. This is the girl who's afraid of squirrels and small dogs. Then again, Daddy always gives her a ride from the living room to her bed when it's nighttime so perhaps she identified with the fun in that. When one of the ponies nickered, Ireland frowned and responded in the same manner which was hilarious!

It tickles!
Of all the activities, I think the face painting won over the girls the most. They didn't even mind waiting in the long, hot line for their turn. Liesel got a pineapple and Ireland got a daisy to match their outfits.

Holding sooo still.

Admiring the artwork. Did you catch the baby bump in the background?
Maybe horizontal stripes aren't my best look these days...
We waited until the very end when most of the crowd had died down to take the train ride. After a morning of walking around in the sun, it was nice to sit back and enjoy the breeze for a bit. I'm new to this so I have to ask, Does the school year always fly by so quickly? It seems like just yesterday I was taking a picture of Liesel on her first day with her pigtails and brand-new backpack. 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


I didn't grow up near a beach. The few times we visited my grandparents who lived in the bay area of California, we took a trip or two to the shore. Due to my asthma, I had to stay on the sand while my siblings frolicked in the cold, cold Pacific. College at BYU Provo afforded me beautiful views of the mountains but no beach. My mission in east LA was close enough to the beach we could see it from certain areas on a clear day. Because I served during El Nino (and LA is choked with smog), that only happened a handful of times. After graduation I moved to Boston and my first apartment had unobstructed views of the Atlantic Ocean.

I only lived there for a few months, but I quickly developed a love for the beach. As soon as I woke up, I would fling open the curtains. Every day the water looked different and my favorite was when a storm was brewing. It was a beautiful smoky blue that hinted at the turmoil to come. After a storm passed it was a tranquil shade of turquoise. I started to understand why sailors refer to the seas as a person rather than just a huge body of water. When I moved to Boston I didn't know a soul and I found myself on the sand often. I'd look into the water and contemplate my life, how it hadn't turned out the way I thought it would, but it had somehow led me there nonetheless. I didn't know what was in store, but I had a feeling I was where I needed to be. Something about the sound of waves was conducive to this type of pondering and hoping. After a lot of drama and emotional trauma, I managed to find myself again while looking into that vast Atlantic Ocean.

As today was our first trip of the year to Lake Michigan, the girls were a bit wary upon arrival. They'd forgotten the feeling of sand, wind and waves (if you can even call them that! See how tiny?). I took each of their hands and stood on the shoreline and told them at the count of three we'd run into the water together. We charged into the deliciously cool lake all laughter and squeals. Then they asked to do it again. And again. And again. It wasn't long before they were stomping around the ankle deep water all on their own. The crowds don't come until after Memorial Day and having a stretch of sand to ourselves was heaven.

In my humble opinion, there's no play land that can beat the beach. Somehow the earth's most basic elements make better toys than anything we can manufacture. Liesel loved digging up small rocks and them throwing them to make a splash. Ireland poured water into and out of that tiny watering can endlessly. I don't know if she was trying to water the whole beach or what. A flock of seagulls aggressively parked next to us and I showed Liesel how scared they are of humans by walking towards one. The seagull promptly hobbled away. After that she went charging towards any seagull that came anywhere near our towels. I wish I'd gotten video of that, it was hilarious. When a flock of them took flight as she ran into the midst of them she let out a toddler yell that said she was queen of this beach.

When I started packing up, both girls protested and I had to smile. I didn't really want to leave either but I'm starting my 3rd trimester and I have to watch my energy levels. If I'm a little tired, I'm going to be extremely tired in about 30 min. I promised we'd come back. As always, we wish Brent could have been with us. Once we were home, I pealed off the girls swimsuits and plopped them in the bath. Now there's a nice culmination of sand on the bottom I need to clean out. I shampooed and conditioned their hair, slathered them in lotion, put them in clean undies and then heated up some milk. We don't do that much anymore... only on Sundays really. But after a day at the beach sometimes a nice, warm drink is just what the Dr ordered. They're watching Puss in Boots with their hair a tad lighter and their cheeks a bit rosier and I have a feeling they're going to sleep very well tonight.

As for me, I'm enjoying my own hot chocolate and feeling clean, exfoliated, sun-kissed, refreshed yet exhausted, and I'm already wondering when I can finagle another trip to the beach... when I can find myself again.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

The Best Job...

I've watched this video at least two dozen times and it brings me to tears EVERY. SINGLE. TIME!!! First spotted on Design Mom, I pull it up when I need a little reminder that the day-to-dayness of motherhood is worth it in the long run. I think it's incredibly well-done (why else would I be bawling?) and really shows the universality of mothers around the world as we rouse our children to keep them on schedule, do laundry, cook meals, get them where they need to go, make beds, observe them at play or in class and then do it all over again. And again and again. We share in our children's triumphs as well as their defeats.

The first time I saw it, Liesel asked why the moms were crying and I tried to explain through tears how moms cry when they're really happy sometimes. Oh for sobbing out loud, I'm crying even just typing this! Enjoy the video and Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there.

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

A Few Updates

Blue Balloon
Remember the 3' party balloons we purchased for the girls birthday photos almost 2 months ago? One by one they deflated or popped aside from one. Not only is this one still inflated, it's still floating. Frankly, it's starting to freak me out. The girls have yanked it all over the apartment, bounced it back and forth, laid on it like it was a bean bag and it's STILL THERE! I feel like I'm being watched and I really want to get rid of it but Brent wants to see how long it will hold on. Creepy, right?

Baby Birds
I'd noticed some interesting activity around our bird feeder a few weeks ago. One bird in particular was carrying twigs and such into it so I guessed it was building a nest. I had no idea it was an expectant bird and that we'd have a little family outside our window. That mama bird feeds those little ones all day long! It's exhausting watching her and I have to wonder if their constant chirps ever annoy her. I think the little ones are getting ready to leave the nest as they stand closer and closer to the edge of the bird feeder. The mama definitely has good taste when it comes to housing! I bet there isn't a more solidly built nest for miles.

Burgeoning Bump
When we were on vacation my sister overheard Liesel telling her cousin Paisley, "My mom is gonna have a baby so she's getting big. But she'd better not get too big or she's gonna scare me!" At dinner tonight, Liesel announced I am now bigger than Brent. For the record (and what's left of my pride) I'm NOT. Not even close. My ankles are still a lot smaller than Brents and I think my wrists and neck is too. Still, I thought perhaps Liesel would benefit from an education video on pregnancy and birth. To be honest, I think she lost some respect for me watching that. When they showed the sperm racing towards the egg, Ireland jumped down from the couch and started screaming and running around in a circle. I have no idea what that's all about. Aye de mi! Not sure what to do now... any suggestions?

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Gymnastics Girls

Typically Liesel has gymnastics on Thursday nights and Ireland goes on Tuesday nights with Brent. Vacation forced us to schedule some make up days and in a rare event, they both had class tonight. Ireland was able to watch Liesel, then Dad joined us and Liesel was able to observe him with Ireland. Just before her class started, Ireland noticed Liesel was there and she ran up to the glass. 

I rotate their leotards so they get equal wear and tear but both girls happened to be wearing a combination of ballet pink and black. When Liesel finished her class, Ireland ran up to her. Liesel responded by picking her up in a bear hug. In that noisy gym full of yelling coaches and kids flipping, tumbling and jumping, time stood still for a moment. I'm glad they love taking gymnastics, but it melts my heart that they love and support each other.

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Fly Girls

I thought I was all caught up from my vacation posts but remembered some things about our flights that are too good to leave out (curse you baby brain!):

As we waited in line to go through security at O'Hare, I told Liesel the agent might ask her name. The last time we flew she was suddenly overcome with a bout of shyness and barely whispered it. This time I told her IF he asked Liesel her name, she had to say it nice and loud. The second we stepped up to the agent she yelled with gusto, "My name is LIESEL!" Man alive was she loud! So loud that all conversation throughout the security lines virtually came to a halt. The agent was good natured as he went through our tickets and identification, pointing at our youngest and saying, "I take it THAT one is Ireland?"

Liesel is really becoming a phenomenal road warrior! Honestly she's better than most of the adults on the plane. She knows how to be patient until the plane takes off and to keep her seat belt on. She orders her own beverage and passes the time coloring or watching the iPod. At security she quickly takes off her shoes and jacket and walks through the metal detectors with all decorum. She really loves flying.

As we drove to the SLC airport for our flight home, Brent bemoaned his impending duty of keeping Ireland in line for the long flight. I asked what happened to my optimistic husband and Brent replied he's a realist. I told him an optimist can be a realist but still hope for something above and beyond what empirical evidence has proven in the past. That turned out to be the case.
Ireland contentedly snacked and watched movies for the entire flight. As we descended, she eagerly looked out the window and when we landed, her delighted squeals seemed to entertain everyone. I smiled at Brent and told him how nice it can be to have an optimistic outlook on life. Ireland is well on her way to becoming a road warrior in her own right.

For this trip, we had the girls take their own backpacks to carry snacks, magazines, etc. If they've got full-fare seats, we might as well take advantage of the extra bags we can bring on board! Upon landing, Brent had to wait for our valeted luggage so I took the girls with me to the restroom. As I walked through the airport with my two pig-tailed blondes on either side wearing their brightly colored backpacks, people commented every few feet. Even people lunching inside the various restaurants called out to us to say how cute they were. I have to say I was exceedingly proud of my fly girls.