Monday, March 26, 2012

Extreme Trampolines

We'd been there all of 10 min when Ireland wanted to ditch the
kiddie section and go to the dodgeball area for big kids only.
It's Spring Break here in our neck of the world, how about you? Since all our exotic traveling will occur next month, I'm taking advantage of the local attractions with the girls. This trampoline place wasn't far and I knew if we got there close to opening time it wouldn't be too crazy.

The girls jumped to their hearts content and I was tired just watching them! After spending all that energy they gobbled up their lunch and Ireland took a really good nap (hooray!).This place is definitely going on the list for good Daddy-Daughter Date spots.

It took a while, but Liesel started getting into the vertical trampolines (background).

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Birthday Photos

Unlike the disaster last year, we now have a car big enough to accommodate the 3' balloons I've been dying to use for a birthday photo! I wanted both girls to have their hair down so I crimped Liesel's hair and curled Ireland's. I've already done photos with Liesel's hair curled, straight and waved. I thought the crimp would look particularly good with the swimsuit shots. Moments after I was done I realized she looked like her mother was stuck in the 80's (Brent swears it didn't look that way). As for Ireland, she's going to start losing her baby curls. We were under a time crunch when I got to her and during the car  ride over to the studio her head full of angelic curls just flattened. Thankfully the girls both have wonderful personalities that outshine any mistakes I made in styling them. I think anyone would agree those wonderful personalities come out in the photos.
For the first half of the shoot we had the girls in party dresses:
This one makes me smile every time I see it.
The photographer gave the girls a flower for the individual shots and told them to look for the MnM inside:
Liesel looks so pure and tranquil.
This is the moment Ireland figured out there IS NO MnM inside the flower. She was pretty annoyed with the photographer for pulling one over on her... Don't ever joke about MnM's with this girl.
Both the girls have adorable swimsuits and I wanted a good picture before they grow out of them:
Doesn't she look like a cute, modest, pin-up baby? She was playing drums with the fake wooden posts.

The photographer did not pose her this way. Liesel did this on her own!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Did You, Sister Suffragettes?

No matter what your political leanings, make your voice heard!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

St. Paddy's Day the Windy City Way

We started the day with breakfast at Orange. Brent ordered the Green Eggs and Ham dish and can I say pesto, eggs and ham are actually quite tasty together?! Liesel polished off her 5 kid-sized pancakes before anyone else was even a third into their meal. Ireland was just happy to have chocolate milk and something to color on. Then we headed to the Loop.
Brent with his Green Eggs and Ham
We parked a couple of blocks from Daley Plaza and were happy to see the fountain water dyed green and the Picasso completely free of kids. We let the girls slide for a bit and took a few photos by the fountain before heading to the river to see it dyed green.

This doesn't begin to capture the crowd.
I thought Boston was big on St. Patrick's Day and I was dead wrong. It's a MUCH bigger deal in Chicago! The riverwalk was absolutely packed! It was fun to see the water Kelly green and even more fun to people watch. I don't know what they use for the dye but I'm told what they used to use was toxic and a week later a lot of fish would die from it. Glad to hear they've gone a little more ecofriendly!

Yup, I've definitely "popped".

We made our way over to Magnolia Bakery (didn't even know they had a Chicago location!) to pick up some cupcakes. I would have loved to hang out in that place, but we knew things would be crazy along the parade route. At that point we played the waiting game. We chatted with the people sitting around us and one family had two girls, two years apart, who were both in gymnastics. They were right up front and when everything started they let Liesel and Ireland stand in front of them. Talk about a family who knew how to work the parade! Thanks to them the girls got candy, necklaces, hats and Liesel even got a "lucky kiss" from some reveler in the parade. I'm glad we went especially with the weather in the upper 70's. However, I think we'll skip the parade from now on. Too many people and too much standing for my taste, especially with the tinies. We're definitely coming back for the rest though!

What's a St. Patrick's Day parade without some Irish stepping? These girls were adorable!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Ireland is TWO!

Don't they look like little bites of Irish Creme?
A very happy sous chef.
Liesel and I made green velvet mini cupcakes for Ireland's birthday. We used the Waldorf-Astoria red velvet cake recipe and just substituted green food dye for red. I couldn't help but cackle like a witch as we mixed the green batter. That food dye went a looong way as it turned our teeth, tongues and some other things Kermit the frog green. Most importantly, Ireland was happy with the results.

For her second birthday, Ireland finally gets to take gymnastics classes! Now it's her turn on the balance beams and trampolines. We got her a leotard to get her started and she was none too thrilled to model it for the camera. Brent will be taking her to a parent-tot class and I know they're both going to love it! Brent was the hero of the day and brought home a colorful bouquet of balloons.
Love the chubby legs!
Life has been a little tough for little Ireland lately. She's quit the binkie cold-turkey so sleep hasn't been as consistent. She also seems to sense a change in family dynamics is on the horizon. All day long she asks where Daddy is and he tells me when he's alone with the girls she constantly asks for me. We've started in on potty training and even though she's doing very well, it's still a big change for a little person.

Even with all the upheaval, Ireland is a delight to have around. She's intrepid as ever and her little shins are covered in bruises from her daring attempts. She always notices them while I'm changing her diaper and will kiss her own boo boos. After Ireland wakes up from a nap, she stages her own Occupy protest if I don't retrieve her from the crib right away. I usually walk in to find everything (toys, blankets, pillow, clothing, etc.) thrown on the floor and Ireland energetically jumping up and down on the mattress. She definitely knows what she wants and makes no bones about expressing herself. I think my favorite characteristic of hers is the relationship with her daddy. Even at two, Ireland looks so tiny in his strong arms. She never hesitates to give him a kiss and no one makes her face light up more than he does when he comes in the door at night. Seeing them together makes me love them both so much more.

I love how she'll be standing perfectly still and then run off as if she has some emergency to attend to. She still rocks a little bit on her heels and her little piggy toes flick up briefly as she regains her balance. She's losing her baby fat but thank heavens she still has her kissable cheeks and some meat on those legs. I love how she'll negotiate to get what she wants and is so ready to grow up. She's a sweet girl and I can't wait to see what the next year brings!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Our Other Baby

White, white, white like the rest of the family!
Liesel enjoying a flick.
With #3 on the way, and the fact that it is physically impossible to get that many car seats in a lowly sedan, we finally took the plunge and bought an SUV. I'm incredibly grateful for all the mutual gains (ie negotiation) training I received at my former job! We were able to get it for $3800 under blue book. The salesman went into the back room half a dozen times. He tried to tell me it was already under blue book. He tried to sell us an older model. He tried to offer me girl scout cookies as a snack (that one almost worked actually). Eventually they brought out the manager from the back room. I made sure that Brent and I were looking at printouts of other Pilots in the area and said if we weren't a good fit for them we didn't want to waste their time. Finally we agreed upon a price or rather, they came around to our price. I'm confident they never want to see me at that dealership ever, EVER again!
The Red Sox decal family was a must.
I opted for the steering wheel keychain which I'm told is
guaranteed for life.
Of all the fancy schmancy features like the back up camera, sun roof, leather seats, and other gadgets, my personal favorite is the curved mirror that lets me see the girls in the back. The previous owner added runner boards which is particularly nice when I'm getting out for church on Sunday. The girls have their own row so fighting has been cut down to zero. That may also be due in part to the dvd player. Whenever Brent leaves for work in the morning Liesel sternly tells him, "Don't take the white car Dad, take YOUR car okay?" The girls get ready to go SO much faster when they know a movie in the car is waiting for them. Oh I love, love, LOVE it!

Brent and I are looking forward to all the road trip memories we'll be making in our Pilot. I'm dubbing her Tessie which is a familiar name for all you Red Sox fans. For those who aren't, you can read about the connection here.

Saturday, March 03, 2012

Shriekety Shriek Shriek Shriek!!!!!

I gasped when I read the email. As you know, I follow The Container Store's blog and on February 14th they celebrated We Love Our Employees Day. As part of the festivities, they invited readers to leave a comment stating why they love the Container Store employees for a chance to win one of ten $100 gift certificates. I left a comment, immediately told Brent to leave a comment, bantered about how we weren't sharing the goods if the other won, and thought nothing more of it. There were, after all, over 600 comments at the time. Then I received the email.

It was from the Public Relations Director letting me know I was one of the lucky winners. You know that scene in the Wizard of Oz when Dorothy opens the door to her home leaving behind the drab world of greys for the spectacularly cinemascoped colored world of Oz? That's what it was like. My world was suddenly brighter, happier, lighter, with happy little bluebirds flying everywhere! I was grinning like a girl after her first kiss. I couldn't have been happier if I'd been knighted by the Queen herself! They just needed my physical address to mail the gift card. Of course, I immediately wrote her back. I'm sure I broke my record for words per minute as I furiously typed my address and profusely thanked her. Then I called Brent to brag about my spoils and reminded him we agreed whoever won the gift card would get it to themselves.

I received this lovely little package a few days later:

Now, I love The Container Store, but that love becomes infatuation when I have a chunk of money to blow on whatever I want. Even though I knew before setting foot in the store what I wanted to get, I browsed the neatly stocked shelves and considered this item over that... taking my time. In the end I bought a much-needed (and on sale!) bungee office chair. And the cedar boot shapers. And some more hangers. And the magnetic paper clips. And some kitchen magnets. Soooo I had to pull out my credit card to cover the last balance, who cares? I had the time of my life and before walking out of the store I did some victory 360's with my shopping cart. I didn't realize a couple of employees were watching me in all amusement. Just before I walked out the door they happily told me it had been caught by the security camera. Wow, that's a little embarrassing. Oh well, how often do you win a $100 gift card to your favorite place on earth?