Thank you to Susan for hosting this wonderful and creative event and encouraging us to share our wonderful outdoor photo's.
This is the top of the driveway...and my son, Dan, made that little barn mailbox for his sister.
Roses and white iris' (I think!) border the drive way...
I love the front of this little home...not so little home.
Cute little window boxes that Mary is getting ready to add the color soon...
That's my daughter, Mary, walkig from the lawn area to the house... You can see the barn..
I decided to go for a walk around the grounds. Do you see that white arbor at the top of the drive? The path starts there...
I love this climbing Black Eyed Susan. It dies back in winter and in Spring becomes glorious once again! I always have to stop and look at it on my way by...I bought one once. The heat killed it...so I visit Mary's.
..so I headed up the driveway....
...an ancient old wagon...that needs some of the ivy cut back or soon no one will know it is there. My daughter assures me that they never let it get covered and that the gardeners make sure of it...but..but...
And through this little arbor the path begins...
And it winds through the grounds... and this is the view off to the left...across the grass there is the Koi pond...
The little path wanders curving here and there with little benches to rest a bit..and "take your ease" as the English say...
and on the path winds...
..and on...
I was busy snapping pictures as I walked. My daughter was down in the driveway watering the roses...
I took this shot of the path and suddenly...I noticed something strange...
something happened and to this day...I have no idea what. I took these pictures earlier but didn't post them because I was upset for awhile.
My camera lens suddens looked sort of snowy, not clear anymore...do you know what I mean? I took it away and looked at the area I was focusing on...and saw nothing but brilliant white light. You can see it in the picture....sort of golden...odd...it looked like...a HUGE swarm of golden gnats. But they were't gnats. Or bees. There was no sound. They seemed to be coming down from the sky to my left. I had this funny feeling...and began backing away.. PLEASE look at the bush carefully at the end of the path..notice part of it is blocked out by those little golden rectangles!
I called to my daughter to come up quick and look...she climbed over the ivy as I know I sounded in a bit of a panic. She said "it better not be a dead cat, Mom!!"
I told her no...look through my camera and tell me what you see...she did..then looked at me blankly and said..."I don't have my glasses on...I can't see a thing! What is it?" I started to try and tell her..but instead just said..."Let's go!" She looked at me, turned and jumped into the ivy, sat on her behind and slid down the hill yelling at me NOT to do this...go the long way..but I was already gone...
Enlarge the picture and look carefully..
Back down the drive at a dead run...and the day became ..normal again. I walked over and took a couple of shots of the pond below...
This is the pond on the far side of the grounds...
You can see the Koi, which are very tame and come up and eat out of my son in law's hand...but..no one else's.
I had intended on taking pictures of the the fountain that shoots high into the air and crashes down...and of the tree house...but instead...I laughingly told my daughter I'd had enough adventure for the day...and drove off in my little gray truck!
Later at home..I told Howard...and just said "hmmmm..." The following day when looking at my pictures I found I did have a couple of shots just before I ran...so I blew them up...oddly enough it just looked like golden rectangles...which appeared to be light coming through the dead bushes but on closer inspection...no..as it was coming down from my left...and up into that bright light ...which I am sure can be explained by someone. Golden rectangles? (shrug) I have no idea and really don't want to know.
And...that's my OUTDOOR WEDNESDAY....
Smiles and hugs..