Now before everyone goes absolutely mental at me pray let me explain.
I judge keepers as if they were in a league format. For example;
Premiership; Casillas, Cech, Buffon, Reina, Given, etc AND finally now, Almunia
Championship; Howard, Robinson, etc
Blue Square Premiership; Gomes
Get my drift?...........
I always had my doubts about Almunia but the Real Slim Shady lookalike is now finally beginning to stand up.
Last nights performance against Manchester United was the turning point for me. We needed our big players to stand up and be counted. Almunia stood taller than anyone.
I've always had Manuel Almuina down as a good keeper but one that did not rival the likes of Reina, Cech and Buffon. I have no hesitation in naming him amongst those star names now.
Keep it Goonerish............
Thursday, 30 April 2009
Wednesday, 29 April 2009
Vela in quarantine? I wish Adebayor was!
I think I've just seen one of the most toothless displays from an Arsenal striker in my whole entire stinking existence.
I don't want to dig players out but Adebayor was a disgrace to the Arsenal shirt tonight.
He earns between £80,000-£100,000 pounds a week, will someone please tell me what he did to earn a penny of that money? Its a sick joke.
He no longer plays for the Arsenal. He plays for his over-inflated ego and I'm starting to really hope that he is moved on in the summer. He pisses me off more and more every time I see him.
There was a time when Adebayor, even if not playing well, would graft for the cause. Now we see arms flapping and not even a bead of sweat running from his forehead.
And there's me I thinking tonight was a Champions League semi-final for fucks sake! Where was his passion?! The man talks a lot, does he back it up? Does he shit!
The following season after a decent campaign people talk about second season syndrome. With Adebayor its more a case of 'Fuck this, I've got enough money to not give a fuck anymore' syndrome.
He wants to be the new Thierry Henry? More like bloody Henry the hoover.
Keep it Goonerish.....................
I don't want to dig players out but Adebayor was a disgrace to the Arsenal shirt tonight.
He earns between £80,000-£100,000 pounds a week, will someone please tell me what he did to earn a penny of that money? Its a sick joke.
He no longer plays for the Arsenal. He plays for his over-inflated ego and I'm starting to really hope that he is moved on in the summer. He pisses me off more and more every time I see him.
There was a time when Adebayor, even if not playing well, would graft for the cause. Now we see arms flapping and not even a bead of sweat running from his forehead.
And there's me I thinking tonight was a Champions League semi-final for fucks sake! Where was his passion?! The man talks a lot, does he back it up? Does he shit!
The following season after a decent campaign people talk about second season syndrome. With Adebayor its more a case of 'Fuck this, I've got enough money to not give a fuck anymore' syndrome.
He wants to be the new Thierry Henry? More like bloody Henry the hoover.
Keep it Goonerish.....................
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
Alexander Hleb's arse gets six minute break!
Splinters are very painful. Ask Alexander Hleb's arse. He sits on the bench so often at Barcelona his arse gets splinters all the time.
The six minute cameo he had tonight gave his arse a welcome break from the ninety minute splintering it usually receives. And what a six minute cameo it was. He almost scored.
To be honest I don't know whether I wanted Hleb to score or not. On one hand it would have helped knock Chelsea out but on the other it would have meant seeing Hleb score! Who do I hate most?!
Seeing Hleb in a Barca shirt used to upset me. I rated him but not his money and ice-cream grabbing ways. Now of course we have Arshavin, Hleb with bollocks, so who needs Hleb anyway?
I'm just gutted that Arshavin won't feature tomorrow. I feel that he gives a fear factor to Arsenal that we have lacked slightly this season.
The boys will cope though. I really fancy us against Manchester United just like I fancy Chelsea to knock out Barcelona with a Fat Frank Lampard deflected shot after fours minutes and then defend for the rest of the game.
It's gonna be a Champions League London derby people!
Keep it Goonerish..............
The six minute cameo he had tonight gave his arse a welcome break from the ninety minute splintering it usually receives. And what a six minute cameo it was. He almost scored.
To be honest I don't know whether I wanted Hleb to score or not. On one hand it would have helped knock Chelsea out but on the other it would have meant seeing Hleb score! Who do I hate most?!
Seeing Hleb in a Barca shirt used to upset me. I rated him but not his money and ice-cream grabbing ways. Now of course we have Arshavin, Hleb with bollocks, so who needs Hleb anyway?
I'm just gutted that Arshavin won't feature tomorrow. I feel that he gives a fear factor to Arsenal that we have lacked slightly this season.
The boys will cope though. I really fancy us against Manchester United just like I fancy Chelsea to knock out Barcelona with a Fat Frank Lampard deflected shot after fours minutes and then defend for the rest of the game.
It's gonna be a Champions League London derby people!
Keep it Goonerish..............
Monday, 27 April 2009
It should have been Xabi Alonso not Ryan Giggs
Is Ryan Giggs winning the PFA Footballer of the Year a sick joke?!
The geezer has started twelve, yes twelve, Premiership games this season! How does that merit such an award?
Giggs has been superb over the years but I get the sneaky suspicion that he was only crowned PFA Footballer of the Year because it has eluded him in the past and he is in the twilight of his career.
I applaud his loyalty to Manchester United. Not many players stay at one club their whole career. Surely though he should be awarded for this at the end of his playing days and not given Footballer of the Year as a token gesture. Doesn't this take the shine off the award a little?
The winner should have been Xabi Alonso. Regular readers of this blog will now how much I rate the fella. He is absolute class and has played out of his skin this season.
Somehow even being named in the Premiership team of the year has eluded Alonso too. How?? Maybe I see a different game to others.
Its a shame that Arsenal have no players involved but I expect next season to be different. In fact I reckon that a certain Russian maybe right involved.
And I aint talking about Pavlyuchenko either pal!
Keep it Goonerish.................
The geezer has started twelve, yes twelve, Premiership games this season! How does that merit such an award?
Giggs has been superb over the years but I get the sneaky suspicion that he was only crowned PFA Footballer of the Year because it has eluded him in the past and he is in the twilight of his career.
I applaud his loyalty to Manchester United. Not many players stay at one club their whole career. Surely though he should be awarded for this at the end of his playing days and not given Footballer of the Year as a token gesture. Doesn't this take the shine off the award a little?
The winner should have been Xabi Alonso. Regular readers of this blog will now how much I rate the fella. He is absolute class and has played out of his skin this season.
Somehow even being named in the Premiership team of the year has eluded Alonso too. How?? Maybe I see a different game to others.
Its a shame that Arsenal have no players involved but I expect next season to be different. In fact I reckon that a certain Russian maybe right involved.
And I aint talking about Pavlyuchenko either pal!
Keep it Goonerish.................
Sunday, 26 April 2009
Saturday, 25 April 2009
FA should charge Phil Brown on THIS evidence!

I feel sorry for Oompa Loompa's. They are associated with this twat above. I know it's not their fault that they look like him. To be fair, Phil Brown does look a lot more orange than an Oompa Loompa.
Have you heard that part of Hull City and the Oompa Loompa wannabe's evidence is that Fabregas walked onto the Emirates pitch wearing a black hoodie jacket, jeans and trainers?
What the fuck does that have to do with anything?!
I expect Phil Brown will be receiving a phone call from Dizzee Rascal in the next few days.
Seriously though, does it matter what Cesc Fabregas was wearing? What if he was wearing his birthday suit or a sarong? I think it takes the piss that Hull are using evidence based on what he is wearing.
Surely that is discrimination?
I think Arsenal should use the picture above for evidence. If Phil Brown doesn't deserve being charged for what he is wearing then the world should stop turning.
That belt? He found that in a skip. I know. I saw him take it. So did my dog, my radiator and last but not least, my hairbrush.
The main, vital piece of evidence, has to that stupid blue-tooth headset he wears. What the fuck is that all about? I mean really?
Did Phil Brown and his mentor, boyfriend, hero, lover Fat Sam buy matching head-sets in a buy one-get one free offer?
Seriously, he thinks he looks the bollocks doesn't he? What a twat.
In case you haven't noticed I feel strongly about this. Phil Brown has acted like a complete tosser throughout the whole incident. When he is proved to be a liar I hope he is sacked and issues an apology to Cesc Fabregas.
I believe Cesc because I believe in sticking by your own and I don't believe that Fabregas would spit at anyone.
I never had a problem with Hull before. Now I hope they are relegated. All because of the Oompa Loompa wannabe.
Keep it Goonerish...........
Friday, 24 April 2009
You can all jog on! Especially YOU Phil Brown!
Fuck me have Arsenal been in the wars today or what?!
So many people have an opinion on us but you know something? As long as we Gooners stick together the rest can jog right on. Mugs.
Even Merse, former Gooner, wants us to lose! Yep, you heard it. Paul Merson, ex-Arsenal wants us to be beat by Middlesborough.
I know he played for them but that takes the piss. I thought he was Arsenal through and through. I think he must have had a sneaky little gamble on them. Normally Merse aint too bad as a pundit.
Talking of exes, Nicolas Anelka has had a little pop too. He reckons that Arsenal are a club with limited ambition. I reckon Anelka can go fuck himself.
Anelka is a fine one to talk about ambition. Didn't he play for Bolton and Manchester City? Very ambitious indeed is Mr Anelka. I think I've said enough. Nah bollocks, I'll say one more thing. Jog on Anelka you mercenary bastard.
And last but not least, Phil Brown. Aahhhhhhh Phil Brown. The muppet can stick his bluetooth headset where the sun don't shine.
That prick has learned a lot from his boyfriend and mentor Fat fucking Sam. I've no doubt that Phil Brown has stitched Cesc Fabregas up to get some kind of twisted revenge.
He hates Arsene Wenger (because his boyfriend does) he hates Arsenal (because his boyfriend does) and he is bitter (because his boyfriend is).
I cant believe that Fabregas has been charged for this. Fabregas of course, and rightly so, denies spitting of any kind, even lyrics.
Who do you believe? Cesc our captain? Or some jumped up little sun-bed addicted freak? All I'll say is Cesc says he didn't, that's good enough for me.
I hope that if Fabregas is proven innocent Phil Brown and Brian Horton will apologise.
I ask you this though. If Fabregas was English would it have gone this far? Be honest. Exactly.
Keep it Goonerish...............
So many people have an opinion on us but you know something? As long as we Gooners stick together the rest can jog right on. Mugs.
Even Merse, former Gooner, wants us to lose! Yep, you heard it. Paul Merson, ex-Arsenal wants us to be beat by Middlesborough.
I know he played for them but that takes the piss. I thought he was Arsenal through and through. I think he must have had a sneaky little gamble on them. Normally Merse aint too bad as a pundit.
Talking of exes, Nicolas Anelka has had a little pop too. He reckons that Arsenal are a club with limited ambition. I reckon Anelka can go fuck himself.
Anelka is a fine one to talk about ambition. Didn't he play for Bolton and Manchester City? Very ambitious indeed is Mr Anelka. I think I've said enough. Nah bollocks, I'll say one more thing. Jog on Anelka you mercenary bastard.
And last but not least, Phil Brown. Aahhhhhhh Phil Brown. The muppet can stick his bluetooth headset where the sun don't shine.
That prick has learned a lot from his boyfriend and mentor Fat fucking Sam. I've no doubt that Phil Brown has stitched Cesc Fabregas up to get some kind of twisted revenge.
He hates Arsene Wenger (because his boyfriend does) he hates Arsenal (because his boyfriend does) and he is bitter (because his boyfriend is).
I cant believe that Fabregas has been charged for this. Fabregas of course, and rightly so, denies spitting of any kind, even lyrics.
Who do you believe? Cesc our captain? Or some jumped up little sun-bed addicted freak? All I'll say is Cesc says he didn't, that's good enough for me.
I hope that if Fabregas is proven innocent Phil Brown and Brian Horton will apologise.
I ask you this though. If Fabregas was English would it have gone this far? Be honest. Exactly.
Keep it Goonerish...............
Thursday, 23 April 2009
I still miss him
I write this with tears flowing. My missus has told me to pull myself together (not off) but I can't help it. I still love the geezer like a brother.
I've just read Matty Flamini's interview with BBC. He's still a Gooner, I wish he was still a Gunner.
When I look back at his departure I feel a little embarrassed. I think I called him a tosser on more than one occasion when the truth is he wasn't a tosser. Alexander Hleb was. Matty wasn't and next time I see him down the pub I will shake his hand and buy him a pint. And say sorry.
The harsh truth is that maybe Arsenal were the tossers towards Flamini. He was told to earn a contract and he certainly did more than enough to warrant a decent deal.
Look at it this way, Adebayor had one good season and now earns enough money to wipe his arse with a £50 note. Flamini only wanted to do the same with a £20, that's not greedy is it?
Matty was more loyal than a guide dog during his time at Arsenal. That is fucking loyal. He never complained and just got on with his job, most of the time out of position.
Arsenal even tried to sell him the year before he left. Liberty. He stayed, played out of his skin and still wasn't offered a new deal until virtually the end of his contract. I think Arsenal just expected him to sign whatever they put in front of him.
I took to Flamini as soon as I set eyes on him. His combative style is something Arsenal need and have lacked since his departure and if he decided he wanted to come back to Arsenal tomorrow I would drive to Milan myself, pick him up, drive him back and I wouldn't even ask for petrol money.
I bet you Cesc would chip in.
Keep it Goonerish..................
I've just read Matty Flamini's interview with BBC. He's still a Gooner, I wish he was still a Gunner.
When I look back at his departure I feel a little embarrassed. I think I called him a tosser on more than one occasion when the truth is he wasn't a tosser. Alexander Hleb was. Matty wasn't and next time I see him down the pub I will shake his hand and buy him a pint. And say sorry.
The harsh truth is that maybe Arsenal were the tossers towards Flamini. He was told to earn a contract and he certainly did more than enough to warrant a decent deal.
Look at it this way, Adebayor had one good season and now earns enough money to wipe his arse with a £50 note. Flamini only wanted to do the same with a £20, that's not greedy is it?
Matty was more loyal than a guide dog during his time at Arsenal. That is fucking loyal. He never complained and just got on with his job, most of the time out of position.
Arsenal even tried to sell him the year before he left. Liberty. He stayed, played out of his skin and still wasn't offered a new deal until virtually the end of his contract. I think Arsenal just expected him to sign whatever they put in front of him.
I took to Flamini as soon as I set eyes on him. His combative style is something Arsenal need and have lacked since his departure and if he decided he wanted to come back to Arsenal tomorrow I would drive to Milan myself, pick him up, drive him back and I wouldn't even ask for petrol money.
I bet you Cesc would chip in.
Keep it Goonerish..................
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
Arsenal and Liverpool show why Michel François Platini can go f**k himself!
Pheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew! That was a game and half wasn't it?
How the hell have Liverpool fans dealt with two games like that in one week? I tell you this, its 24 hours later and my pulse is still racing faster than Usain Bolt runs.
The point gained for Arsenal should cement at least fourth place in the Premiership for us. You like the way I say 'at least' don't you? I say 'at least' because I still feel Arsenal can leap-frog those arrogant blue bastards down at Stamford Bridge.
Liverpool will feel disappointed after dropping more points at Anfield but they still have to believe they can win the league. Arsenal are out of the title race but of those involved I hope Liverpool win it. I know some Gooners will say they don't care because Arsenal aren't involved anymore but I'd much prefer Liverpool to be champs than Manchester United.
That said I was disappointed in Steve Gerrard and Jamie Redknapp. Despite the fact that Arsenal's opener was proved to be on-side by Sky's very own camera's they were insistent it was border-line. I know they are Liverpool boys and all that but come on! It was proved!
I'd still argue that Yossi Benayoun's header wasn't over the line.......... Moving on.
Richard Keys said that Andrei Arshavin was the first opposition player in one million years to score four score at Anfield. I nearly choked on my Lucozade. I was sure Julio Baptista banged in the same amount a couple of years ago. Keys then pointed out that he only meant goals in the league. It was too late by then. I had already smashed the fuck out of my TV. I'm sending the bill in the post.
The two biggest threats of the night were Andrei Arshavin and Fernando Torres. Neither deserved to be on the losing side so maybe justice was done in a strange way. I doubt Liverpool fans will agree.
I must mention that Łukasz Fabiański produced a good performance after the Chelsea game. It was important for him to do well because he took a lot of criticism after the defeat. I hope his performance has helped prove a lot of the doubters wrong. He is only young for a keeper and will only improve.
That game had more high and lows than a kite and both teams deserve a lot of credit for producing a game of football like that. I think its worth pointing out that English football is the only place you will see matches like this. So Michel François Platini, you can go fuck yourself!
It appears that Michel François Platini has a problem with English football, how when it produces games like this I will never know. José Mourinho would have called it a hockey game, well he can fuck himself too!
Keep it Goonerish.............
How the hell have Liverpool fans dealt with two games like that in one week? I tell you this, its 24 hours later and my pulse is still racing faster than Usain Bolt runs.
The point gained for Arsenal should cement at least fourth place in the Premiership for us. You like the way I say 'at least' don't you? I say 'at least' because I still feel Arsenal can leap-frog those arrogant blue bastards down at Stamford Bridge.
Liverpool will feel disappointed after dropping more points at Anfield but they still have to believe they can win the league. Arsenal are out of the title race but of those involved I hope Liverpool win it. I know some Gooners will say they don't care because Arsenal aren't involved anymore but I'd much prefer Liverpool to be champs than Manchester United.
That said I was disappointed in Steve Gerrard and Jamie Redknapp. Despite the fact that Arsenal's opener was proved to be on-side by Sky's very own camera's they were insistent it was border-line. I know they are Liverpool boys and all that but come on! It was proved!
I'd still argue that Yossi Benayoun's header wasn't over the line.......... Moving on.
Richard Keys said that Andrei Arshavin was the first opposition player in one million years to score four score at Anfield. I nearly choked on my Lucozade. I was sure Julio Baptista banged in the same amount a couple of years ago. Keys then pointed out that he only meant goals in the league. It was too late by then. I had already smashed the fuck out of my TV. I'm sending the bill in the post.
The two biggest threats of the night were Andrei Arshavin and Fernando Torres. Neither deserved to be on the losing side so maybe justice was done in a strange way. I doubt Liverpool fans will agree.
I must mention that Łukasz Fabiański produced a good performance after the Chelsea game. It was important for him to do well because he took a lot of criticism after the defeat. I hope his performance has helped prove a lot of the doubters wrong. He is only young for a keeper and will only improve.
That game had more high and lows than a kite and both teams deserve a lot of credit for producing a game of football like that. I think its worth pointing out that English football is the only place you will see matches like this. So Michel François Platini, you can go fuck yourself!
It appears that Michel François Platini has a problem with English football, how when it produces games like this I will never know. José Mourinho would have called it a hockey game, well he can fuck himself too!
Keep it Goonerish.............
Monday, 20 April 2009
Stop Xabi Alonso; Stop Liverpool
Almost every homo sapien on earth believes that Steve Gerrard is the best thing to have come out of Liverpool since the Beatles. I'd agree to a point. He is mustard. The second best player England have. After Theo Walcott of course.
Luckily for Arsenal, unluckily for Liverpool I've heard a sick rumour he won't be playing tomorrow. However, in my opinion he wouldn't have been the biggest threat that Arsenal faced anyway. Nor would Torres have been/will be.
The danger man we must nullify, in my humble opinion, is Xabi Alonso. The third best Spanish player in the world after Cesc Fabregas and Manuel Almunia of course. The geezer is amazing. A footballer I would watch all day long.
I'm sure each campaign the Premiership committee/panel pick a player of the season. If I was in that committee/panel I would vote for Alonso. He has been immense for Liverpool this season despite being treated like some spat out paella by Rafael Benitez last summer.
Allegedly, Arsenal could have signed Alonso but refused to budge on their offer for the Spaniard. Liverpool wanted £16,000,001, Arsenal went as far as £16,000,000 and Arsene Wenger went mental. Apparently there was pizza everywhere.
It would have been great to see Alonso lining up at Anfield in an Arsenal shirt tomorrow. Instead we have to stop him pulling the strings for Liverpool. He is key to them, starting most of their attacks.
The key battle is who gets control of the midfield. Fabregas or Alonso. It will be like a bull fight. To the end. Fabregas V Alonso. Shame. It could have been Fabregas and Alonso. Never mind.
Keep it Goonerish.................
Luckily for Arsenal, unluckily for Liverpool I've heard a sick rumour he won't be playing tomorrow. However, in my opinion he wouldn't have been the biggest threat that Arsenal faced anyway. Nor would Torres have been/will be.
The danger man we must nullify, in my humble opinion, is Xabi Alonso. The third best Spanish player in the world after Cesc Fabregas and Manuel Almunia of course. The geezer is amazing. A footballer I would watch all day long.
I'm sure each campaign the Premiership committee/panel pick a player of the season. If I was in that committee/panel I would vote for Alonso. He has been immense for Liverpool this season despite being treated like some spat out paella by Rafael Benitez last summer.
Allegedly, Arsenal could have signed Alonso but refused to budge on their offer for the Spaniard. Liverpool wanted £16,000,001, Arsenal went as far as £16,000,000 and Arsene Wenger went mental. Apparently there was pizza everywhere.
It would have been great to see Alonso lining up at Anfield in an Arsenal shirt tomorrow. Instead we have to stop him pulling the strings for Liverpool. He is key to them, starting most of their attacks.
The key battle is who gets control of the midfield. Fabregas or Alonso. It will be like a bull fight. To the end. Fabregas V Alonso. Shame. It could have been Fabregas and Alonso. Never mind.
Keep it Goonerish.................
Łukasz Fabiański is no calamity keeper
Don't get me wrong Fabiański fucked up against Chelsea. But to get on his back would be a big mistake. He needs our support.
I agree with Arsene Wenger, the lad could become one of the best keepers in the world. What happened to him on Saturday could have happened to anyone.
Every keeper makes mistakes. Even the greats. Whats important is that he learns from the situation and uses it to his advantage.
Keep it Goonerish...........
I agree with Arsene Wenger, the lad could become one of the best keepers in the world. What happened to him on Saturday could have happened to anyone.
Every keeper makes mistakes. Even the greats. Whats important is that he learns from the situation and uses it to his advantage.
Keep it Goonerish...........
Sunday, 19 April 2009
Chelsea wanted it more. Simple.
Well I really put my foot in my mouth with my last post didn't? Despite that I still hate Chelsea.
Arsene Wenger messed up more than me though. Big time. His selection was a little different to what I expected but maybe he still believes we have a chance for the Premiership title and he was resting players for the Liverpool game in the week. Wouldn't surprise me.
Fair enough, the gaffer fucked up. But for me it was more simple than simple minds. Chelsea wanted it more and you have to respect them for that. They were more up for it. Perhaps Abramovich offered Lampard a years supply of McDonalds. We all know Lampard loves a MaccyD.
We have to move on. I know it's hard. I feel the pain. I had to drink a pint of Carling out of a Chelsea dog bowl as a forfeit. It wasn't good. And the dog was pissed off. A Gooner drinking from his bowl. Bad times.
We have to see a positive reaction. Many see the FA Cup as the only chance we have of silverware. Fuck that. We will win the Champions League instead. I'd rather win in Europe than the FA Cup anyway.
I'm sorry but I have to take that goal away from Theo. It was an own goal from the man formerly known as an Arsenal left-back. It reads better. Ashley Cole own goal. Have that you little muppet.
We will play Chelsea again this season. Not once but twice. Once in the Premiership and again in Rome. We will knock out Manchester United, they will beat Barcelona. Trust me. I'm a doctor.
I'll look forward to that night in Rome against them. Revenge will be sweet.
Keep it Goonerish.............
Arsene Wenger messed up more than me though. Big time. His selection was a little different to what I expected but maybe he still believes we have a chance for the Premiership title and he was resting players for the Liverpool game in the week. Wouldn't surprise me.
Fair enough, the gaffer fucked up. But for me it was more simple than simple minds. Chelsea wanted it more and you have to respect them for that. They were more up for it. Perhaps Abramovich offered Lampard a years supply of McDonalds. We all know Lampard loves a MaccyD.
We have to move on. I know it's hard. I feel the pain. I had to drink a pint of Carling out of a Chelsea dog bowl as a forfeit. It wasn't good. And the dog was pissed off. A Gooner drinking from his bowl. Bad times.
We have to see a positive reaction. Many see the FA Cup as the only chance we have of silverware. Fuck that. We will win the Champions League instead. I'd rather win in Europe than the FA Cup anyway.
I'm sorry but I have to take that goal away from Theo. It was an own goal from the man formerly known as an Arsenal left-back. It reads better. Ashley Cole own goal. Have that you little muppet.
We will play Chelsea again this season. Not once but twice. Once in the Premiership and again in Rome. We will knock out Manchester United, they will beat Barcelona. Trust me. I'm a doctor.
I'll look forward to that night in Rome against them. Revenge will be sweet.
Keep it Goonerish.............
Friday, 17 April 2009
Despised Chelsea are not a BIG football club
I can't deny it. I hate Chelsea. I hate John Terry, I hate Frank Lampard and I even hate Chelsea from Eastenders. In truth? Chelsea make me sick.
I guess people will say I'm just jealous. Well I'm not. It's obvious that Chelsea have had more success than Arsenal in recent times. Of course I don't like that. Its more than that though.
Chelsea claim to be a big club. They are not. Chelsea think they have a divine right to be considered one of Europe's big boys just because they are wealthy. They need history though and that is something you have to earn.
Chelsea want to be one of the biggest clubs in the world. Fuck me, they aint even the biggest club in London. They have a long way to go until they dethrone us from that role.
The arrogance that comes from Stamford Bridge amazes me. There is a distinct lack of class. Its almost as if they have invented a new kind of smugness. Ashley Cole is one smug little bastard and he has fitted right in there. Perhaps he has taken it to the extreme.
If they sold out their stadium every game then perhaps I'd listen to them a bit more. I don't even think they have sold out their tickets in tomorrows semi-final. Big club? More like Chocolate club.
I will love it when Abramovich decides that he is bored with Chelsea. What the fuck will they do then? I know what I will do. I will laugh my pants off.
Keep it Goonerish.................
I guess people will say I'm just jealous. Well I'm not. It's obvious that Chelsea have had more success than Arsenal in recent times. Of course I don't like that. Its more than that though.
Chelsea claim to be a big club. They are not. Chelsea think they have a divine right to be considered one of Europe's big boys just because they are wealthy. They need history though and that is something you have to earn.
Chelsea want to be one of the biggest clubs in the world. Fuck me, they aint even the biggest club in London. They have a long way to go until they dethrone us from that role.
The arrogance that comes from Stamford Bridge amazes me. There is a distinct lack of class. Its almost as if they have invented a new kind of smugness. Ashley Cole is one smug little bastard and he has fitted right in there. Perhaps he has taken it to the extreme.
If they sold out their stadium every game then perhaps I'd listen to them a bit more. I don't even think they have sold out their tickets in tomorrows semi-final. Big club? More like Chocolate club.
I will love it when Abramovich decides that he is bored with Chelsea. What the fuck will they do then? I know what I will do. I will laugh my pants off.
Keep it Goonerish.................
Tuesday, 14 April 2009
Ian Wright, Wright, Wright? More like Wrong, Wrong, Wrong
Ian Wright used to be an Arsenal hero of mine. And you know what? I hate the fact that now I say used to be.
What is wrong with the fella? Today he expressed an opinion that fourth place is not good enough for Arsenal. Well, fair enough. But why say it now? Couldn't he have waited until the end of the season to say so?
Why has he chosen to come out with this article at the beginning of the most important week of Arsenal's campaign? What is his problem?
The funny thing about the situation is at the beginning of the season he said Arsenal would struggle to make it into the top four. Now he says it's not good enough.
Growing up as a kid I worshipped the bloke. He was my hero. Nowadays I can't help but think he uses the Arsenal to sell his column.
Why didn't Ian Wright use his column to say how well Arsenal were doing recently and that we have a real chance of winning the FA Cup or Champions League?
I know there have been times Arsenal have been poor this season. I know we haven't won for a trophy for a long time. But lets wait until the end of the season and then maybe discuss the campaign. Who knows, we might have come third and won both trophies by then!
I'm sorry Wrighty. I think you are bitter towards Arsenal, maybe more towards Arsene Wenger. Since you have left the club your opinions and columns have proved that.
And that, from an Arsenal legend, makes me sad.
Keep it Goonerish.............
What is wrong with the fella? Today he expressed an opinion that fourth place is not good enough for Arsenal. Well, fair enough. But why say it now? Couldn't he have waited until the end of the season to say so?
Why has he chosen to come out with this article at the beginning of the most important week of Arsenal's campaign? What is his problem?
The funny thing about the situation is at the beginning of the season he said Arsenal would struggle to make it into the top four. Now he says it's not good enough.
Growing up as a kid I worshipped the bloke. He was my hero. Nowadays I can't help but think he uses the Arsenal to sell his column.
Why didn't Ian Wright use his column to say how well Arsenal were doing recently and that we have a real chance of winning the FA Cup or Champions League?
I know there have been times Arsenal have been poor this season. I know we haven't won for a trophy for a long time. But lets wait until the end of the season and then maybe discuss the campaign. Who knows, we might have come third and won both trophies by then!
I'm sorry Wrighty. I think you are bitter towards Arsenal, maybe more towards Arsene Wenger. Since you have left the club your opinions and columns have proved that.
And that, from an Arsenal legend, makes me sad.
Keep it Goonerish.............
Monday, 13 April 2009
Stan Collymore and his hypocritical followers
It makes me laugh to read 'expert' punditry from the likes of Stan Collymore, Mark Lawrenson and their muggy mates.
All season long they have stuck a knife into Arsenal's back and twisted it more than a game of twister. They wrote us off more than a written off car. Wankers.
When it seemed that Arsenal would struggle to finish in the top four they all jumped on the 'Arsenal are finished' bandwagon. Now fourth place is looking on the cards they are all of the opinion it was always gonna happen.
The twats couldn't wait to kick Arsenal when they were down. Now they are all looking like the divvy munsters that they are.
(The post is short but to the point-I'm hungover)
Keep it Goonerish................
All season long they have stuck a knife into Arsenal's back and twisted it more than a game of twister. They wrote us off more than a written off car. Wankers.
When it seemed that Arsenal would struggle to finish in the top four they all jumped on the 'Arsenal are finished' bandwagon. Now fourth place is looking on the cards they are all of the opinion it was always gonna happen.
The twats couldn't wait to kick Arsenal when they were down. Now they are all looking like the divvy munsters that they are.
(The post is short but to the point-I'm hungover)
Keep it Goonerish................
Sunday, 12 April 2009
Have Arsenal been cursed?
I honestly cannot remember the last time Arsenal had a fully fit starting eleven. I've heard rumours it was in the 1980's when Micheal Jackson released Thriller.
Seriously though, it is like some sick joke and Arsenal have been cursed by some "injury witch" or something. We are lighter at the back than a Coors Light and the situation is looking grim. One more injury to a defender and we may have to call for a state emergency.
It pisses me off because its the most important time of the season, Arsenal are flying, and BANG! More injuries.
If the injurys in defence continue then it maybe time for Arsene Wenger to go back to the 1950's. I'm sure they played a 2-3-5 formation in those days didn't they? Even more total attacking football from Arsenal of course!
Despite our curse the good thing is because we are winning the confidence is flowing through the veins of the squad. The winning habit is spreading its wings so anyone coming into the side is helped by coming into a winning side. Know what I mean?
And we need that winning habit. This is a week defining week for the campaign. I'd argue it's more important than eating. Beat Villarreal, beat Chelsea, and it maybe time to bring out the old silver polish again.
Anyway, I'm off to find the bitch of a witch who put that injury curse on Arsenal. Have a good Easter and don't eat too much chocolate. Drink beer instead.
Keep it Goonerish.............
Seriously though, it is like some sick joke and Arsenal have been cursed by some "injury witch" or something. We are lighter at the back than a Coors Light and the situation is looking grim. One more injury to a defender and we may have to call for a state emergency.
It pisses me off because its the most important time of the season, Arsenal are flying, and BANG! More injuries.
If the injurys in defence continue then it maybe time for Arsene Wenger to go back to the 1950's. I'm sure they played a 2-3-5 formation in those days didn't they? Even more total attacking football from Arsenal of course!
Despite our curse the good thing is because we are winning the confidence is flowing through the veins of the squad. The winning habit is spreading its wings so anyone coming into the side is helped by coming into a winning side. Know what I mean?
And we need that winning habit. This is a week defining week for the campaign. I'd argue it's more important than eating. Beat Villarreal, beat Chelsea, and it maybe time to bring out the old silver polish again.
Anyway, I'm off to find the bitch of a witch who put that injury curse on Arsenal. Have a good Easter and don't eat too much chocolate. Drink beer instead.
Keep it Goonerish.............
From a Gooner to Liverpool fans
I had to think several times before I wrote this post. I couldn't decide whether to write it because it involved another club and not my beloved Arsenal. In the end I decided that Gooners would understand why I have wrote this post.
I watched the Liverpool V Blackburn match yesterday and was genuinely moved by events there. Not because Liverpool went top of the league again. No, no, no. But because of the sheer emotion at the ground.
I can't believe it has been 20 years since the Hillsborough disaster. It's strange because I was only around six years old at the time and you only remember certain things from your childhood. The Hillsborough disaster was one something I remember. Only vaguely. But I do remember it.
I suppose I didn't understand the enormity of what happened at such a young age but as I've got older I've grown to understand that it was such a terrible tragedy. Something like that should never happen at a football ground and I feel for the families and friends of anyone involved.
I've read Steve Gerrard's book and I remember reading that he had a cousin involved. You could see the emotion in his face when the camera's were on him.
I only hope that nothing will happen like this in football again.
I look at the league table and I see Arsenal out of the title race. I see Manchester United, Liverpool and Chelsea above us. Of the three I hope Liverpool win the league. It would be fitting that they did for those who perished 20 years on.
Keep it Goonerish..............
I watched the Liverpool V Blackburn match yesterday and was genuinely moved by events there. Not because Liverpool went top of the league again. No, no, no. But because of the sheer emotion at the ground.
I can't believe it has been 20 years since the Hillsborough disaster. It's strange because I was only around six years old at the time and you only remember certain things from your childhood. The Hillsborough disaster was one something I remember. Only vaguely. But I do remember it.
I suppose I didn't understand the enormity of what happened at such a young age but as I've got older I've grown to understand that it was such a terrible tragedy. Something like that should never happen at a football ground and I feel for the families and friends of anyone involved.
I've read Steve Gerrard's book and I remember reading that he had a cousin involved. You could see the emotion in his face when the camera's were on him.
I only hope that nothing will happen like this in football again.
I look at the league table and I see Arsenal out of the title race. I see Manchester United, Liverpool and Chelsea above us. Of the three I hope Liverpool win the league. It would be fitting that they did for those who perished 20 years on.
Keep it Goonerish..............
Friday, 10 April 2009
I learnt something from Diarra!
Lassana Diarra says he learnt nothing from Arsene Wenger. Well I learnt that Diarra had a dolphin shaped head, a bad attitude and the patience levels of a two year old.
I've tried not to bite over this but I can't help it. He really is a croissant.
Diarra has a lot of talent and potential. Believe me, he would have maximised that at Arsenal and become a world-class player. He has messed up though in my opinion.
Sure, he is happy at Madrid at the moment but it won't be long until he is considered as useful as a third nipple in Madrid.
He isn't a big name and as soon as the next "best defensive midfielder" comes along he will be lobbed out of the club quicker than you can say abracadabra.
I suppose I should just erase him from my memory like the Men In Black but I find it difficult when he launches an unprovoked stinging attack on the gaffer at Arsenal.
Arsene Wenger will probably be too dignified to respond to such slander so I'll do it for him; "Do one, you little dolphin headed munster. "
Keep it Goonerish..........
I've tried not to bite over this but I can't help it. He really is a croissant.
Diarra has a lot of talent and potential. Believe me, he would have maximised that at Arsenal and become a world-class player. He has messed up though in my opinion.
Sure, he is happy at Madrid at the moment but it won't be long until he is considered as useful as a third nipple in Madrid.
He isn't a big name and as soon as the next "best defensive midfielder" comes along he will be lobbed out of the club quicker than you can say abracadabra.
I suppose I should just erase him from my memory like the Men In Black but I find it difficult when he launches an unprovoked stinging attack on the gaffer at Arsenal.
Arsene Wenger will probably be too dignified to respond to such slander so I'll do it for him; "Do one, you little dolphin headed munster. "
Keep it Goonerish..........
Ze Germans! Ze Germans!
Bloody hell does it ever end?
The media, obviously not content with just trying to unsettle Arsenal players, have now tried to pick on their next target, our bloody manager!
I thought that the characters, Harry and Lloyd from the film Dumb and Dumber, were the dumbest bastards in the world! Well stone me, I think they have a rival!
Apparently Bayern Munich are preparing to prise Wenger from our grasp. They would have more luck in over-turning the hiding from Barcelona the other night.
Arsene Wenger has more loyalty than a Labrador and believe me those dogs are loyal. He would never break a contract and I wouldn't doubt that he finishes his career at Arsenal.
The funniest thing I've read about it is that Bayern will give Wenger a license to buy any French or African player he desires. Actually, thinking about it, that maybe an attraction for Le Boss!
My take on it all? Sod it. It'll never happen. Ignore the poxy media and they might, just might, go away.
Keep it Goonerish...........
The media, obviously not content with just trying to unsettle Arsenal players, have now tried to pick on their next target, our bloody manager!
I thought that the characters, Harry and Lloyd from the film Dumb and Dumber, were the dumbest bastards in the world! Well stone me, I think they have a rival!
Apparently Bayern Munich are preparing to prise Wenger from our grasp. They would have more luck in over-turning the hiding from Barcelona the other night.
Arsene Wenger has more loyalty than a Labrador and believe me those dogs are loyal. He would never break a contract and I wouldn't doubt that he finishes his career at Arsenal.
The funniest thing I've read about it is that Bayern will give Wenger a license to buy any French or African player he desires. Actually, thinking about it, that maybe an attraction for Le Boss!
My take on it all? Sod it. It'll never happen. Ignore the poxy media and they might, just might, go away.
Keep it Goonerish...........
Thursday, 9 April 2009
F**K Barcelona!
I keep hearing Barcelona this and Barcelona that. Well I've got an opinion on Barcelona too. Fuck 'em!
Yes they play marvellous football. At times they've seemed like Arsenal on steroids. But they ain't invincible. Only we can ever claim that title.
The bastards keep trying to tap-up our players so I've no respect for them. They blatantly flaunt themselves like whores in little Texas.
I can't believe FIFA or UEFA (who is in charge?) have never reprimanded either Barcelona or Real Madrid for being so open about who they want to sign. I would bet my house, car, train and my Mighty Boosh DvD set that if an English club were do to the same thing they would get fucked over. Blatter and Platini would make sure of that!
Begrudgingly I have two things I like about them though. Thierry Henry, for obvious reasons, and Messi, who I think will become the greatest player of all time.
Anyway, people say you want to avoid Barcelona like the plague. I don't. Bring 'em on! You have to beat the best to win the damn thing so let's 'ave it!
I predicted an Arsenal V Liverpool Champions League final, it looks like that has gone tits up! So if it ends up being Arsenal V Barcelona then I cannot wait.
Revenge for 2006 could be on the cards. Thierry Henry missed two sitters for us in that game. He said he never had a real chance to say bye to us either. Perhaps he could miss two sitters (if we get there!) in 2009!
Keep it Goonerish.............
Yes they play marvellous football. At times they've seemed like Arsenal on steroids. But they ain't invincible. Only we can ever claim that title.
The bastards keep trying to tap-up our players so I've no respect for them. They blatantly flaunt themselves like whores in little Texas.
I can't believe FIFA or UEFA (who is in charge?) have never reprimanded either Barcelona or Real Madrid for being so open about who they want to sign. I would bet my house, car, train and my Mighty Boosh DvD set that if an English club were do to the same thing they would get fucked over. Blatter and Platini would make sure of that!
Begrudgingly I have two things I like about them though. Thierry Henry, for obvious reasons, and Messi, who I think will become the greatest player of all time.
Anyway, people say you want to avoid Barcelona like the plague. I don't. Bring 'em on! You have to beat the best to win the damn thing so let's 'ave it!
I predicted an Arsenal V Liverpool Champions League final, it looks like that has gone tits up! So if it ends up being Arsenal V Barcelona then I cannot wait.
Revenge for 2006 could be on the cards. Thierry Henry missed two sitters for us in that game. He said he never had a real chance to say bye to us either. Perhaps he could miss two sitters (if we get there!) in 2009!
Keep it Goonerish.............
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
I hope Gallas hasn't played his last game for Arsenal!
I've come to the conclusion that amongst Gooners William Gallas is like marmite; You love him or you hate him. I actually love him. Like a brother. And if William Gallas has played his last game for Arsenal then I'd be a gutted man.
I've heard some suggesting that he will be off in the summer. I really hope that isn't the case. I've also heard that he may be out for the rest of the season. I really, really, really hope that isn't the case.
I think Gallas deserves more credit than a pay-as-you-go phone. He has been immense for Arsenal since he was stripped off the captaincy. A true professional. Who'd have thought it? Pundits and the like predicted he would go off the rails. Well he has managed a big fat fuck you to them hasn't he?
In my opinion William Gallas is Arsenal's best defender. Yes, I've said it all before but I'm saying it again. William Gallas is Arsenal's best defender. If it's true that he will be out for the rest of the campaign then it is a huge blow. Gallas brings that calm and experience to the defence that others can't.
Keep it Goonerish..............
I've heard some suggesting that he will be off in the summer. I really hope that isn't the case. I've also heard that he may be out for the rest of the season. I really, really, really hope that isn't the case.
I think Gallas deserves more credit than a pay-as-you-go phone. He has been immense for Arsenal since he was stripped off the captaincy. A true professional. Who'd have thought it? Pundits and the like predicted he would go off the rails. Well he has managed a big fat fuck you to them hasn't he?
In my opinion William Gallas is Arsenal's best defender. Yes, I've said it all before but I'm saying it again. William Gallas is Arsenal's best defender. If it's true that he will be out for the rest of the campaign then it is a huge blow. Gallas brings that calm and experience to the defence that others can't.
Keep it Goonerish..............
Monday, 6 April 2009
More, more, more!
Don't laugh when I say this. Adebayor could be one of the most dangerous footballers on this planet. I really mean it. No, I haven't been smoking da cronic or sipping on some hennessy. The Togo Kid could be one of the most feared players in the universe, but he has to want it.
It's no good him thinking he has made it already. He hasn't. Sure he has cash in his pocket but should that be enough for a man who could go on to become one of the best? I think he believed he had made it but has come round to the fact he hasn't. And that he could. Cuckoo.
I've given Ade a lot of stick this season. And rightly so. The money-grabbing basta.....I was one of his staunchest supporters last season though. And I want that Ade back. The one who grafts and chases a lost cause. The Ade who shits the life out of John Terry and makes him cry. The Dancing Ade.
Yes, Ade has been a bit of Togo Tosspot this campaign but I'm starting to think that he has turned the corner. Maybe putting ice on his swollen head has helped but there is no doubt an in-form Adebayor is a massive plus for Arsenal.
Maybe Ade has seen the light. He got his £4,890,732 a week contract but perhaps finally he has got the message. Strolling round the Emirates, arms flying everywhere will not win him many friends but the hard-working Ade we saw last season will.
Seeing his Cro-Zillian team-mate may have hit home some truths for Ade. While he appeared to take his talent for granted Eduardo was busy trying to save his career. And he is loved for it. Ade could do with some of Eduardo's humility, perhaps he has.
I hope we see more of the Adebayor we saw on Saturday. Believe me, he could become the biggest threat in world football. But he has to want it. And not just make his wallet fatter.
Keep it Goonerish............
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It's no good him thinking he has made it already. He hasn't. Sure he has cash in his pocket but should that be enough for a man who could go on to become one of the best? I think he believed he had made it but has come round to the fact he hasn't. And that he could. Cuckoo.
I've given Ade a lot of stick this season. And rightly so. The money-grabbing basta.....I was one of his staunchest supporters last season though. And I want that Ade back. The one who grafts and chases a lost cause. The Ade who shits the life out of John Terry and makes him cry. The Dancing Ade.
Yes, Ade has been a bit of Togo Tosspot this campaign but I'm starting to think that he has turned the corner. Maybe putting ice on his swollen head has helped but there is no doubt an in-form Adebayor is a massive plus for Arsenal.
Maybe Ade has seen the light. He got his £4,890,732 a week contract but perhaps finally he has got the message. Strolling round the Emirates, arms flying everywhere will not win him many friends but the hard-working Ade we saw last season will.
Seeing his Cro-Zillian team-mate may have hit home some truths for Ade. While he appeared to take his talent for granted Eduardo was busy trying to save his career. And he is loved for it. Ade could do with some of Eduardo's humility, perhaps he has.
I hope we see more of the Adebayor we saw on Saturday. Believe me, he could become the biggest threat in world football. But he has to want it. And not just make his wallet fatter.
Keep it Goonerish............
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Watch out Chelsea
After the weekends results our hold on fourth place is looking more and more certain everyday. It's almost as certain as Harry Redknapp having a twitching fit after yet another Spurs defeat. Put it this way, the fat lady hasn't sung yet, but she is beginning to warm up her voice with a reassuring hum.
Just like Mystic Meg, I can predict the future. A while back I said that Aston Villa would run out of luck and form while Arsenal would go on a run that would see us claim fourth spot. I'm proud to say I appear to be right. So far. And I'm going to use my powers for this weekends lottery for the first time.
I'll be truthful, I'm still wary but only a little. But at least now its Arsenal place to lose and that is a relief after some predicted we would struggle to get there. Of course, I never.
Sometimes a little calm is needed. I admit, there have been many times in the past that I have panicked and gone ape-shit, and I've done so on this very blog. But fourth place was something I was always confident Arsenal would get. We should aim even higher and try to take Chelsea out.
I can't see any reason why we shouldn't aim for Chelsea third place position. And it would really piss them off. Beating them to third, knocking them out of the FA Cup and finally, maybe, even beating them in the Champions League final.
Yes we are six points below them but we can do it. We are bang in form, at the business end of the season and are still to play them at the Emirates. I'd love to see John Terry crying again. His crocodile tears in the Champions League Final was quite funny. It reminded me of Charlie from EastEnders. And don't tell me you don't watch EastEnders.
Despite Chelsea having more success in recent times than us, we are still the number one London club. That cannot be taken away from us. EVER. Those dirt-bags may be able to buy Buckingham Palace but unfortunately for them they can't buy history or class. Something Arsenal have in abundance.
Keep it Goonerish................
Check out
Just like Mystic Meg, I can predict the future. A while back I said that Aston Villa would run out of luck and form while Arsenal would go on a run that would see us claim fourth spot. I'm proud to say I appear to be right. So far. And I'm going to use my powers for this weekends lottery for the first time.
I'll be truthful, I'm still wary but only a little. But at least now its Arsenal place to lose and that is a relief after some predicted we would struggle to get there. Of course, I never.
Sometimes a little calm is needed. I admit, there have been many times in the past that I have panicked and gone ape-shit, and I've done so on this very blog. But fourth place was something I was always confident Arsenal would get. We should aim even higher and try to take Chelsea out.
I can't see any reason why we shouldn't aim for Chelsea third place position. And it would really piss them off. Beating them to third, knocking them out of the FA Cup and finally, maybe, even beating them in the Champions League final.
Yes we are six points below them but we can do it. We are bang in form, at the business end of the season and are still to play them at the Emirates. I'd love to see John Terry crying again. His crocodile tears in the Champions League Final was quite funny. It reminded me of Charlie from EastEnders. And don't tell me you don't watch EastEnders.
Despite Chelsea having more success in recent times than us, we are still the number one London club. That cannot be taken away from us. EVER. Those dirt-bags may be able to buy Buckingham Palace but unfortunately for them they can't buy history or class. Something Arsenal have in abundance.
Keep it Goonerish................
Check out
Thursday, 2 April 2009
England's relief at Wembley?! My relief its OVER!!
Thank Goodness the Internationals are finally over!
Don't get me wrong, I want England to do well. I'm English and slightly proud of that fact. However, that long without Arsenal has left me shaking, dribbling and I have lost some function in my brain.
This will sound harsh but I'm going to say it anyway, England bore me. The whole International scene does. The only time I find England exciting is in the actual finals of a tournament. Then England just upset me.
When England lose, I'm upset for about 10, maybe 11 minutes. When Arsenal lose it can affect my whole week.
I also find it hard to support the likes of Rooney, Terry and especially that arrogant little munster Ashley Cole. Every week I want them to fail so I find it hard to suddenly just switch off and get behind them. I'm not a light-switch. I can't turn off my emotions!
I'm just relieved it's time for Arsenal again. I wonder how the International break will have affected us. We were hitting some good form, in perfect time for the business end of the season.
I have a hunch we will continue where we left off. The return of Cesc Fabregas will buoy the side and the Gooner faithful.
Keep it Goonerish.........
Don't get me wrong, I want England to do well. I'm English and slightly proud of that fact. However, that long without Arsenal has left me shaking, dribbling and I have lost some function in my brain.
This will sound harsh but I'm going to say it anyway, England bore me. The whole International scene does. The only time I find England exciting is in the actual finals of a tournament. Then England just upset me.
When England lose, I'm upset for about 10, maybe 11 minutes. When Arsenal lose it can affect my whole week.
I also find it hard to support the likes of Rooney, Terry and especially that arrogant little munster Ashley Cole. Every week I want them to fail so I find it hard to suddenly just switch off and get behind them. I'm not a light-switch. I can't turn off my emotions!
I'm just relieved it's time for Arsenal again. I wonder how the International break will have affected us. We were hitting some good form, in perfect time for the business end of the season.
I have a hunch we will continue where we left off. The return of Cesc Fabregas will buoy the side and the Gooner faithful.
Keep it Goonerish.........
Wednesday, 1 April 2009
Grand National Tips for Gooners
It's that time of year again where punters around the country take a trip to their local bookmaker or laptop as the case may be nowadays, and place their fivers and tenners on the Grand National. Here, we are going to have a look at the best bets on offer for Gooners.
Here's one for William Gallas fans – My Will
Hailing from the Paul Nicholls yard and being the choice of leading jockey Ruby Walsh, this gelding holds major claims. He ran a cracking in the Gold Cup at Cheltenham to finish 5th at 100/1 and a similar performance would see him go very close.
Back My Will at 7/1 with Coral
The French Connection – L'Ami
It feels like L'Ami has been around forever but he's still only a 10 year old, the perfect age for a Grand National winner. He ran a very solid race at Cheltenham last month when finishing 2nd in the Glenfarclas Handicap Chase over a marathon trip of 3 miles and 7 furlongs. He will certainly get the trip and doesn't look too badly handicapped.
Back L'Ami at 20/1 with Boylesports
Arsenal have just come out of this in the last month or so, the... – Darkness
This is a very interesting runner indeed. Off the track for a long time, Darkness made his long awaited comeback this season and has show he still possesses a lot of his old ability. Due to the fact he's not had many recent runs, he's got a lovely weight of 10st 9lbs. He's been quietly backed for National in recent weeks and could be a big danger to all if staying the trip.
Back Darkness at 20/1 with Stan James
Here's one for the Robbie Keane haters to get stuck into – Irish Invader
This 8 year old has won his last 3 starts and comes from the very shrewd Willie Mullins yard. He would probably prefer a bit more juice in the ground but he has run well on good ground in the past. He has been campaigned over the minimum trip this season so the National is a big step up in distance but he has won over 3 miles in the past which is a positive.
Back Irish Invader at 25/1 with Coral
Visit Grand National Guide for more Grand National 2009 news, tips and trends.
Good luck with your bets this weekend and let us know your own fancies in the comments section.
Keep it Goonerish...........
Here's one for William Gallas fans – My Will
Hailing from the Paul Nicholls yard and being the choice of leading jockey Ruby Walsh, this gelding holds major claims. He ran a cracking in the Gold Cup at Cheltenham to finish 5th at 100/1 and a similar performance would see him go very close.
Back My Will at 7/1 with Coral
The French Connection – L'Ami
It feels like L'Ami has been around forever but he's still only a 10 year old, the perfect age for a Grand National winner. He ran a very solid race at Cheltenham last month when finishing 2nd in the Glenfarclas Handicap Chase over a marathon trip of 3 miles and 7 furlongs. He will certainly get the trip and doesn't look too badly handicapped.
Back L'Ami at 20/1 with Boylesports
Arsenal have just come out of this in the last month or so, the... – Darkness
This is a very interesting runner indeed. Off the track for a long time, Darkness made his long awaited comeback this season and has show he still possesses a lot of his old ability. Due to the fact he's not had many recent runs, he's got a lovely weight of 10st 9lbs. He's been quietly backed for National in recent weeks and could be a big danger to all if staying the trip.
Back Darkness at 20/1 with Stan James
Here's one for the Robbie Keane haters to get stuck into – Irish Invader
This 8 year old has won his last 3 starts and comes from the very shrewd Willie Mullins yard. He would probably prefer a bit more juice in the ground but he has run well on good ground in the past. He has been campaigned over the minimum trip this season so the National is a big step up in distance but he has won over 3 miles in the past which is a positive.
Back Irish Invader at 25/1 with Coral
Visit Grand National Guide for more Grand National 2009 news, tips and trends.
Good luck with your bets this weekend and let us know your own fancies in the comments section.
Keep it Goonerish...........
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