Saturday, 31 May 2008
Cheers ArsenalAnalysis! Dudu is looking good.
I've just been on their site and seen the incredible footage of Eduardo's rehabilitation. (Yes I know, that is a huge word I've just used!)
It is brilliant to see Dudu recovering at such a rapid speed and he looks like he will be returning quicker than we thought.
At one time he seemed that he might not even return to the game! But judging by the footage Arsenal Analysis shows, he'll be back in no time.
The only worry for me is how Dudu reacts to the first challenge made on him. He will get his physical strength back, it will then be a case of mental strength. And that first tackle will help progress his rehabilitation further. But he seems a strong man and I hope and think he will make a full recovery.
But lets not worry about that now, its just great to see him actually making a return after the horror challenge that threatened his career.
We Gooners and everyone who saw the tackle were sickened, but hopefully seeing this footage help us, and Dudu, get over it.
Nice one, Arsenal Analysis.
(To see the footage, there is a link for Arsenal Analysis on my site.)
Keep it Goonerish...........
Thursday, 29 May 2008
Hleb, pull the other one. Sack your agent and then I'll listen to you.
For the last month his agent has been hoaring him around Europe and back, and now he declares his undying love for the club and can't says he can't think where the rumours about his departure are coming from. I'll give you a clue Alex.
Your agent has put us Gooners through the wringer the last month with his constant shite talk. And in all that time you haven't said a bean.
You must of known the situation, he's your agent! You cannot tell me that Hleb has not seen the papers and is completely unaware of where the rumours are coming from.
I think that this statement he has released is a load of shit.
He respects Le Boss, and loves Arsenal. What about us Gooners?! For a month we've had shit from Hlebs agent, where is the respect for us?!
There is none, and I reckon that this statement is just Hleb trying to soften us up for his guaranteed departure.
Alex, I could not stomach seeing you in an Arsenal shirt EVER again after the shit from your agent.
If you didn't let your agent spout out all that shit, then you could left with your head held high. Instead you have gone about it in the wrong way.
The statement you released is full of shit, you have only released it because you are shit scared of all the flak your going to get when you leave.
I will only half listen to you if you sack your agent. Cesc sacked his agent when he tried to hoar Cesc around Madrid, now you do the same.
If not, then you are the knob that I think you are.
Keep it Goonerish........
Wednesday, 28 May 2008
Robin IS special Marco, just return him in one piece!
I totally agree, but then Van Basten suggests that Arsenal rushed Van Persie back from injury too soon, and as a result, Van Persie suffered an injury relapse.
Now correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm sure that the Boy Wonders injury woes last season began in a meaningless friendly for Holland!
Now I know Van Basten couldn't have foreseen this injury coming, but what right does he have to question Arsenal about when Van Persie could return to action?
None in my book.
Van Basten and Holland do not pay Robins wages each week, Arsenal do. And do him and Holland care that he wasn't available to play for Arsenal as a result of the injury in that meaningless friendly?
Of course not.
Van Basten doesn't care that we lost a vital player for most of the season, and he doesn't pay Van Persie's wages so what is it to do with him?
Did we get compensation for the time that Robin was out as a result of that meaningless friendly?
Of course not.
And finally, did Arsenal FORCE Robin to play after the injury resulting from that meaningless friendly?
Of course not.
Robin felt fit and able and surely would have said otherwise if he didn't.
I agree Marco that Robin IS special, I just hope you return him in one piece, not in the condition he came back in last year.
Keep it Goonerish...........
Tuesday, 27 May 2008
Get ready for the usual anti-Arsenal onslaught
There were 498 players that started matches last season and only 170 of them were English. Around 34.1%.
My fellow Gooners, prepare for the almighty onslaught that will undoubtedly follow this research. There is only one club responsible for this, the evil presence that is Arsenal Football Club.
Over the next few days be ready to hear how Arsenal are ruining the English game and it's our fault that the Premiership is over-run with the foreign invasion, the REAL reason for England's demise!
The best way to conquer these stats? Put a cap on clubs, allowing them only five foreigners in the starting eleven. Well thats according to Sepp Blatter.
My opinion on that is to tell Blatter to f**k off!
It's not the foreign players faults that England struggle. Its Englands.
By capping teams and forcing them to play six English players isn't going to help the national side. That will only reward average English players who couldn't get in the side before, so all Fabio Cappello gets is more English players to choose from, but shit ones!
Sure there are a bigger number of foreign players playing in the Premiership, but if an English player is good enough, he will get into the team every week.
Its no good people like David Bentley saying that academies need to be regulated to prevent foreign players hindering homegrown talent.
David, you obviously have a chip on your shouldier about us releasing you. If you were good enough, you would have had a chance. You wasn't. But you have done alright at Blackburn and Arsenal helped you progress. It's obvious that your ego needs to be massaged from time to time, so you bring up the foreign situation at Arsenal.
The problem with England is that we aren't taught at an early age how to play football properly. We are taught to win at all costs, not technique.
Thats why England are shit, because we can't compete with our European neighbours technique wise. Not because of numbers.
We have to make a choice. Do we want an average league with an average national side?
Or do we want an exciting league with an average national side?
I choose the latter. It's not Arsenal's fault that England are shit, thats down to English grass-root level.
But over the next few days when the stats are made public I have no doubt that Arsenal will be to blame.
Keep it Goonerish........
Monday, 26 May 2008
Green light for Yaya to join?
Now you may wonder, whats that got to do with Arsenal?!
It could have alot to do with Arsenal.
Keita is a defensive midfield player, so is Yaya Toure. And both wont want to play second fiddle to the other.
Barca have a new manager, Pep Guardiola, and are expected to make some changes this season. Yaya Toure is said to be on way out.
We've just lost Flamini, so could Yaya be the replacement? I believe he could.
Barca play similar football to us and having watched him over the season I reckon he could fit into Arsenal style of play and provide us with some physical presence as well.
He's always wanted to play with Kolo and Arsenal have a strong African presence at the club, so he would have no problems settling in.
Keep it Goonerish............
Sunday, 25 May 2008
The Chelsea board are ruthless, should Arsenal's board be the same?
The pressure of managing at Chelsea must be huge, baring in mind a multi-billionaire shady Russian is watching your every move!
But that pressure is needed to make the manager succeed. At Arsenal Le Boss doesn't seem to be under that pressure. It seems the board are in the comfort zone and maybe Arsenal are. Peter Hill-Wood lately even stated that it wouldn't be a disaster if we didn't win anything next season.
It is!
We haven't won a thing since 2005. That's a long time and it hurts to see Manchester United win the double and even Tottenham winning something. We need to win. We don't have a divine right to win anything but it would be nice!
I'm not saying sack Wenger like Chelsea did to Grant. Far from it. All I'm saying is that we Gooners are tired of watching others win. We want a taste again.
I'm 100% certain that Wenger is the man to bring back the trophies, he has done it in the past. And I believe we could be on the verge of something big at Arsenal, with the right signings.
But we need that pressure back to succeed. Le Boss needs to feel the pressure of going another year without a trophy.
I'm sure it eats Wenger up that we are pot less again. He is a winner. But he hasn't been for three years now. It eats us Gooners up, that's for sure.
People say Chelsea's chairman is ruthless for the sacking of Grant, I think he is an arsehole for the way he has treated him. But whoever is in charge there needs to keep on their toes, or they are out the door.
I'm not panicking about Arsenal, yet, and Arsene Wenger is the best man for the job at Arsenal, that is certain. All I'm saying is that it's hurts to see others winning while we are not, and that needs to change next season. And I'm sure it will with Le Boss at the helm.
We need that pressure back to succeed, and I reckon the taste of coming so close last season will inspire the players this season coming. I hope.
The Chelsea board have gone about things the wrong way. They didn't need to sack Grant, just explain he needs to win next season. The same go's for Le Boss, tell him we need to win next season, put him on his toes. Take the comfort zone away, and that go's for all levels at Arsenal.
Do you think Le Boss should put under more pressure to win things?
Keep it Goonerish.........
Saturday, 24 May 2008
Will Flamini and Hleb leaving affect morale at Arsenal?
As I said that has failed. We have lost two, Flamini and Hleb, so we need now to add on at least four-five players as replacements and add-ons.
Its simple maths.
Maybe I have been slightly pessimistic the last couple of post's but that's only because I care and worry about Arsenal, even if we are in the capable hands of Arsene Wenger.
But the worrying thing for me really is the time it takes the replacements to settle in and the effect on morale in the squad by Flamini and Hleb leaving.
The Premiership is a hard place to adapt too. Ask Hleb, it took him two years and the faith Wenger showed in him has slapped Le Boss in the face, but that's a different matter.
It may take time for the players brought in to adapt and that is worrying.
However the main concern for me is what effect will Flamini and Hleb leaving have on the squad?
To us Gooners, well most of us, we see Flamini and Hleb as greedy, money-grabbing, all they can get bastards.
But to the rest of the remaining squad, they were/are friends and I'm sure that friendship will be missed.
Cesc, Flamini and Hleb were best mates and while at the moment I'm sure Cesc is content with Arsenal, who's to say the other two won't influence future decisions made by our little gem from afar?
Its easy to say, good riddance to the pair and sod right off, I certainly have done plenty of that myself! But thinking about it, what effect will it have on the rest of the squad?
Players come and go, it happens to Arsenal more than most, but it was clear to see how liked the pair were at Arsenal.
The squad seem close-knit and I hope that those two leaving doesn't put doubts in the rest of the squads minds.
Keep it Goonerish...........
Friday, 23 May 2008
Robinho may be a Chav!!
But that dream could be over after he has confirmed that the Chavs are preparing a deal. It's been said that his agent is in London.
Well this confirms it.
I've no doubt that for football terms, Robinho would prefer to join us. But there is no chance that we could compete with Chelski in a bidding war.
Figures being bandied about are 35 million Euro's!!!!
Oh well.
Keep it Goonerish.........
True, who could have foreseen the injuries that we encountered, we were damn right unlucky on that part, but when we have suffered with injuries, it's obvious that our squad gets stretched.
To the bare bones.
Now at the end of the season Le Boss stated his main aim was to keep the current squad together and add two or three players.
Well straight away that has failed.
Flamini has left and Hleb is desperate to leave. So already one down, maybe another to go.
So Le Boss needed two to three players, that is now three or four after the departure of Flamini.
If Hleb leaves, it makes the players needed to bring in a grand total of four to five.
Of the sudden it seems the progress that Arsenal made on Manchester United has taken a step back.
We needed more players, but are losing them.
Sure we have plenty of time to add to the squad, the summer is young and I hope that Le Boss shuts me up. I really do.
I love Wenger, but it seems that we took a step forward last season and straight away we are taking a step back.
When will Wengers vision ever be complete if we lose players every year?
We need continuity. We need to keep this squad together and add to it. Not take away from it.
I'm not saying we have or will become a bad team over night. Far from it.
And I hate to sound so pessimistic, but how can Le Bosses dream, and ours, become a reality if we have to be a work in progress all the time?
Because at the moment that what we are again. A work in progress.
I hope Wenger finds the answers, and I'm sure that he will.
Keep it Goonerish..........
Thursday, 22 May 2008
If you was in Wengers position, what would you do with Hleb?
He is just as bad as that little shite cAshley Cole and I hope that I never see him in an Arsenal shirt again.
He is a master of deviousness. One moment announcing how happy he was at Arsenal, the next trying to engineer a move away behind our backs.
On one hand, I like to see him sold to the highest bidder to get this mercenary out of my sight. One the other though, I would prefer to see him rot in the reserves and not get any first team bonuses.
He has been offered an improved deal at Arsenal of £60,000 a week, peanuts compared to the offers from Real Madrid and Inter.
Real "tap up kings" Madrid have offered £100,000 a week as have Inter "all the frozen yogart you want" Milan. Although Inter have thrown an added bonus that Hleb may find hard to refuse.
By all accounts Inter have written into Hlebs contract that for every time he runs into a shooting position and passes instead of shooting, he will get a scoop of his favourite ice cream.
An offer he has found hard to refuse.
It's a shame that it's come to this. Hleb has begun to show why he is dubbed "the white Ronaldinho" and I love him as a player.
It's a shame he has proved to be a different person to what I thought he was.
So the more he hoar's himself around Europe's elite, the more I despise him, and the more I despise him, the more I hope he doesn't run out in a Arsenal shirt again. Ever.
So if I was Wenger, I let him rot in with the stiffs until his contract ends because if he gets his wish and leaves, then he has won.
Keep it Goonerish........
Are us Gooners deluded? Why do we have to suffer every summer?
Without fail, every summer, we have to endure a miserable time of seeing a player quit Arsenal or a huge rumour about a player leaving.
Flamini has already gone, and with the speculation growing again over Hleb's departure we are being put through the wringer again.
Why us AGAIN?
Why do us Gooners have to be shit scared about the uncertainty of one of our players?
It never seems to be a squad player, oh no, it has to be a main player about to go.
And it's always about money.
But I thought Arsenal had plenty of that, the board don't stop going on about how much we are raking it in now we've moved to the Emirates.
Or is it that Arsenal and us Gooners are deluding ourselves?
Are we really not as big as we think?
We don't have the history of clubs such as Milan, Madrid, Barcelona etc....
But we do have one of the best managers in the world, a super stadium, great fans and a up and coming squad ready to devastate Europe.
Surely thats enough?
Clearly not in some cases.
I don't know why every year we suffer but I'm fed up with it and can't wait for some good news.
Keep it Goonerish..........
Wednesday, 21 May 2008
Thank god, we have made a bid for someone! Anything on TV tonight?
It seems that there is a football match on ITV but if I'm honest it looks a bit boring and there seems to be a lot of long passing going on.
And there seems to be some dopey git pronouncing names wrong as well!!
I'm turning that over.....oh the Mighty Boosh......I'll watch that.......
It seems that we have finally made a bid for someone.
It feels like ages since Wenger said he had targets in mind and hopefully should have them wrapped up in two-three weeks.
Obviously the Samir Nasri transfer has been covered by every Gooner blog around and I'm a little late with my views due to some "proper grafting" at work.
All I can say is that he seems a great player and has been likened to Zidane.....
Big thumbs up then....
Hopefully the next week or so will be exciting with possible transfer activity at the Emirates.
Heard that David Villa is about to sign as well.......
I wish...
Keep it Goonerish...........
Sunday, 18 May 2008
Evra and Abidal are not better than Clichy
He has been superb this season and was even named in the Premiership team of the year, ahead of Evra!!!
I sometimes wonder whether the France coach, Raymond Domenech, needs to go back to specsavers and get a refund for his glasses. If he can't see that Clichy is better than Evra and Abidal then he's obviously got the wrong prescription.
Gael is rapidly becoming the best left-back around and to be continually over looked by Domenech is a mystery that even Scooby Doo and his gang couldn't solve.
Although a disappointment to Clichy, the news is good for Arsenal. After a long hard season Gael will have the summer off and can recharge his batteries.
Gael, don't worry mate. Us Gooners recognise how good you are and know your true worth.
We all know that you are the best left-back in the world.
Keep it Goonerish..........
Saturday, 17 May 2008
Cesc and Clichy are the future captains of Arsenal
You could argue that a contract isn't worth the paper it's written on after the Hleb situation. After all, he has two years left on his deal and is trying to worm his way out.
With Cesc and Clichy though you sense it's different. There seems to be a genuine love for Arsenal from both and you feel that they are not out for what they can get.
Obviously the contracts will ensure that the pair are paid handsomely, but they deserve it.
They both know what Arsenal could possibly achieve and they want to be a part of that. The money helps, but it's more than that for them, and I can see them both at the club for many more years to come.
In fact it's inevitable that they are the future captains of Arsenal. I can see Cesc as skipper and Gael as vice-captain, stepping in when needed.
I'd be happy with that situation!
But are they ready for that yet?
I don't know.
Many are calling for Cesc to be made skipper now. It could work either way. Either it makes him a better player or puts too much pressure on him.
I think that he could cope. He seems to have a very mature head on young shoulders and as I've said, he loves the club.
However, we already have a captain don't we?
If Le Boss takes it away from Gallas then he will leave. And I don't want that. No matter whats happened this season Gallas is still a world-class player and an asset to our club.
Unless Wenger is planning on releasing Gallas in the summer I can't see him taking the armband away from him.
The calls for Cesc to be made captain are right. But not yet.
He could deal with it, noooooooooo problem.
He will and should be the NEXT Arsenal captain and Clichy will be next in command.
Keep it Goonerish.........
Friday, 16 May 2008
Big name or big talent? Is Wenger right or wrong?
Our guvnor is one stubborn Frenchman and I cannot for the life of me, see him ever changing the way that he add's to the squad.
He doesn't sign ready made shiny diamonds, he takes the rough ones and makes the rough diamonds shine.
And that will never change.
No matter how much we cry out for a superstar, Wenger will not hear our pleas.
He has our clubs future at heart and I thank him for that.
BUT, when a player like David Villa states that he wants to join your club then that is the time to break the habit of a life time.
Wenger has stated that it's not about the name, it's the talent. Well, there aren't many more talented out there than David Villa.
He has both. The name and the talent.
What could be a better way to please us and Wenger?
We get a big name, Le Boss get's his talent.
It's not all about how much money we spend.
I don't want to become like the Chavs and spend a fortune on shit like Shevchenko.
All I want is players like Villa to be signed because they will make Arsenal a better side.
I admit a big signing for big money gets the pulse racing, and believe me when Villa said he wanted to join Arsenal my pulse was racing!
But it aint about that. The big money gets you excited, but doesn't guarantee success.
So I agree with Wenger that big money signings isn't always the way.
BUT, sometimes to sign talent, like Wenger says we need, you have to spend BIG money on BIG names to get BIG talent.
Keep it Goonerish...........
Thursday, 15 May 2008
Cesc, go and tap up Villa and Clichy I salute you!
Go do some tapping up Cesc.
Villa wants to join, Cesc wants him to join, does Le Boss want him to join? Hopefully.
This might sound like double standards after Hleb being tapped up by Inter, but fuck it, it happens to our players all the time.
Let us do the tapping up for a change. I'm fed up with it happening to our players so why don't we play the game?
Sure its not moral, hey, it could even be illegal but do other clubs and players give a shit? No.
So lets play them at their own game, you never know it may work!
We may unsettle some potential signings and get what we want for a change.
Let us shit on other clubs, after all, we've been shit on for years by "Bigger clubs"
Perhaps to become big you have to start by tapping up, so Cesc, go tap away, you never know, Villa may sign!
Gael Clichy WILL become an Arsenal legend.
The boy is turning into a man and we will have the best years from him. He is signing a new contract and hopes to forge a career at Arsenal like PV4 and Titi.
I hope he does too.
He will become the best left-back in the world. I'm 100% certain of that. No sod that, he IS the best left-back in the world already.
I can't think of anyone better than him in his position at the moment and I'm so glad that he is signing a new deal.
Future captain one day? Quite possibly, dont be surprised to see him as vice-captain to Cesc in a couple of years.
Keep it Goonerish........
Wednesday, 14 May 2008
Hleb could learn a thing from Gilberto-Loyalty!!!!!
And the circumstances for them both couldn't be more different.
Us Gooners could not begrudge Gilberto the chance of leaving. He isn't a first team regular anymore, but over the last season you have hardly heard a peep from the Brazilian.
He was high in my estimation, but has risen even higher after the professional attitude he has shown and if he decides his future is away from the club then we can't stand in his way.
He needs first-team football and hasn't had it this season. Yet despite this he has just got on with being left out of the starting line-up time and time again without the slightest of grumbles.
His loyalty to Arsenal cannot be questioned and the service that he has provided us with since 2002 has been first class.
A true great and I'd love him to stay at Arsenal, although it wouldn't be fair on him to have another season like he just had.
Hleb could learn a thing or two from the Brazilian.
Who had heard of Hleb before his move to the Emirates?
Arsenal and Arsene have made him. Yet the first sign of a better wage and BANG! He wants out.
He's been at the club for three seasons and this season has only just begun to show us how good he can be. He has talent, and at first when it was announced he wanted out I was gutted.
Now I want either one of two things to happen.
1-We sell and get as much money for him as possible
2-We throw him in the reserves to rot until his contract runs out.
All the excuses about wanting to have a quieter life are beginning to wear thin. We are not idiots, we know its money you want.
Milan, Barcelona and Madrid are not quiet for fucks sake!!
I cant show Hleb any respect anymore. Any I had has disappeared and joined my respect for Gilberto.
There is no turning back for Hleb now, I never want him to wear the Arsenal shirt again. It should be about pride to put on that shirt, Gilberto has it when wearing it, Hleb obviously hasn't.
Alex, I hope you enjoy the calm quiet Milan, Madrid area's and I hope that you regret the day you ever left Arsenal.
Gilberto, if you do leave, thanks for the memories and good luck mate.
Giberto has shown his loyalty to us, its a shame that Hleb hasn't.
Keep it Goonerish..........
Tuesday, 13 May 2008
Is Robin Van Persie REALLY World Class?
Le Boss is full of praise for the Dutchman and states that he is a top top talent and is in fact, world class.
I rate Van Persie so highly and believe that he is world class, as I'm sure many Gooners also do.
I think that he has the potential to one of the best players in the world, maybe even in the top three.
But this depends on him shaking off the injuries that he has had over the last 16 months or so. Its been a terrible time for him, and I really hope that he remains injury free and completes a full season.
It has been frustrating to watch his injury problems and he is in danger of becoming a wasted talent.
If he can't remain injury free then he may become a liability that Arsenal can not afford. We have too many injury prone players and Robin Van Persie is one of them.
But if he can shake off the niggles and injurys, then boy do us Gooners have a player on our hands.
Robin Van Persie is world class.
Keep it Goonerish............
Can Kolo fill the gap left by Fla-money, meaning a new partner for Billy?
There will be plenty of names linked with us over the summer no doubt, but one name that may sit well with us Gooners is that of someone already at the club........
Kolo Toure
Now a few articles ago, I wrote about Alex Song being given the chance to step into Fla-money's boots. Now I'm writing about Kolo.
Could Kolo step into midfield? I think it's possible.
Imagine being Cesc and looking over your shoulder to see Kolo stepping next to you. Put it this way, I would rather have Kolo on my side than against me!!!
Over the season its been clear to see that Kolo and Billy haven't gelled completely as a partnership at the back.
At times they have looked solid, at times a shambles.
Could it be an option for Le Boss to move Kolo into midfield and sign a solid big lump of a defender to play alongside Gallas?
It could be the best one.
Both play better with a big dominant partner. Remember Kolo with Sol? And of course Billy with the Chav Terry.
They are too similar to play together and both try to do the cleaning up, not the attacking sense of defending.
Whatever happens, I'm sure Wenger has a plan. This could be one of them.
Keep it Goonerish............
HA HA HA HA!!!! Peter Kay, Lee Evans you have nothing on Jenas

Please refrain from throwing darts at your computer screen. It is NOT a dart board and will be damaged if you attempt it!
Now this little joker talks too much.
He reckons that Spurs, who by the way, finished in 11th place this season, can finish above us next season and claim a Champions League place.
Spurs finished the season 37 points behind us but this does not deter Jenas, or should I say "Penis" or "Anus"?
Now I've come to the conclusion that everyone, or thing, associated with Tottenham Hotspur have short-term and long-term memory loss. In fact, I think a COMPLETE loss of memory is the factor here.
Why do every summer Spuds, and Spud players, go on about finishing above Arsenal?
What is the unhealthy obsession with us?
I cant understand it.
Why do they do it too themselves? They have a good manager now, but still cant stop talking about us.
Tottenham's ambition-come above Arsenal
Arsenal's ambition-title challenge
We are on different levels Jenas. Stop beating yourself up about it. Just get on with your shite and we're deal with ours.
Perhaps you should give up football and turn to stand-up comedy, you are quite funny. I also think its funny that you delude yourself into thinking you can come above us.
The Spuds are deluded enough as it is, don't delude them anymore!
False promises like this only set you and the Spuds up for the embarrassing fall that you have to deal with every season when you finally realise you can't come above us.
Stop doing it, I'm almost starting to feel sorry for the Spuds.........Wait a minute, keep it up Penis, it's actually quite funny!!!!!!
One more thing, doesn't Penis look like our potential new signing Ben Arfa?

Hope he ain't as mouthy!!
Keep it Goonerish.........
Sunday, 11 May 2008
Seeing Fergie's smiling face makes me sick!
I dont know what image could have been worse, seeing that little shit cAshley Cole with the Chavs celebrating or Fergie running up and down the line doing that poxy little fists in the air dance!.
Fergie's was the image that actually happened and if I'm honest, it made me sick!
To see his big smug smile and that red nose glowing like a lighthouse has made me reach for my sick bag and yak up my beef salad from earlier.
It was a no-win situation for us and I'm gutted that we wasn't in the mixer for today.
I think we threw the title away. It was ours for the taking and we blew it. Fair play to United, they have done it again but I reckon that next season it will be us doing the celebrating.
We CAN do it. And it will be proved next season.
Keep it Goonerish........
Please Flamini, dont mug us off anymore/potential new signing is lippy?
I thought it was the lure of the Euro that took the Flamster away from us, but oh no. It was because we didn't win the league and it was very painful for him.
Well I bet it wasn't as painful for him as it was for us Gooners watching the title slip away from us.
But I bet the extra Euro's that he will find in his pocket help to soothe the pain a little! What do we have? Him leaving and Hleb wanting to leave for the Euro!
Flamini, please mate, don't insult us. It wasn't the slump for the title that swayed you to leave us.
If anything that would have made you even more determined to do better and win the bloody thing next season!
I loved your grit and all action style but we all know the reason you left. To beef up the bank balance.
I don't begrudge you for it at all. You now earn a nice few quid, but please don't try to blag us. We know the truth.
Good luck in Milan, you will need it.
Apparently we lodged a £16 million pound bid for some gobby bastard who thinks he's the bollocks and always talks a good game but end's up falling on his face and embarrassing his club.
Oh we haven't.........that's Jermaine Jenas!
We lodged a bid for his look-a-like Hatem Ben Arfa!
Sorry easy mistake to make, they DO look very similar, but it's a good job they don't play similar!
Jenas is shit and Ben Arfa looks a pretty decent signing to me, IF it happens.
He seems a typical Wenger signing, he is young and can play in a couple of positions, and by the sounds of things, many Gooners would be more than happy for this to go ahead.
Wenger says he has two or three players lined up and is confident of capturing them, ooooooooooh I'm getting excited!!!!!!
Keep it Goonerish.....
Saturday, 10 May 2008
Could Arsenal have brothers in the starting line up next season? (please)
Yaya could be an ideal signing for us.
He had a trial at the club three years ago alongside Eboue and ran into work permit problems meaning he couldn't sign for us.
He went to Olympiakos instead and put in some good performances before signing for Barca last summer.
Yaya could be an ideal signing with the departure of Flamini and I reckon that he would compliment Cesc in our midfield no problem.
He isn't as energetic as Flamini but then who is? But he doe's graft.
And I tell you, he hasn't looked out of place at Barca, the only other side in Europe who play like us. So he would fit in well to our style.
A tall powerful midfielder who can play a bit as well. I'd be more than happy if Le Boss got the cheque book out and brought him to Arsenal.
He would protect the back four and would probably not cost too much to sign.
With his brother at the club, who has said in the past that Yaya is better than him, Wenger could pull this off.
Lets not forget the physical presence that he would provide us. He is a big lad and we don't have many of those. He could replace the powerful presence that we have missed since Vieira left.
Yaya to Arsenal?
Oh Yaya!
Keep it Goonerish............
Friday, 9 May 2008
By meeting another club, behind our backs, on the eve of our biggest game of the season, engineering a move and all the time giving it
"I want to stay at Arsenal"
It makes him just as bad as cAshley.
Maybe even worse.
We all hate Cole now, Hleb is in the same position as him. He has betrayed us, and I'm gutted because I rated him and thought that he was finally showing how good he can be.
If I was Wenger I would dump him in the reserves for a year and let him rot. Report Inter to FIFA and show the World of football not to mess with Arsenal.
Every season is the same. We seem to be the only club in the top four that have players linked with moving away from us and I'm getting sick of it.
It never happens to Chelsea, Manchester United or Liverpool. Why us all the time?
Somethings not right. We are meant to be one of the biggest clubs in the world.
Why do us Gooners get put through this every year?
Wenger needs to get tough and let the players know who's boss.
He is ruthless, we've seen it in the past when he has let players go when he thinks the time is right. That's when players should be leaving Arsenal, when Le Boss thinks the time is right. Not the other way round.
When Arsene was asked about Hleb leaving at first he said
"I hope not"
What sort of a signal is that?!!
Would Fergie do that? No chance. The player wouldn't have the balls to try it.
Wenger needs to grow some nuts and let the Arsenal squad know who is the guvnor.
I love Wenger to death and couldn't imagine Arsenal without him, but why do we have to have this shit every year?
Keep it Goonerish.......
Wednesday, 7 May 2008
Who had the better season, Arsenal or Tottenham?
Who had the better season, Arsenal or Tottenham?
It's a difficult one to choose for obvious reasons. Both Gooners and Spuds are very likely to be bias to their colours, but hand on heart, who do you believe had the better season?
Arsenal have had the much much better season in the Premiership. I thought that this was the year that Tottenham were to overtake us?
It never looked likely.
Arsenal have had an excellent season in the Premiership, and Spurs? Two-bob is a polite way of putting it!
We are currently only 34, yes 34, points clear of Tottenham. I thought that the shift of power was occurring this season? Don't make me laugh!
However, the Spuds have their hands on a trophy. It was their first for nine years but you would have believed it was the World Cup that they won!
But a cup is a cup and at the end of the day, Spurs have one this season, we don't.
The Spuds will argue their case through that trophy and rightly so. In all fairness, they deserved to win it.
But, and I say BUT, would the Spuds given the choice, swap that trophy for what we have?
We have what they covet so badly, a Champions League place.
But would us Gooners swap a Champions League place for the Carling Cup and a mid-table finish? I think not!
When you consider all the talk coming from the Spuds last summer you would have believed that they dead cert's to finish above Arsenal.
Arsenal were written off from the start, now who's laughing?
Spuds, you deserved your trophy, but all the talk is now laughable. 34 points behind is embarassing, and you know it.
Hide behind your trophy, you know the truth. Arsenal had the better season and are now even further in front of you than ever.
And before you start the 5-1 jibes, great result for you, let's not forget the fact that we did the double in the league over you!
When did you last do that to us?
Keep it Goonerish.......
Tuesday, 6 May 2008
Betcha Flamini stitches up Milan like he did Arsenal and Marseille
Our little grafter, our very own Gattuso has left the building in lure of the Euro.
In all honesty, who can blame him?
The amount of money offered on the table to him was incredible and hand on heart if you was in his position, could you honestly say that you wouldn't do the same?
Loyalty is not in the vocabulary of many footballers nowadays. Loyal footballers are very hard to come-by.
There are only a handful around that stay at one club for long periods of time. For most, it's about the money and bank account statements.
Flamini was at Arsenal for four years. It's only been this season that he made the breakthrough into the side.
He will be hard to replace, but he is replaceable. Arsenal don't have many players like Flamini. He is and was all heart, we have a wealth of talent at the club, but you need the Flamini's to balance it out.
It's time to move on. Arsenal will, and I reckon that deep inside Flamini will regret the move in time.
But let me tell you this. Flamini will do the same to Milan as he has done to us and former club Marseille.
In four years time he will have run down his Milan contract and will be thinking over an offer from some Spanish club who have offered him £180,000 a week!
I'm telling you, mark my words, in 2012, Flamini will be preparing to ply his trade in Spain.
And he will be stitching up Milan like he did to Arsenal and Marseille.
Keep it Goonerish.......
Monday, 5 May 2008
Flamini's replacement is closer to home than you may think
He has apparently been seen in a restaurant in Milan just hour's after watching Arsenal destroy Everton 1-0 yesterday.
The boy must have super powers! Mind you, he probably ran there straight after the match, such are his energy levels.
I was pretty confident a couple of months back that he would stay at the club. Wenger was too, that's why he didn't put up much of a fight to keep Diarra at the club.
Wenger has been bitten on the arse really in this situation. At the beginning of the season we looked over-loaded with central midfielders, now we are beginning to look a little light in there.
When the inevitable happens and the Flamster leaves us, Wenger needs to find a replacement.
My hunch is that the player in mind is actually closer to home than us Gooners may think.
There will be of course plenty of names bandied about, but I reckon that Wenger will find the player already at Arsenal. The player?
Alex Song.
I've got a gut feeling that he will be the player who will line up alongside Cesc Fabregas in the Arsenal midfield next season. I honestly do.
Whether he will satisfy us Gooners I don't know.
I must admit that he has grown on me. I thought that he was useless if I'm honest!
But he is proving me wrong! My friend's over at ArsenalAnalysis, especially 1970's Gooner, have always rated Song. I'm now beginning to see why they do.
He has impressed me lately, and has looked good since starring for Cameroon in the ANC. He has put in some assured performances for Arsenal at CB, but he is naturally a defensive midfield player.
I think he was our man of the match against Everton, and Wenger's faith in the boy seems to be paying off.
Can he make the step up though and perform at a high level every week in the Premiership? I don't know. What I do know is that he is beginning to show the reason why Wenger has so much faith in the boy.
Without question though, losing Flamini means that we are already a player light in a light-weight squad.
Wenger needs to add to it. Not major surgery, just a couple of players.
Now that Edleman has gone, it should release the purse strings a bit.
Hopefully we will sign someone to get excited about!!
Keep it Goonerish......
Sunday, 4 May 2008
We will see if Flamini is staying or going today against Everton
If he doesn't feature then he is off.
He will know whether he is staying or going deep inside and I expect us to be put out of our misery tomorrow.
It's turned into a soap drama and expect a similar story line in Eastender's by the end of the year.
Flamini has turned into a very good player, but will he improve at Milan? I don't think so. Milan will begin a huge rebuilding process in the summer and that may take a while for them to overturn Inter's dominance in Serie A.
Arsenal are there. We don't need a huge rebuild. So the only logic in Flamini leaving is money. If thats the case, then I hope Flamini is happy rolling in his million's. (I expect he will be)
Anyway, Arsenal can't win the league mathmatically anymore so let's see some "handbrake off" football.
It's the last home game so I wan't a party.
Everton may spoil that, as they need a point to guarentee fifth place. Surely they can wait for that until next week?
I reckon an early goal will open the floodgates.
Keep it Goonerish.......
Saturday, 3 May 2008
Frank Lampard-my deepest sympathies to you
He gets vilified at every ground in the Premiership except Stamford Bridge.
If I'm honest, he isn't my cup of tea as a footballer but Chelsea fan's love him and he doe's a job for them.
The fact that he isn't well-liked shouldn't matter though at a time when he is going through alot of pain.
I understand his pain as I, myself, lost my mother ten years ago when I was 15. I know how he feels and I know that it took alot of courage from him to play the other night for Chelsea.
He showed fantastic mental strength and when he scored the penalty you could see the emotion come poring from him.
The man should be allowed to grieve and I hope that opposition fan's will respect this time that Frank needs support. Put the pettiness aside.
All I'd like to say is this-
Frank Lampard, you have my deepest sympathies.
Keep it Goonerish...........
Diaby is no Vieira...He is not our central midfield answer
I honestly thought that he would stay at the club, he may still do that, but the odd's are against it.
If he go's, we will need to fill a big hole and some people are saying that Diaby could be the answer.
I dont think he is, yet. Diaby has all the physical attribute's to play centre midfield. He is built like a young Patrick Vieira and could be such a good player. In fact I rate him highly, and believe that he could become a future centre midfielder, but not yet.
The reasons? He can't tackle and he hold's on to the ball for too long.
Why do you think Wenger plays him on the left?
It's to help him progress. If Flamini go's, I don't think we could pair Cesc and Diaby as midfield partners next season.
Diaby is no Vieira. He may look like him, but to compare them both is unfair on Diaby.
It add's pressure on him and let's not forget how young he is. He will be 22 next week.
Vieira was the COMPLETE package. The man could do everything and is an Arsenal legend. Diaby is raw and missed a large chunk of his career with a dreadful injury. That set's his career back slightly so he hasn't progressed as much as he would have hoped.
When he learn's how to tackle and release's the ball at the right time I will think he is ready to play in the middle.
At the moment he is not ready but he will be one day. The potential is there for him to be a good player, we need a ready made stop-gap to fill in until he is ready.
How about Gilberto? Or Gattuso?
Keep it Goonerish.......
Did you see Nani today? Let's see if he's vilified by the media...Doubt it
The little Muppet nutted Lucas Neill and then had the audacity to go down like he had been shot!
Now I know I'm slightly paranoid about the media at the moment, (with good reason) but I better pick up a newspaper tomorrow and read about what a play actor Nani is and that he is a disgrace.
I know for a fact that if it had been an Arsenal player doing this, then we wouldn't hear the end of it.
So I hope on the train to the Arsenal match I read about what a prat Nani is. Because if I don't, then I don't think I'm paranoid after all. Do you?
Keepit Goonerish........