Tuesday, April 17, 2007

So this was my most recent fun excursion! I went up north to attend a gathering of Cricut owners called a SWARM. I met a few of the ladies that I chat with on the Cricut Messageboard. On Friday, April 13th we met at the Scrapbook USA Expo in Sandy, UT and I was there from 7:30 am until 10:15 pm!!! The lady that saved our place in line got there at 4 AM!!! They just had a whole bunch of booths that had crazy deals and fun things to do and learn. I took a couple classes and had a BLAST! I'm definitely planning on doing this again! Saturday morning we met at a scrapbook store called My Scrapbook Zone in American Fork, UT and scrapped our little hearts out. I had dragged Catherine, mom and Aunt Wendy with me so we could spend some time together since my family had come down from Idaho to take Dad to a Utah Jazz game for his birthday (April 13th -- he turned 50! EEK! It's only downhill from here.). We left around 3 pm and headed back to Aunt Wendy's for cake and ice cream before they all had to leave for the game.
Bryce tried to steal the keys to our Yukon. He had taken them to move the kids car seats from Dad's truck to the Yukon, and it's a good thing I needed to go get Kinlee some teething medicine on Saturday night while they were at the game or I would have had to stay at Aunt Wendy's another night while they overnighted my keys back to me. :) He had put the keys in his pocket and hauled them up to Salt Lake to the Jazz game with him. We drove up to meet them part way to get them back that night...thanks AUNT WENDY!!
Speaking of Bryce, I don't think I've mentioned that he and his wife, Catherine, are expecting! YIPPEE...my kids will have a cousin on my side! :) CONGRATS to them!!!!

Look at my boys! Tucker loves his cowboy stuff he got for Christmas and wanted to wear it over to Kanab to Poppa Nick's house to ride the horse. He posed for me for a minute before he headed off with Yates to go catch the horse. I love the picture of them both walking away and their stride is exactly the same. Cute Cute boys!

Tucker has FINALLY learned to swing himself on the swingset, so we don't have to stand out there for hours pushing him. He LOVES the swing and trampoline and can be outside for hours every day playing on them. The next ones are of his 1st trip to get cavities filled. He did SOOOOOO good. They actually didn't have to give him a shot, so it was much better for him. They just put on his "pilot's mask" and let him get all "happy" first before they started. He had to go in 3 different times to get them all filled because they didn't want him getting impatient. He just had the last one filled this morning! He got 2 free movie rentals out of it and McDonald's lunch the first time and some toys from the dentist. He LOVES the dentist...even after that!

The first pictures are from when McKinlee had bronchitis really bad. They told us if we'd waited to take her in much longer she'd have had full blown pneumonia...whew! I hate taking them in and then getting told that it's just a cold and to go hom and wait...in this case, I waited just a bit too long. She had to do breathing treatments 3 times a day for quite awhile. She didn't mind it too bad though, so we were lucky. The next one if McKinlee showing her love for purses. She just LOVES to hold them and drag them all around with her. The next pic is my Valentines Day gift from Yates. They were soooo beautiful and even though flowers are NOT a common occurence, they were greatly appreciated...and I know you're all jealous of my cute watering cans. Where are they? Up on my plant shelves looking beautiful! The next one is of McKinlee and Tucker in the car when we got back from our Easter trip that I showed pictures of below.

Oh, the many faces of McKinlee sleeping. I haven't gotten a picture of her doing the "stink bug" yet, but you betcha that I will. She also sleep on her tummy with her bum stuck straight up in the air, just like a little stink bug. The one picture where her face is all road rashed is from riding Tucker's little battery powered 4-wheeler and he went to turn and she went off the side onto the cement. Poor thing...I'd been waiting for a scratch on her nose to heal before getting her pictures taken when that happened...so I had to wait a little longer. :)

More playing in the sand. The one with the little girl all wet is our friends' little girl, Ellie. She was playing close to the water and there's a really steep drop off and she took off over the edge of the drop off and took a swim. Her mom, pregnant and all ran in and grabbed her real quick. It was a bit scary for a second. The other pictures are all from our Easter trip out to Coral Pink Sand Dunes area to have a dutch oven lunch and hang out with family. Tucker just HAD to climb that big rock like the big boys, so Yates hiked up it with him.

Alright I'm going to throw a whole bunch of pictures on here to play catch up. We've taken lots and lots of different trips and outings with friends. The ones with all the red sand are at Sand Hollow just about 10 minutes from our house. 2 different trips. Tucker and our friends' girl, Ellie, got buried up to their waists in the sand. The other one if of Tucker making quicksand by the waters edge. The more he stamped his feet on the sand (which was not visibly wet when he started) the more it squished the water up to the surface and eventually he had a nice little pool that he was stuck in.