
Lake Biwa Report From 13th To 16th in May

I went to Lake Biwa for four days.
I could catch only two bass about 5lb in this four days.

In the evening of the second day, when I throw out Slideswimmer 250 to the shoal, about 18lb bass ran after it.
When I went to the place in the morning of the third day,  it was not possible to fish because there were those who preceded.

I found a nest of about 18lb bass in other places on the fourth day.
But it disappeared by the the wind and impurity momentarily.

I met Mr. Go on the lake.

Mr. Go handled the Lake Biwa Trout that he fished, and made for me slices of raw fish.

It's terrible delicious!

I was not able to capture Trophy bass this time.
However, I could get to know that they began to move.

From right now, it is my seasonal beginning!!

The U.S.

The U.S. is GREAT country!

I met many people and went various place.

I was really fun there!!
Someday, I want to go there again!!

Thank you, ALL!!