lately it seems like i have been on a media bender. i think in the last two weeks, i've seen more movies than i have in the past 6 months. i think last summer was like that too. not only that i have been digging around and finding a ton of interesting blogs to read and add to my beloved rss feed. the floral swatch above was found on one of the many blogs i've been reading lately,
design sponge .
there's been good music around too and some great concerts are coming up (sufjan in september, danielson this thursday in cleveland!). here's a sample of some of the stuff i've been seeing and enjoying lately:
nathan smart's song blog is my boyfriend's brand new song review blog. he will be reviewing random songs from his itunes and the best part is you can read about the tune and listen to it too. go on over and show him some love while you enjoy the music.
oh joy simply lovely
stereo gum coolness
la coquette a french-american girl blogs from paris
|||culinary blogs|||
ok, so i knew these existed but what i did not know was how much i'd enjoy reading about these cooks descriptions of their culinary exploration. here's a couple i've particularly enjoyed, there are so many more and maybe i'll just add them to my sidebar eventually:
cupcake bakeshopthe unemployed cook|||movies|||
blackballed: the bobby dukes storyhilarious mockumentary of a paintball super star, definitely check this out on dvd. it's not in theaters anymore.
the lady in the water
i disagree with the critics, to me this movie was thoroughly enjoyable. i have only seen one of mns' other movies and went into it with close to zero expectations. supposedly, this was originally a bedtime story that mns told his children, if you going into it knowing that i think it makes it even more entertaining.
strangers with candy
very funny. just as funny if not more so than the television series.