Monday, August 15, 2011

still decorating.

when we moved in, the plan was that Craig would paint a birch forest silhouette on this wall of our living room. Eight months later it was still not started, with no available weekend in sight. So I found some vinyl stencils online and approached him with the idea and voila! .... except then it took us another 4 months to actually Put Them Up. Now, a year after moving in, we have got it done!

I'm already looking forward to sticking paper ornaments on them at Christmas time... heh

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Cards from family and teachers, cash, candy and balloons from neighbors, presents, ice cream cake, packages from friends far away. He had a pretty fabulous birthday! Middle school starts tomorrow. He's been put into the GATE core classes even though he is not in the program. Hopefully it will be a good fit and he will be happy and comfortable. Locker combinations have been memorized, school clothes have been picked out, backpacks stand at the ready.

Here goes nothing.

Saturday, August 06, 2011

Huntington Gardens: the Desert section looks like something out of an old Star Trek episode

Friday, August 05, 2011


At the Auburn Farmer's Market, inexplicably, there was an emu..

While my niece visited, she and the boys got surfing lessons. They did great!

The Nucleus Gallery in Alhambra had a fantastic Harry Potter fan art display until August 1st.

We went to Huntington Library and Botanical Gardens a couple of times. Both times I managed to forget a change of clothes for Van...

This does not illustrate what my big huge growing almost grown up kid has been doing all summer, it just really seems to display how stinking old he is now... SIGH!
It's been hot. Lots of ice cream cones.

My 7 year old defied death and rode the high wire bike at the California Science Center. His older brother and I were so scared of the heights that we could hardly stand against the railing to watch him. He did great - considering he was 3 inches below the height requirement and had to convince the guy running it to let him try it. He couldn't reach the pedals at their furthest; so he had to kick them hard so they'd come back toward his other foot. Afterward, he was shaking with adrenaline but very proud of himself for doing it!
I used the remaining Dalek fabric from Comic Con to make a baby blanket for some friends who are expecting. It was a hit!