Sunday, March 14, 2010

Paper: the all purpose building material

You can build anything with paper and tape. This is a fact. Those of you who read my post from a few months back may remember that one can easily construct a kingcobra costume from just a few sheets of paper. Did you know you can also make pockets? Like, say for example, your shorts don't have any . . .and you really need some to carry, say, candy? Solution: just find some paper. Really, the possibilities are endless.

I'm thinking of starting one of those blogs that people all over the world read and refer to for information on a certain skill. I'm still unsure of what I would title it but I would definitely subtitle it with something catchy like: "Paper: you make airplanes with it, you wipe with it. . .why not build a house?" I think it would be a hit. I would have not shortage of things to post. I live with the master.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Sass Pot

Sass Pot: pot of sass; Anya She may look cute but don't be deceived by the toothy grin. She knows EXACTLY what she's doing. I am no longer tempted to say "oh she's just a baby - she doesn't know that's naughty." Au contraire. (no idea if that's how you spell it!)
And yes, she really DOES know how to "give kisses." She just refuses to do it.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Think Before You Nap in Public

Things that are foolish to do with children around:
1. Run with scissors
2. Nap on the family room floor
It began like this:
Then it progressed. . . You can tell they were having a great time.
It ended like this. Well, actually it ended when the third penny was placed on his forehead and he woke up not too happy with his interrupted nap. . . and giggling family.

Luckily, he saw the light a few hours later when I showed him the pictures and realized it WAS pretty funny.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Making of a Snowman

Thank goodness it snowed one more time this year! This was the first time we got out and tried our hand at building a snowman! Actually we wanted to build a snow-family but snowheads kept rolling so even after we managed two, one collapsed as soon as the picture was taken. Still, it was a lot of fun! Don't know how I managed to get this picture on sideways.

There were a few necessary breaks for snow angels!

We also took time to converse with our finished snowmen.

Yay! A picture with me in it! I actually did help as well! Otherwise the snowmen would have been naked. And a lot smaller. Mommy has much grander visions of what snowpeople should be than Daddy.

Family Exercise

So I have this exercise video I try to do occasionally. It really only happens once in a great while which is probably why it is a such big deal when I do. Matthew and Nicole insist on joining me every time I do it but unfortunately, the exercises require a stretchy band and there is only one of those. But we make do. Matthew uses his stretchy snake and Nicole uses one of my compression hose stockings. It makes for a good time. Especially when we do the "roll like a ball" exercise.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


In light of my last post, I thought I would look throughh old pictures and actually compare my children at similar ages. I figure they are all about 7 months in all these pictures. I think Matthew takes the cake for weight even though this picture doesn't seem to show him in all his fat glory. I think I'll have to look for a nudey picture. You can tell I tried a little harder with Nicole's hair than I do with Anya's! Too bad there is so much more of it to do something with!

Anya ain't got nothin' on Nicole!

Getting Big

Anya is 7 1/2 months old now and getting so big! Well, that's all relative, I suppose! She's no where near as big as Matthew and Nicole were at this age but she just seems so old! She seems to be weaning herself in favor of baby food, which she LOVES! She is such a happy girl - even when being mauled by her siblings! I came out yesterday and Nicole had outfitted her for a hike, complete with backpack and compass around the neck!
Such a sweetheart!