Tuesday, February 26, 2013

One of these is not like the others...

We went to my 20 week ultrasound today. We are having a GIRL!!!! Bryan and I couldn't be more excited. McCrae has some reservations about having a sister. He says don't buy anything in case it comes out a boy. Three different times during the ultrasound the picture was very clearly a girl.

I have been worried this whole pregnancy because so far I haven't really felt the baby moving. Today we learned the placenta is anterior (in the front) and is acting as a cushion for baby movements. The doctor said as she gets bigger I will be able to feel her more. Everything during the ultrasound looked good. There were some very small cists in her head. The tech and the doctor both said they have never seen this problem not resolve itself before birth. I get to have another ultrasound a while down the road to make sure.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Sunday, December 09, 2012

Progress at the beginning of this week.

Saturday, December 01, 2012

We have walls!! well, sort of

 As of Friday afternoon we have some walls!!! The basement has load bearing walls framed. The porch was poured this week. The trusses are all stacked up ready to go up next week.
Floor joists earlier this week.

 Foundation walls up at the beginning of November.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Breaking Ground

It is finally happening!! We really ARE building a house. We have already had unforseen set backs. The lot we thought we were originally building on turned out to have a large lien against the property. We knew we couldn't hold out forever waiting for the problems behind the lien to be resolved. We had to figure out a Plan B. A piece of property close to the first lot suddenly became available. Our builder quickly snatched it up and told us we could have it if we wanted it (for the same price :) We felt like this solution fell out of heaven just for us!!

Monday, August 27, 2012

What we've been up to: June

I found Dawson downstairs one day helping me with the laundry by putting dad's socks in the toilet. Mom has SO MANY HELPERS! Thanks little buddy!
We put our house for sale
 We had our first showing on memorial day. I had never imagined having a certain time for my house to be clean. What a roller coaster ride that was. We showed the house ten times!! I had to have EVERYTHING CLEAN AT THE SAME TIME. Whew!!! The boys cooperated fairly well. Towards the end of the ride they would ask why can't I play with (insert toy or friends name)? Because we have to show the house?

My brother got married the first week of June. I made the wedding cake and groom's cake. And I knew it would happen and it did. The day I was to start baking cupcakes and cakes in preparation for the wedding, you guessed it. We had to show the house. Talk about stress!! We showed it again the afternoon of the wedding. We had a lot of company at our house to help get ready. My Mom and my niece Kaytlyn came and helped the whole week before the wedding. They were life savers!!! They helped bake, decorate, clean up the mess and take care of the boys.
 The final product.
 The cake topper.
 The groom's cake.

During June we also had haircuts. Dawson's first haircut. I was a little sad watching all his curls get cut off. He looks like a little boy instead of a baby with the new cut.
 We also said good bye to Kellons cute little faux hawk. He cut his hair at least three different times this summer. He got a buzz cut a couple of times to fix it. The last time was a very short buzz cut. Knock on wood, he hasn't tried it again since the really short buzz.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Natives in the Neighborhood

I needed some chicken Thursday night to fix dinner so I put Dawson and Kellon in the car and headed to Lee's. These kids were busily making mud pies in the back yard. I told McCrae if he smelled smoke or saw flames to run the neighboors. I was gone for 15 minutes. This is what I came home to. "It was Ethan's idea" McCrae says. Ethan happened to be the only one of them that didn't dive all the way in. They dug a hole under my deck filled it with water, grass and sawdust and then dove in. I am SO glad I took Kellon with me!

Disclaimer: I do not make a habit of leaving my kids home alone. This is the first time (and by the looks of the kids and my yard...probably the last!!!!!!!!!)


Easter was not complete this year with out an easter egg hunt in Grandpa and Grandma's yard, a trip to the dinasour museum, a picnic and visiting all the animals at Connie and Dick's house.

 McCrae took off hiking while we were having a picnic. That is him at standing on top of the rock.

The easter bunny found us too!

Helping clean

The boys were helping me clean up the living room one evening. We were all working together so well. We quickly finished cleaning the living room and the kitchen. I walked upstairs and this is what I found in their room...

All I could do was laugh...and take a picture!