Sunday, June 15, 2008

Curry Visit..

My aunt Tasha came to town with her new 3 week old baby! He is so adorable I just couldnt stop holding him! While they were here we did just about everything. We went to dinner, swimming, jump on it, and hung out with all the Taylors! It was a lot of fun, and hope they come to visit again! Oh and thank you Shannon for the camera!

Tuesday, May 06, 2008


Last weekend i went on a trip to california for ballroom. It was my first time competing with this new partner so i was a little scared, but it was fun. We went to the beach a couple times which is my favorite part, and did some shopping. We also went to Disneyland one of the days and met up with the Taylors. Im glad i got to see some family down there! It was such a blast and i hope i get to do it again! Heres some pics!

Friday, April 11, 2008


Today me and my family went to a movie called Nim's Island. The kids loved it, but as for me I was texting the whole time. But it was cute. Here are some pictures that we took. Oh and i also had a performance Wednesday night for Heritage school, for kids who have gotten into a lot of trouble. It was scary but at the same time we knew that we could possibly give a message out to all of the kids that you can do something with your life. It was funny because whenever we would do our hip hop dances they would jump up and start singing the songs, and just go crazy. Haha so that was fun to see.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easters :D

Easter day was so fun! It was such a nice day, me and my family were loving it! When we woke up we had to find our baskets, after that we ate some crapes which are my favorite breakfast! For easter we got a trampoline, weve been wanting one for a long time! It was so funny because all day we kept saying lines from Nacho Libre, and one of the lines is "did you not know that i have had diarrhea since easters?" so every time someone said happy easter or something we would just all start busting out laughing. It was a great easters. haha.

Friday, March 14, 2008

High School Musical and BYU..

Wow! High School Musical tryouts were a blast! I met new people, and it was just a great experience. So what happened was they taught everyone a dance, and they call you in with like six in a group. Well when it was my turn to go I was kind of glad that i was the only one in my whole group who actually new the choerography,haha. After we danced Kenney Ortega (the director) called me up to the table and said i was just darling and that i have a part in High School Musical! I don't know what it is yet, but he said im in it! Im just waiting for a call. :D

.662 was my number.

BYU was so long! I had one competition in the morning and another at night. The morning comp. was..okay, we could of done better. Then later in the evening we had a guy come in and kind of help us move as a team. Kind of like a hypnotizer but not really. It was really amazing, all the stuff he had us do. When we got to the floor, and had danced our routine the croud just cheered and cheered even when we went off the floor, everyone was standing up clapping! It felt like the best we have ever done at a ballroom competition. It felt so great to have that, through all the hard work weve done it was nice to have something like that happen to us. Later in the evening they anounced the places, and we got first!! Crazy weekend!

.1st place medal.

Thursday, March 06, 2008


Me and sarah babysat the little ones after school. They were so cute! We did a little fashion show for the girls and later went on the swings and ate some popsicles, Brody got his popsicle all over himself so he had to wear one of jaxon's shirts haha. He is the funniest kid ever! I love him! It was such a nice day! I cant wait untill summer!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Another week with the cousins!

I love when my old Arizona cousins come to town!! We always have such a blast! We always take pictures on shannons photo booth! haha heres some pics...

Friday, February 08, 2008

Pink Cast!

Camry finally got her pink cast. She was excited to write on it.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Broken Leg..

Camry broke her leg! She was at the rec center and got her foot stuck on something and it twisted right underneath her. She's in a splint right now cause of the swelling but next week she's going to get a bright pink cast. She is getting so spoiled, and shes totally using this advantage. She has like a whole set of toys to play with! We got her some cruches but she is so scared to use them. So she just crawls around everywhere. My dad calls her scooter. Haha. She is actually excited to get her cast on so she can walk around, and because its pink.

Monday, December 31, 2007

Sleepover Weekend....

Well my grandparents came to town and were staying over at Shannons house so me and my other cousins slept over. I think we played Rock Band for like 7 hours! No joke! If any of you don't know what it is it's this game where you can play drums, sing, and guitar! Its so much fun! So the next night we slept at our own houses. Then we went bowling the next night. Bowling is so much easier on the wii! I was not good at all! Olivia won the girls game, and the boys won the whole thing. So after bowling we had another sleepover! And what do you know we played rock band again! For another 7 hours. We started to watch a movie at 12:00. We werent even tired after the movie so we watched t.v in Bostons room. Wow! What a weekend! Thank you guys! Oh and Happy Birthday to Darla! The big 40!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Christmas Party!

Me and my friends threw a Christmas party. It was way fun! After school we exchanged gifts and then we went to my friends new house just to party and watch a movie. It was way fun! Oh and Happy birthday Cory! You are the best uncle ever! You are so funny! Love ya! Merry Christmas everyone!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Messin' Around

Ally and there family came in to town. So me and Ally played on Shannon's computer, it seems like what we always do when she comes. I love her she's so fun. Heres some pics...

Sunday, November 11, 2007


Our little dog died today. We let her out to go to the bathroom, and she didn't come back so we went to go look for her and found her hit by a car. Jaxon and Cade have been crying all night, Camry doesn't really know whats going on. She was such a cute dog even though I didn't really like her at first weve all grown to love her. She is happier now, and we will see her again.

Monday, November 05, 2007


California was so much fun! I seriously love disneyland! Most of the time me and my friend Lindsay just ran around crazy! haha. I love her. Well I just want to say Happy late Halloween and keep commenting i love them!

Monday, October 29, 2007


Ah hem....

1)I can make various shapes with my tongue.

2)I love to shop on a rainy day it makes everything better.

3)I'm a real coward when it comes to crickets, they freak me out.

4)I love to watch the Avatar on Nick. Crazy, but true.

5)I could just hug whoever invented caramel and chocolate, I'd die without those two things.

6)I am totally worthless when it comes to cleaning.

7) last fact. I love my family so much! I love my aunts, uncles, grandpas, grandmas, and cousins. They mean a lot to me.

And now I tag these people:

-McCall Brems
-Deren and Laurel Johnson
-Chris and Cassey Watson
You just got tagged!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Go Shorty It's Your Birfday!

Today was so great! All of my friends at school decorated my locker with treats and a little frog that sings "Go Shorty It's Your Birthday" it was so funny. At dance my mom brought a cake for everyone. Benji the winner of "So You Think You Can Dance" was there so i got my picture with him. Oh and Happy Birthday Grandpa! Love you! Well I got to go. Goodnight!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

A little family time

Today Mindy and her fam came to our church and dinner. The kids seemed to have a harder time today in church hmmm wonder why....haha. So in church Shae had to come to my young womens class because Jaxon's was all boys. I felt kinda bad because we were learning about chastity that day and she was just stunned. haha i love her she is so funny. Well got to go!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Brody's Birthday!

Happy Birthday Brody! Today we went to Jump On It again for probably the thousanth time this month. Shannon is obsessed with that place. I love you Shannon! haha!Anyway, after that we went to Chuck-E-Cheeses just to eat and play. It looked like he was having a blast.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

The weekend off!

This weekend i get dance off! Woo Hoo! And my parents are going out of town for my mom's birthday. Oh, happy birthday momma!! Well the weekend i have off i dont know what to do! If any of you are doing something fun let me know.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Dancing With A Star

So today I had a class with the most coolest teacher ever! If you've ever seen "So you think you can dance" he was in the top ten. He's Ivan! He was teaching us a hip-hop routine which was so cool. I wanted to get a picture with him but he left too quickly before I could get one. He's probably the cutest dancer of all time. It was so funny because when he was teaching us the routine I couldn't even concentrate. Haha. Well I took some pictures of my new studio, It's so nice. They have a Cafe where you can get healthy food anytime, they have a theater room, huge studios, student lounge. Im loving it there. If any of you are dancers this would be the place to go. Well got to go. Goodnight everyone!