Monday, May 24, 2010


So I took a few pictures of the house, and now I can't find the cord to upload them.... so I took one with the camera on my phone. So you only get one picture... but for those of you where were concerned about my warts on my foot... I found a doctor who did not give up and they are gone!!! yeah for no warts on my foot!!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Updates anyone?

How do you update a year???? We'll just give you the latest...
January we moved to Rexburg so that Josh could go to school and I got a job with a company in Idaho Falls working with kids and some adults who have mental health issues. It was really cold, and I realized how much I dislike the snow once again!
February... was Valentines day our first as a married couple :) We got an X-box 360 :) and made an offer on a house in Idaho falls We also bought our first dog. After a week and like 10 names we settled on Eclipse ( and no not the twilight series)
March- we were supposed to close on our house, but long story short, they told us the day before we were supposed to close that they needed more information and than after extending it two days they told us that we could not do it with out a co-signer... Well I did a little research, found a different lender... and she PROMISED us that we would close :) Josh also started playing football with a semi-pro football team... We also celebrated our first wedding anniversary in Rexburg, while I had the crisis phone for work... dumb huh??? but we still had great time at dinner and a movie :)
April 20... We became official home owners of a cute 1700 sq ft, 2 bed room, 1 bath and an unfinished basement home :) on the 21 we drove down to St. George for a football game and then spent the rest of the time visiting old friends :) we also made a trip to Boise and had a few home games as well. They haven't won any games but they are sure having a lot of fun and Josh comes home with A TON of bruises!
May 4 we finally moved into our house, of course Josh had to get a NASTY flu that left him in bed for the week, but with the help of our loving family in Basalt, we were able to move it all out. Now we have been un-packing, went to Boise for less than 24 hours over mothers day, move football games and bruises. Josh is well into his second semester of school, and I continue to work.

Sorry for the lack of blogging on my part :) However I will post lots and lots of pictures of the past couple of months but not til I get home to my own computer!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

High school Hottie

Josh is thinking about applying to BYU-Idaho and so he needed to take the ACT. We woke up, made him a little breakfast and off he went to go and take the test. Going into this test... Josh was well aware that he was going to be the oldest person taking the test and was ok with it. During the test he noticed this girl on the other side of the room looking at him...not really giving it any thought he went on with the test. WELL during a break in between the tests, this "hot" girl came up to Josh and asked him if he wanted to get lunch after the test. First off, Josh kinda freaked, but then very politely told her that he appreciated the offer, however he had plans to go out to lunch with his wife... WIFE she said.. Your married!!! after telling me the story Josh said "why didn't the hot girls ask me out in high school?" Isn't that funny!!! I laughed pretty hard when he told me this story... the poor girl must have been so embarrassed!!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

57...58.....59...60 WARTS!!!

Ok so it is official. As of today I have one of the worst cases of warts that Dr. Allen Freidt has ever seen. So I know it is gross, but here is a picture of my foot. It has not officially been counted but Josh and I just guestemated about 50-60. No we aren't over estimating... for reals there are aprx 60 warts on my foot. Ya know I have had them for like 5 years so they dont'really phase me... but apparenetly having 60 some odd warts on y0ur foot is a bad thing. Between this and having to get my tonsils out in July, Josh is convinced I married him for his insurance.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

My wonderful Husband :)

So I asked Josh to go to Costco to pick up a few things for my mom's birthday and he came back with these:

I sure do love him :)

Saturday, June 6, 2009

I am back :)

So I always want to start my blogs with... Remember when... especially when it is a good memory :) This week Josh and I bought a camera cause we did not have one and how are we to document our lives with out one!!!! Josh and I were all ready to go camping with another couple... however they didn't want to risk the rain so Josh and I set out on an adventure to Silver city... however we decided to stop at a cute little camp site along the way. It sure rained all night and our sleeping bag got a little wet, but we had a blast... (sorry no pictures, our camera didn't come til we got home :(

However it was here for the Greek Festival. I went last year and really enjoyed it so we got an invite from some friends and went :) The food was good, and the dancing was fun, but the most enjoyable part was the rain!!!! It started it just sprinkle, then it rained a little harder... and then it hailed!!! it was so crazy! The picture below is a pile of hail... It really doesn't do it any justice... I tried to have a video... but it didn't work .... ops :)

Monday, May 11, 2009


Well here are a few pictures from the wedding. We couldn't find any red shoes so Josh so lovingly spray painted them for me. Everything was so perfect :)