The little ones are all counting their 'sleeps' to
CHRISTMAS, whilst us bigger folk are planning
and working hard to prepare to enjoy a few days
off work and a family catch up and then it's a
brand new start in 2012!
If you're stuck for what to put on your Xmas
WISH LIST, I've got the perfect solution.
Did I mention I have a new book coming out?
It's out in January and can be purchased on both
"" as well as "
dot co dot uk"
and it's entitled:
...34 step by step projects for tiaras, necklaces, hair
accessories, table decorations, and MORE ... !!!
Published By Cico Books
Now, I know what you're thinking ... "
I don't want
a wire project book that just specialises in wedding
projects!" However, I can guarantee the projects
are very adaptable to every day wear. O.K., you're
right ... you wouldn't wear a tiara to the supermarket!
However, have you thought of adapting a tiara design by
wearing it upside down, around the neck as a choker necklace?
The book is broken up into 4 main seasonal chapters, with
each chapter using a themed colour palette: Spring has green,
ivory and white combined with silver and Autumn or Fall has
ambers, golds and creamy pearls, etc..., etcetera-ra-ra ...
The projects not only include jewellery but card designs and
table accessories for the Reception, all of which can be adapted
to other special occasions and gifts. I've tried to pour in every thing
I've gleaned throughout the years when designing for brides,
bridesmaids and Mother's of the bride ... I promise you wont be
disappointed, especially as the photography by both Geoff Dann and
Stuart West is stunning!
As a little teaser, here's a little glimpse at some of the projects
A little
taste of
... and below, a 'wee' peep at
... and now for a key hole glimpse
FALL ...
... and finally ...
a tiny peep at WINTER!
There's everything from: a corsage, a hat pin,
to favour bag charms, tea light holders, shoe clips,
hair comb decorations and fascinators, bridesmaid's
wands, handbag charms, cake topper, table decorations
and place name holders, to jewellery ... not to mention
the obvious: bridal tiaras!
Each seasonal chapter also has a design idea for a
invitation card. These can be adapted to suit many
other occasions such as 'Get Well Soon', 'Happy Birthday',
Wedding Anniversary' and 'Christmas"!!!!
So what are you waiting for? If you enjoy creating
beautiful pieces with wire, it doesn't matter if
you're a complete beginner, intermediate or
advanced, there's something in this book for
everyone which will sparkle and ignite creativity
and boundless inspiration!
You can pre-order NOW from "
amazon" and it will
be with you for the dawning of the New Year!
P.S. There are always a few projects that don't make a book
and here are a couple of pieces that didn't get aired in the final draft,
however, I thought I would share them with you now ...
A hair-vine
that's wraps
around the
side of the
head ...
This Bridesmaid bangle also ended up on
the cutting room floor and missed being
in glorious technicolour published print!