My First Born precious Ava,
Life has really changed recently, hasn't it? Despite telling you this every day, I want to write you and remind you how much I love you. I hope memories of your childhood involve a lot of hugs and I Love You's from your family, if not... we have failed. Ava, you are fabulous!! I can't tell you how many times your Dad and I have commented on how much we love having such a fun, spunky, sweet and outgoing daughter. You have this amazing ability to become friends with just about anyone, and trust me, you've tried to become friends with EVERYONE you encounter. Being friendly and warm are two character traits that don't come very easily to some people, but with you... it's your nature. There are many times when I'm frustrated or feeling a bit blue and you're always quick to understand that my emotions are not quite right. I'll always remember how kind and sweet you were during all of those months I was sick while pregnant with Sterling... patting my back and holding my hair (well, trying to) as I was bent over the toilet vomiting! In church and at home, we talk a lot about Choosing the Right and being obedient. You're understanding both of those concepts very well.
You're like a little Mama, it's just really fun to watch. The other day I was watching you from the other room as you finished feeding Sterling his bottle and then tried to hoist his big round body up onto your chest and shoulder to burp him. You were sitting on the couch, thankfully, and under his weight you slowly and with so much care, were forced to lay down on your back with him on top. But you still burped him until he was satisfied. You even spoke softly to him as you pat his back, "Heeey buddy.... that's alright.... goooood boooy.... feel better now?" You didn't know I saw that.
Even with your baby brother, you are still thriving. We make sure you get to play with your friends as often as possible and it's very entertaining to watch you play pretend with dolls, the kitchen set, shopping, dress up, etc. There's never a shortage of imagination with you girls! As your mom and someone who values close friendships (I'm still close to the same friends I had when I was growing up and went to college... friendships are very valuable, Ava, be a good friend to others and you'll continue to gain good friends throughout your life) It makes me smile to see you create and sustain these relationships with others!
(courtesy of Rebecca H)
Yes, there are times where I get very tired of the tears and the tattling (yes... you are a tattle tail) but I think it's because I want for you to be a strong and independent woman one day. But if I were to really stop myself and think for a moment before I scold you for bawling over something that I deem menial, I should remind myself that I don't WANT a strong and independent woman for a daughter RIGHT THIS SECOND... I can just let a sensitive four-year old be. So, Ava, I'm learning and trying to become a better mom for you. Thanks for being patient with me.
You've brought us so much true happiness and your Dad and I always thank the Lord for such a wonderful daughter.
I love you so so so much.
Love, Mom