Sunday, June 19, 2011

This Face.

She'll snuggle his face right off.

Just TRY and not crack up over this photo... our wee bebe is filling out!!
I swear, his sweetness is in direct correlation to the size of his cheeks and number of chins, he just gets bigger and better. 

soon to come:
a photo or two of Adam and Lindsay's beautiful wedding and Sterling's baby blessing.  Both events made for a wonderful past weekend.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Mini Wilsons

You would think that with the deadly combination of ME (aka crazed, looney mother) and my love of taking photos of everything and anything... we would have taken the time to do some sort of professional photoshoot by now.  Alas, we have not... until recently.  We had a mini shoot with my friend, Jill, who does an amazing job with kids and babies (seriously.. she has magical powers... ALL babies love her!)  

Here are her gorgeous results of my wee bebes.

This was actually supposed to be Ava's Four Year Old photoshoot and Sterling was just going to sit on the side and watch, but Jill let us throw him in for a few shots and I'm so happy we did. 

 Isn't she lovely?
Ava's sweet, fashion-forward Grand-mère sent her this beautiful dress
(I'm telling myself that I'm RIGHT to not allow little Missus' grubby hands to touch this gorgeous dress... It's NOT crazy to love a dress this much, right???) 

Our boy.

Now... I just want to write things down so I don't forget the mundane.
Here's the mundane, day to day stuff:

What we find ourselves often telling Ava
- Thank you for being a good helper!
- You need to dance softer around Sterling's head please
- You can hold him in just a minute
- Can you PLEASE keep your toys out of the kitchen?!
- May I have a turn holding Sterling?
- Yes, you ARE the prettier princess
- We'll play with our friends later/tomorrow/in a few hours... Just. Be. Patient!
- I love you so much.  We couldn't ask for a better daughter and big sister.

(Yesterday Little Mister turned four weeks old.  His cheeks, double chin and chubby belly are all prime kissing spots)
 What we find ourselves often telling Sterling
- You're growing TOO QUICKLY
- Do you EVER wake up?
-If you just poop more often, you'll feel better.  I promise.
- Mom's going to turn you into a major mama's boy (said by Taylor)
- You're beautiful.
- I love you.  You make our family complete.