Tuesday, December 28, 2010

OUR "first" Christmas

This year's Christmas celebration was probably one of our favorite yet.  We spent the holidays here in our little apartment, cozied up on our big, fluffy couches, watching old school Christmas classics, staring at a massive 3000 piece puzzle and making holiday staples (like fudge and my first-ever solo run at homemade caramels.  Without Mom Wilson around, I was pretty FREAKED out, but they turned out and all is right in our home).


It was Calm.




....It was a WHOLE LOTTA attention on ONE little girl...

Is it just me, or does Ava tend to have a certain facial expression when she's happy?

it's better than my go-to facial contortion when I'm excited though...

It seems as if I whipped the camera out for the BIG things...
Like frosting,
and eating frosting.

(no, no. Don't be alarmed.  That band-aid is there because of a near-death accident that involved Ava's juicy little paw coming in contact with the counter top a little too swiftly.  It made a horrifyingly loud "TAP" and she was concerned that her finger might fall off.  The terror!  The horror!  The instant remedy of a band-aid.  It cures all.)

 This Christmas we decided to carry on some traditions and make some new ones of our own.  Christmas Eve jammies were a big hit and a keeper.  I also loved that while Taylor read the Christmas story in Luke to us, Ava and I put the Nativity flannel board story pictures up (that Gma Aaron made us last year).  Turns out, someone thinks Baby Jesus should be in on the fun and catch joy rides on all the sheep and cattle who were supposedly "lowing".  *and by someone... I mean Ava.*  I also loved that on Christmas Eve, we cranked up some Christmas tunes and really rocked out.  Full-on, body-swingin', booty-shakin', hair-whippin', arms-flailin' dancefest.  I hope to make this one a tradition... but I think that'll take some serious coaxing for Taylor.  I must have spiked his egg nog JUST enough for him to join in the madness.

Merry Christmas Eve!

I was super-excited about making the traditional Wilson concoction for Santa's reindeer that, I believe, consists of glitter and seeds and bread crumbs and a dash of paprika (okay, so I don't pay strict attention to recipes!)  But when I suggested leaving Santa and his beloved reindeer some food, Ava had her own plans.
I truly begged her to leave Santa some cookies and fudge and maybe even a few caramels, but there was no budging from her strict regimen of  protein and Vitamin C. (haha... a friend on Facebook pointed that last fact out).  Turns out it was fine, Santa found our not-so-hidden stash of goodies anyway. 

I believe the MAIN events this Christmas were:
  • Watching Ava literally SPRINT down the hallway once she saw her brand new kitchen set in the living room (Thank you, SANTA!)
  • Shoving gifts in front of her to open, even though all she really wanted to do was play in her kitchen.  At one point, we threatened to take it away if she doesn't start opening up her other gifts.  She caught on fairly quickly once she realized that subsequent gifts involve kitchen accessories.
  • And the BIG highlight for Taylor and I was "The Surprise".  We were lucky enough to get our ultrasound a little earlier than we normally would have to find out the gender of our baby.  A few days before Christmas we went in and asked the girl who was doing the looking to keep the gender a secret from us.  After all the measuring and looking was over (we DID look at our baby's profile and saw that our wee nugget is a mover and a shaker... causing me a little anxiety for the months to come).  The ultrasound tech stepped out with a bag that we gave her and instructions to place the stereotyped-gender-specific baby bib into the box, seal it up, and donate the other one to someone else.  We tra-la-la-ed home, VERY excited for Christmas morning.  Wrapped the box up and stuck it under the tree, we finally had a real SURPRISE!!!  *note: T and I super-duper suck at keeping surprises from each other... it's just too hard for T to stay mum and it's just too easy for me to ask him what he wants!  yeah... we're lazy, but always end up happy in the end! :) 
Well.... after each and every last gift was opened... we sat down and opened the Sex Box together.  Yes.  That's what we called it.  Raunchy, a bit?  Maybe... but that's what it was!!!!  It was our beloved little Sex Box.  (Ava never knew, nor will she EVER KNOW, the name of that gift box.  *threatening glare*)

And the happy news....

Boy!  Boy, boy, boy!!!! (no, not as in "triplets".  more as in "EXCITED!")

We're completely thrilled.  I truly didn't have any guesses or even preferences to either gender, but once we saw that little blue bib in the tissue paper, I started to get very teary-eyed.  I had no idea that I wanted a boy so much.  We are completely over the moon about our little Mr. Wilson, Ava included.

Merry Merry Merry Christmas.  It really was. 

Monday, December 20, 2010

My Best Friend, Santa

Turns out Ava's new BFF is Santa (I think it's because he told her she'll be getting presents... lots of them.  Oh, Silly Santa!)  Visiting him at the mall was a major highlight for Ava... she was so excited that it took a couple of tries to get the photo just right!

Ahhh... this one.  It's my favorite.  She's telling him that all she wants for Christmas is "presents" and that she can say HO HO HO "real LOUD".

Only a few more days till Christmas!!!!

On an entirely different note:
I can distinctly remember lamenting thinking, "My daughter will NEVER have hair...."
I couldn't have been more wrong.
Here she was at a wee 3 and a half months old... chubby, happy and a few wispy hairs.
Now she's 3 and a half years old... less chubby, still so happy and a lot more hair.  
It's usually curly and unruly, unless I'm feeling extra-patient and want to straighten the madness up!

Either way, I still think she's lovely

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Welcome, December!

You came JUST in time!

I know Someone who is INSANELY pretty excited....

We are truly...
"Rocking Around the Christmas Tree".

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

We are Thankful for So Much....

... But lately I think this tops our list

Happy Thanksgiving!
The Wilson's

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Ava's Day

Being Taylor's day off, we planned a big, fat awesome day for Ava to do whatever she wanted.  Here's what happened.

First of all: she requested to go to the SMILEY STORE or SUNNY STORE... which is Wal-Mart.  Yes.  Of all the wondrous places this little town has to offer, she chooses Wal-Mart.  Oh and she aptly named it such because of... well... you know...

After a little discussion and some cajoling, bribing, and dropping key phrases like LOT'S OF TOYS and PLAY FOREVER, we opted for KMart instead.  KMart, we love you and your customer-less store full of empty aisles where we can get every single toy from the shelves and go nuts.

She had her choice of Christmas cartoon and picked out:
This girl is like her Papa Wilson... they both love their Scooby Doo!

Then it was lunchtime... and since McDonald's is conveniently placed in direct line of site from KMart's doors, guess where she picked for lunch?  I didn't mind... I was just hungry.  And she wanted to play in the indoor play yard while Taylor and I ate her french fries on the sly.  She was overly excited about her MegaMind toy though.  If only she'd stay just as easy to please forever.  And ever.  And Ever.

Lunch was over and we went to the park and played for a while before she said the "Snow got her nervous".  She's been getting "nervous" over some strange things lately.  Like the other day... it was turtles.  Seriously.  I wouldn't lie about turtles.

After lunch we made it just in time to go to Ava's very first theater movie experience. 

I'm a freak and took photos.  
And Taylor let me continue to do so since we were the ONLY ones in the entire theater.  Which was probably a good thing, since Ava got really really really excited over EVERYTHING.

HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!  Taylor sitting there, giving me his best crusty-eye, WHISPERING, "Stop. Taking. Pictures!!"  hahahahahah!!!!  Oh, my heart... love that boy.  So much patience!!!

Love You, T...
The previews sent her into a giggling tizzy and the actual movie... well, let's just say there's a MAJOR clean up job where we were sitting.  The popcorn flew like Mardi Gras confetti.  She was in heaven and so was I.  I'm a proud Mama Bear, alright?  My girl and I can hit up the chick flicks any day now...

But for now... we have to settle on watching Care Bears: Share Bear Shines
Wow.  We really love our kid.  And maybe love isn't always enough... Taylor couldn't take it and after about 20 minutes into the movie, he asked to be excused: run some errands, read a book, wait out in the car, pluck out his eyeballs, ANYTHING else as he waits for us. 

It took Ava another 20 minutes to even REALIZE he was gone.  When I told her he was in the car, she said, "Daddy's in time out?  Oh noooooo..."  then she shrugged like she just couldn't care less about the matter.  Crazy. Little. Nugget.

We got home and we (Ava and I) snuggled on the couch (as Taylor, blessed Taylor, cleaned the kitchen) and watched Scooby Doo.  Then all three of us fell asleep for nearly two hours. 

Oh this day.  Glorious day.

*Ava: remember this day?  I really hope you do...  I know Dad and I will.  We had a perfect, perfect time together.  Thanks!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween 2010

 We start with the pumpkin.  It's the very first year we decided to actually carve one of these bad boys up... mostly because: 1) we're too lazy. 2) it stinks. 3) too messy. and 4) we're too lazy to clean up the stinky mess.

But in the spirit of it all, we decided to make a go at it.

I sent Taylor outside and from the comfort of the kitchen table, I watched.  And documented.

Yes. Ava is wearing a top and brown tights.
No. I had nothing to do with her ensemble.
No. I have no power.
Yes. She's standing like a diva with her spoon.

The two of them feeling mighty proud they survived the gutting of the pumpkin.
oh and sorry 'bout the tiny, dark squares on these photos... I was too lazy to move, so I snapped pics through the screen window!

 Someone finally got cold enough to get more on.

This is why we never carved pumpkins.
Ava loses limbs.
But still is classy enough to show off her newly gutted gourd.

the real work starts.

Almost there...

Can you guess who requested this particular pattern?

 Yes.  You're absolutely right!

We went to our ward's Halloween party which was a total blast.  The young men/young women throw this party every year and never disappoint.
Horrible photo, but a completely hilarious moment.
Watching Ava try to eat this donut off the string with no hands was a riot!!
In fact, I think I'll tie her food up on a string every day for my own personal enjoyment!
Only this time, I'll use the video camera.

It's no longer a party without getting your face painted.


We practiced for days saying "Trick or Treat".
And even though she knew EXACTLY what to say and how to say it.
Ava insisted on yelling "Give a Treat" at everyone who opened the door to her.
I suppose she didn't want to give anyone an option B...
it's TREAT or nothing, folks.

We joined up with a bunch of other families in the ward and went around the neighborhood together.
It was so much fun watching the kids run from house to house- I'm so glad we went with a large group.

At the very first house, Ava was freaked out at the barrage of kids on the small stoop getting candy while she was still stuck on the stairs.  She cried, thinking that she wouldn't be getting any candy, so the lady ended up lifting her spirits by shoveling handfuls of candy into her basket. 

Right then and there Ava transformed from "shy, crying girl on the porch" to "bold, sprinter, victor of candy".
And she was never the same again.

Sprinting through lawns to get to the doors faster.

Waiting patiently for the next victim to open her door.
Screaming "GIVE A TREAT!!!!" into their knees.

Then dropping into a dead sprint to the next house.
Who knew our little girl who falls down by just STANDING STILL
morphs into an Olympic track star once candy is involved?
(okay, i did.  she IS my daughter after all)

So many kids everywhere!!
Needless to say, Ava still talks about Halloween every day... multiple times per day.

Oh and THIS little guy.
Little Ollie and Ava.
until the next house, of course,
then poor Ollie gets ditched on the sidewalk as Ava gets her loot.

Happy Halloween!

Welcome November!!!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Pumpkin Farm

Yesterday we went to pick out our Halloween pumpkin at this charming little farm.
We had a blast... here's some of the things we did.

Mini straw maze for the intrepid explorers.  

Hitchin' a ride...

Then "helping" out...
After claiming that nearly EVERY SINGLE PUMPKIN in the patch is,
"A widdle too funny"
we narrowed it down to one perfect "Ava Baby Punkin"

Maybe THIS one is better?

This was hilarious.
There was a tallish weed... just one... sitting right where Ava needed to go.
Instead of walking around it.
Or even trampling the Practically Non-Existent piece of straw.
She oh-so carefully straddled the bad boy and tiptoed right over it.

Here's a closer shot:

And there was a choo choo train.
Oh yes.  A Choo. Choo. Train.
And guess who was the lucky mom who was commanded requested to ride along with?
yes. me.

We started out sitting together.
I think Ava gets sick of me taking her picture...
what do you think?

Then at the VERY LAST SECOND she jumped out and ran to the caboose.
Ava totally ditched me for a cooler 6 year old.
I felt so awesome.
Being the ONLY adult on the train (even the kid who drove the thing was no older than 13)

And feeling really, really, really cool as parents STOOD on the side of the tracks
as they waved to their kids, snapping up pictures,
and trying not to stare at me with
pity. disgust. sympathy.
take your pick.

Such a shining moment in my life.

Oh well!
We got three great pumpkins
and many many more great memories of the day.

Afterward, we went to Red Robin for my birthday burger!
As we were walking out, Ava noticed other kids getting their faces painted and wanted a Pink Butterfly on her face too.

We were shocked how STILL she sat while the girl painted.
Even after it was all finished, Ava didn't even want to MOVE for fear of messing it up.
She was so proud.
Until she realized how fun it is to wipe off.