It was Calm.
....It was a WHOLE LOTTA attention on ONE little girl...
Is it just me, or does Ava tend to have a certain facial expression when she's happy?
it's better than my go-to facial contortion when I'm excited though...
It seems as if I whipped the camera out for the BIG things...
Like frosting,
and eating frosting.
(no, no. Don't be alarmed. That band-aid is there because of a near-death accident that involved Ava's juicy little paw coming in contact with the counter top a little too swiftly. It made a horrifyingly loud "TAP" and she was concerned that her finger might fall off. The terror! The horror! The instant remedy of a band-aid. It cures all.)
This Christmas we decided to carry on some traditions and make some new ones of our own. Christmas Eve jammies were a big hit and a keeper. I also loved that while Taylor read the Christmas story in Luke to us, Ava and I put the Nativity flannel board story pictures up (that Gma Aaron made us last year). Turns out, someone thinks Baby Jesus should be in on the fun and catch joy rides on all the sheep and cattle who were supposedly "lowing". *and by someone... I mean Ava.* I also loved that on Christmas Eve, we cranked up some Christmas tunes and really rocked out. Full-on, body-swingin', booty-shakin', hair-whippin', arms-flailin' dancefest. I hope to make this one a tradition... but I think that'll take some serious coaxing for Taylor. I must have spiked his egg nog JUST enough for him to join in the madness.
Merry Christmas Eve!
I was super-excited about making the traditional Wilson concoction for Santa's reindeer that, I believe, consists of glitter and seeds and bread crumbs and a dash of paprika (okay, so I don't pay strict attention to recipes!) But when I suggested leaving Santa and his beloved reindeer some food, Ava had her own plans.
I truly begged her to leave Santa some cookies and fudge and maybe even a few caramels, but there was no budging from her strict regimen of protein and Vitamin C. (haha... a friend on Facebook pointed that last fact out). Turns out it was fine, Santa found our not-so-hidden stash of goodies anyway.
I believe the MAIN events this Christmas were:
- Watching Ava literally SPRINT down the hallway once she saw her brand new kitchen set in the living room (Thank you, SANTA!)
- Shoving gifts in front of her to open, even though all she really wanted to do was play in her kitchen. At one point, we threatened to take it away if she doesn't start opening up her other gifts. She caught on fairly quickly once she realized that subsequent gifts involve kitchen accessories.
- And the BIG highlight for Taylor and I was "The Surprise". We were lucky enough to get our ultrasound a little earlier than we normally would have to find out the gender of our baby. A few days before Christmas we went in and asked the girl who was doing the looking to keep the gender a secret from us. After all the measuring and looking was over (we DID look at our baby's profile and saw that our wee nugget is a mover and a shaker... causing me a little anxiety for the months to come). The ultrasound tech stepped out with a bag that we gave her and instructions to place the stereotyped-gender-specific baby bib into the box, seal it up, and donate the other one to someone else. We tra-la-la-ed home, VERY excited for Christmas morning. Wrapped the box up and stuck it under the tree, we finally had a real SURPRISE!!! *note: T and I super-duper suck at keeping surprises from each other... it's just too hard for T to stay mum and it's just too easy for me to ask him what he wants! yeah... we're lazy, but always end up happy in the end! :)
And the happy news....
Boy! Boy, boy, boy!!!! (no, not as in "triplets". more as in "EXCITED!")
We're completely thrilled. I truly didn't have any guesses or even preferences to either gender, but once we saw that little blue bib in the tissue paper, I started to get very teary-eyed. I had no idea that I wanted a boy so much. We are completely over the moon about our little Mr. Wilson, Ava included.
Merry Merry Merry Christmas. It really was.