Thursday, June 25, 2009

Finally a Play Day

Charming and Sweet. Rexburg's little Splash Park and Carousel.
Talk about a Parent Trap- kids never wanna leave!

Hubs and I took Ava and her little buddy, Andrew, to the park yesterday. We mainly thought Andrew would give Lou the courage to run around in the water (since last time she was timid about getting wet) but turns out Ava had a shot of bravery of sorts because she was completely unabashed while running around- quite cute. While Andrew preferred to just run beside her. Toward the end, Andrew got in on the fun though!

Why is the the funnest thing for kids to do?
(admit it, we've ALL pulled the ol' "sit-on-top-of-the-sprinkler-while-laughing-maniacally" bit... don't be ashamed)

Oh the virtues of sharing...

at one point, Ava tried to DRINK the water that was shooting from behind Andrew's BUM while he was sitting on the water fountain... then they switched places.
I'm sure we raised a few eyebrows from the good wholesome families around us.

I'm seriously considering putting a little water fountain in our future dream home... then Ava and all her friends can just sit and be happy.
(but is it weird to have a 16 year old be so happy doing such things?)

Taking a Cheeto break. (is that how you spell Cheeto? Cheato? Cheet-O? Chee Toe?)
They LOVE their glasses.
They think they're the Cat's Meow with those glasses.

We thought both kids would LOVE the horses but once we tried getting Andrew on one, he was not about to put his life in those horses' hands (paws? hooves?) so he and I sat together on the bench and watched Ava and T spin round and round. We both got a little dizzy, but it was all in good fun.

Thanks for playing with us Andrew!

He even made some new friends... but like I always say,
"Never trust new friends you make at water parks whose booty is hangin' out for all to see"

I really do say that

but not "Always"

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Happy Father's Day

*the following is a note from Ava to her Dad. She insisted that I transcribe for her.

Dear Daddy,
Happy Father's Day!
I just wanted to say that I love you. Thank you for being such a terrific Dad. You've been incredibly Hands-On for these past two years and I know Mom appreciates you more than she can ever express. Mom tells me about the first day we met. She gets teary-eyed when she thinks about you holding me for the first time. You were so touched and got a little misty and choked up when you held me. It was a moment that she'll never forget. Since then, you've held me many times just like that first time.

And every single time you do, I feel safe and know that you'll always love me. Thanks for kissing my owies and playing silly games with me. Thank you for indulging me with countless hours of Cinderella, playing dress-up, and wiping my tears away when I get emotional. I have a good feeling that the Emotional part is just going to get worse, so hold on! You're just the kind of Dad that I think every kid needs. You're patient and kind and full of fun. So as time goes on and we get busier and I get older, just know that you were my very first best best friend. Mom and I love you.

Your AvaLou

ps. you didn't think I had such an advanced vocabulary at two years old, did you?

Thursday, June 11, 2009


After Hubs got off work we went to a park to play. Wishing you could hear the laughter... I think the swings make Lou's stomach do flippies... she was having a ball!!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Little here... Little there

Hello my-two-most-favorite-people-in-the-world.
Love this moment.
If I can just remember THIS moment during the hissies and melt downs...
If only.

She goes screaming out toward the street.
I screech, "AVA STOP!!!"
She calmly turns.
and smiles.

I've been trying to work out more lately.
Here's what I look like from behind.

my legs all tangled up.
my big bum out for all to see.
Sorry to all the Gym Rats out there.
so very sorry.