Charming and Sweet. Rexburg's little Splash Park and Carousel.
Talk about a Parent Trap- kids never wanna leave!
Hubs and I took Ava and her little buddy, Andrew, to the park yesterday. We mainly thought Andrew would give Lou the courage to run around in the water (since last time she was timid about getting wet) but turns out Ava had a shot of bravery of sorts because she was completely unabashed while running around- quite cute. While Andrew preferred to just run beside her. Toward the end, Andrew got in on the fun though!
Why is the the funnest thing for kids to do?
(admit it, we've ALL pulled the ol' "sit-on-top-of-the-sprinkler-while-laughing-maniacally" bit... don't be ashamed)
Oh the virtues of sharing...
at one point, Ava tried to DRINK the water that was shooting from behind Andrew's BUM while he was sitting on the water fountain... then they switched places.
I'm sure we raised a few eyebrows from the good wholesome families around us.
I'm seriously considering putting a little water fountain in our future dream home... then Ava and all her friends can just sit and be happy.
(but is it weird to have a 16 year old be so happy doing such things?)
Taking a Cheeto break. (is that how you spell Cheeto? Cheato? Cheet-O? Chee Toe?)
They LOVE their glasses.
They think they're the Cat's Meow with those glasses.
We thought both kids would LOVE the horses but once we tried getting Andrew on one, he was not about to put his life in those horses' hands (paws? hooves?) so he and I sat together on the bench and watched Ava and T spin round and round. We both got a little dizzy, but it was all in good fun.
Thanks for playing with us Andrew!