Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thanksgiving Celebrations

We had a corn Roast at the Beach

Monday, November 15, 2010

Rainy Day!

Gavin and Collin were able to get in their last soccer game and then came the down pour!
These boys had such a good time playing in the rain and then coming in for Hot Cocoa and warm blankets.

Monday, November 8, 2010


I was getting my Boys ready for school this morning and listening to Christmas music. I was listening to the song Thankful by Josh Groban which I have heard many times but today it struck a chord with me and I stopped for a brief moment in the midst of the morning chaos to express my Gratitude to my Savior for being so Blessed. It was a quick moment but I was overwhelmed with a feeling of Thankfulness.

My days are incredibly busy and Kris's days, even busier. Judging by my blog being months behind, I don't have much free time. But today I am Thankful. Thankful for my busy and sometime exhausting days. Thankful that in that moment I was fortunate enough to be making my Boys breakfast and getting them ready for school and cleaning up after Hendrix. Nope, I didnt get to shower this morning, skipped breakfast and I still haven't gotten my work out in. Things are crazy.. but I am Thankful for my Health, Energy and Financial means to take care of my 5 Boys. I LOVE them~ and I am Thankful for them.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween Festivities 2010

Carson getting all of his Halloween treats ready for his friends.
At his Preschool performance
He was the Cutest little Pirate!

Class field trip to Zoomars Petting Zoo and pumpkin patch.. SO fun!

Veggies for the animals
2 Cute Ninjas and 1 cute Pirate!

Pumpkin Carving!

Trunk or Treat!

The Eastlands invited us over for a yummy dinner. Gavin wasnt feeling well when we got home, so he headed to bed and the other 3 headed out to trick or treat.

Neighbor boys Max, Els and Christian
Hendrix Trick or Treating back at our house on his way in.