Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Last Few Weeks of School

 The first few weeks of June were crazy.  The girls has their combined grade program titled "Americas We."  It was an awesome program with beautiful songs.  The girls each had parts they had to memorize and they both nailed it.  So proud of them!

Madisyn, Deia, Ainsley, Shayla
Then, we decided to throw Ainsley a birthday party with her best friends from school since we were going to be moving before her birthday.  We had a great time!  They played outside, ate pizza and cake and were just silly.  Ainsley had a really good time.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Clallam Bay

On Saturday, May 30, we left the birthday party about 3:00.  Even though it was a late start, I suggested we go to Neah Bay.  That is something Chant has been talking about for a long time.  I had this almost urgent feeling, like if we don't do it now we are going to miss our chance.  I didn't know at the time we would be moving in only a short month, so I am glad that I didn't push that feeling aside.  This was important to Chant and I wanted to make sure it happened.  

Ainsley and Mom trying to get out before we got soaked
Neah Bay turned out to be a lot further away that we thought it was.  We had gone a long way already when we saw how much further we had to go.  Chant said that the main reason he wanted to go to Neah Bay was for the drive and that he would be happy stopping at any beach.  I made sure he was okay with that.  I was not about to have another St. Louis Arch situation on my hands (this is for you Mom).

So we chose Clallam Bay.  And it was perfect.  Aside from us there was only a man, a little girl, and their dog and they moved up the beach quickly so we were alone.

I wanted to test out the temperature of the water and that quickly turned into a game of chicken.  I did  pretty well for a long time at staying dry and then a sneaker wave hit me and it was all over.  I had so much fun running into the water with the kids and screaming our way back out as the tide came in and the waves got higher.  It reminded me so much of the fun times I had at Pounders Beach in Hawaii, although these were baby waves in comparison.  No one lost a lens to their sunglasses this time.  (Ahem...Dad)
Wait for it!  


 Finally they just gave up and sat down.
my three little chickens all in a row

This was one of those moments, one of those days, when my heart was so full of gratitude and love.  It was as close to a perfect day as possible.  I was so overcome by the beauty of the place we live, for the blessing of being here.  I am grateful for a husband that finds joy in taking a ride.  I am thankful for three beautiful children that bring me so much joy and so many smiles and laughs!  This is a day that I will hold close to my heart and treasure forever.  

Even though our time in Port Angeles was short, I feel like this picture sums it up so well.  "We Were Here."  We did so many things, experienced so much beauty, made so many friends, made so many memories.  I feel such overwhelming gratitude to my Heavenly Father for all He's blessed us with.  In just this one day, we were able to spend time with friends we love and will hold dear, and then drive just a few hours and see this.  We may not have been here long, but it was long enough for this place and the people here to steal a piece of my heart.  

Friday, June 12, 2015

East Beach

Indie and Ainsley
 Saturday, May 30 was Porter's best friend's (Frank) birthday party.  They held it at East Beach.  We had such a fun time!

Ainsley and Brinnley were so good with the little kids.  Indie is Frank's little sister.  She is the cutest little girl and we just love her.  Ainsley and Brinnley took turns pushing the little kids around in the floaties.
Porter and Sarah and half of Terri


 That is our Bishop.  The young one.  With the lips on his shirt.  He's awesome!
 Interrupting lunch.
 Frank, the birthday boy, and Porter.  Rachael, Frank's mom, made the best cookies.  It was an awesome idea instead of trying to do cake.
 LOVE this view!
Indie, Maelyn, and Ainsley
Perfect day at the beach.

ANOTHER Photo Shoot

We were lucky enough to have our pictures taken twice in one month!  (These were done May 6.)  We have another friend that wanted to get some practice in, so she offered to take our pictures as well.  These were done in front of the Mason Lodge.  Beautiful old building that we drive by a ton.  Thank you Danielle, I love them!

Daddy/Daughter and Mom/Son

And just because I really like this one!


They Really DO Love Each Other

Just the Kiddos