Thursday, January 29, 2009

Next phase.

Can it be possible that he has moved on? I don't think it is that easy. Seeing that William is a passionate child, he tends to take to things very intensely. He doesn't just dabble, he commits himself completely when he has found something he likes(ie police, army.) Consequently, there is usually a transition period between each stage that takes place gradually. This is all very fascinating to view from afar. This most recent transition took an interesting turn last week, when William decided to take matters into his own hands.


After giving the kids a bath, I was dealing with June (when I say dealing I mean reveling in the ritual that is lotioning, q-tipping, clipping and powdering her perfect chubby body!!) William had taken off right after he got out of the bath and I figured he was in his room getting dressed. So much for logical deduction. In fact, he had gone downstairs and was quiet for some time before he returned to me looking like this...


Enter new stage- Puppy... or should I say dog.

He had cut out ears and taped (notice the blue painter's tape) them haphazardly to his ears. But that was not all... he turned around and showed me this...


yes, that is a tail. Although it looks more like a beaver tail, it is in fact a tail. This was his version of dressing up like a puppy! After grabbing the camera and getting him dressed, I told him I would make him a better, more appropriate dog costume...


we glue gunned this tail to his underwear. weird, I know.


June was very intrigued by our new pet...


so far having a puppy, although it requires daily make-up application, is much less violent than an army man!



then I gave June the world.


the end.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I can't help myself!

Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Are you bored yet?

I myself am actually getting sick of posting about the beach house, so here is the last of the pictures from our outstanding adventure.

Sunday night we started with a mock battle between the daddies and sons. Now, let me preface this with reminding everyone just how "in to" army both Weston and William are right now. To be honest, it worries me a little. William has gone through a lot of stages (marine animals, cars, police... to name a few) but this is the one he has a) taken the most seriously and 2) been the most involved in pretend killing and weapons. Both worrisome. I say this so you don't think I'm totally insensitive to the fact that all he wants to do is act out battle scenes. I am very aware and trying to limit and temper the amount of violence he is aloud to "pretend." Now, whether  you want your kid to hang out with him right now is up to you (if it were my kid... I would probably wait until after he grows out of it!)


the sons- (waiting for the ambush!)


(yes that is a silver bowl on his head. makeshift least he is creative!)


Here are the Daddies... getting ready for the attack!


I LOVE this picture of Seth! There are no words! He really was in character!


Weston goes in for the kill...



Later that night we set up a fire pit (semi-illegal =)  ) It was William's first smore/fire pit experience and he was overjoyed! The flames from the fire flew all around us under a crystal clear sky! Again, the magic abounded!






if you are wondering... yes, that is June strapped into her stroller! It was the only way we could get her to stay away from the flames! Again... she has no fear!!


Farewell beach house! We could not love or appreciate you more!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Can you believe it?


Is it possible to have more pictures from one trip? The answer is YES! And this isn't even the last of it! Sunday morning we woke up to yet another day of beautiful weather. We packed up and headed off to the beach for one more go at the tide pools. June was entertained by trying to wear everyone's shoes, while William had a couple of "stingy leg" breakdowns! Seriously need to toughen him up! Luke and Weston could have played in the tide pools for another 5 hours! Love this picture of Seth. Classic Seth... hanging out on the rocks with his binoculars harness. You never know when some obscure bird may be flying by!!


Then we went home and put the little ones down, sat out on the back porch and read/talked gospel/ate sandwiches and drank more diet coke than is healthy for any one person to consume. Does that seem contradictory? Hmmm?



Well, June has now found her calling life. Thrill seeker extraordinair. She has no fear, although I can detect a little in her face in the second picture. With Weston as the official pusher, we could have kept going all day. The funny thing was that June really thought she was driving.



ps I don't think my knees are meant to go that high!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Where were we...?


Who is this boy? I want to eat him (sidebar). So, Saturday night we headed out for the butterfly sanctuary in Monterey. Luckily, because it was so sunny, we were able to see hundreds of adult monarch butterflies. It was like a fairytale land. I love these pictures. The light was again, genius!


June was fascinated by the butterflies. She kept making the noise she makes for birds, which is more like the sound the letter "f" makes.


how's is this for hot mom!? (I'm sorry Ashley... I can't help myself!)



this was the shot of the day! They played with this rope until somebody got hurt! It was bound to happen.



I love this picture. I really gives a feel of what the walk was like. Magical light right before the sun goes down.


love these people. really love them like family!



cute boys, each looking in their own direction.

Friday, January 23, 2009

My dreams come true...

Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Back to the beach...

Saturday morning we woke up and headed out to beautiful 75 degree weather on the beach in January. It felt like we were cheating on winter with summer... and it was good! Although not good for our state's need for rain and water, the weather could not have been better for us! Sand castles, diet cokes, birds (as always!), June exploring the rocks and water, sand fights are just a few of the highlights.


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I don't know why exactly I torture myself by posting pictures of me with Ashley... but yet my need to show the day overwhelms my vanity. I figure nobody looks good next to Heidi Klum right? Basically, Ashley is my Heidi Klum! Minus the German accent! (also, please ignore my weird see through, pointy ears... you can't fight genetics!)

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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

California Sledding...


What do you do when it never snows and you never go to the mountains to see the snow... SAND SLED! Pretty classic really, although considered eroding to the natural habitat (shhhh... don't tell!) Ben used to sled on this very hill as a child. Later in the day, after our first beach extravaganza, the boys picked up their new favorite hobby with enthusiasm. With Ben pulling the sled, these boys flew at speeds they were not expecting and pleaded to go over and over again. The light was spectacular for some outdoor shots.

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love this shot of june...


can you say SUPER MODEL!?



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William was on duty the entire weekend! This is his "gun"

