Monday, April 28, 2008

What a whirlwind!!

Well, I will guarantee you will be sick of me and my pictures by the end of this post! But what the heck, here is an unabashed picture smorgasbord from our crazy and eventful weekend...

Friday Night-

It all started with dinner out for my birthday. We went with some friends downtown Walnut Creek to eat at this very hip(unbenounced to us.) restaurant/lounge. We thought it would be a casual night out... no biggie. Well, what we happened upon was a modern day reality TV show which, if it were real, would be called "The Real Ex-Housewives of the East Bay." It was a very strange feeling to see a whole table of women who had the plastic bodies of 18 year old Baywatch lifeguards with faces that can only be described as the ugly stepsisters meets a graphic episode of nip-tuck!
I'm sorry if I sound mean, but this was beyond weird...and also extremely entertaining. We watched as they mingled and basically made fools of themselves with these cheesy, gross, chester old men! We all walked away thinking 3 things...1) We are so glad we are not single!! 2) We are so glad we are Mormon 3) We are so glad we are boring! Anyway, I didn't take that many pictures (yeah right... there just weren't any good ones of me) so here is one of Spencer and Ben.
PS after dinner we went hot tubing... just for old time sake!
Saturday Morning-
So William had a Primary activity where they sang at a little elderly care facility. It was pretty comedic...yet inspiration. Is it possible to have both?... the answer is... of course...when you add old people with children!! They sang their songs and were really cute. William insisted on wearing the police officer shirt I bought him. Complete with handcuffs and a flashlight. When I gave it to him he was so excited. Then he looked at me and said, "Where is my gun?" It was kinda a buzz kill. Also, not the most appropriate shirt for singing to old people, but he wasn't about to part with it! So we took the tacky route.
Which as a mom, you learn is the path
of least resistance most of the time!

After singing, they went to the park, gorged themselves on sweets and played with bubbles. How does it get better than old people, the park, police shirt and bubbles. This kid is spoiled! You won't believe it, but this is just the beginning...

Saturday Afternoon

So, then we got in the car and headed out to our friends the Watts! They rock!! We haven't seen them in almost a year and it was a classic reunion. They live across the bay and have a big backyard with a play house that backs up to a cemetery (which just makes it even cooler!)

This is Abbey. She was very into June, which was fine with me. Hey, I'll take babysitting in any form these days.

June exploring the grand piano.
We played, ate, shopped, hiked, made a fire pit and roasted marshmallows! On the hike William even caught a lizard. The day was out of a movie. When we were all sitting by the fire at the end of the day William said (kinda under his breath,) "This is my favorite day." It was pretty cute.

Tanner and Ben looking for birds
This is a chicken fight of sorts. Basically June cracking up at William trying to pull her down!
Tan the MAN!! We taught this guy as a Sunbeam! I can't believe he is 8 years old!!! AHHHHHHHHHH
So there is our Saturday. I'll have to save Sunday for another post! Seriously, it was a good weekend!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

My loves!!

There are no words for this picture!! I can't believe I made these little people.

I have to ask, who do you think June looks like now?

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

She sits up!

Doesn't something change in a child when they discover they no longer have to stay in a horizontal position at all times! Well, the right of passage has commenced and June (other wise know as June Bug, Juney, Juney Puney, Fish Taco, Baby June etc... she's worse than Ruby when it comes to nicknames,) has entered into the realm of vertical living! Think about the improvement in quality of life! No longer having to swallow your own spit, but rather just letting gravity pull it out of your slobbery mouth. Actually seeing things right side up instead of viewing the world like a turtle stuck on it's back. There are tons of benefits! But most of all, now Mommy can take much better pictures!!! Uh oh, as if she doesn't take enough already. Oh June, this is one in a long line of developmental achievements you have to make. I get to witness each one and the magical smile on your face each time a new skill is learned. I love you baby girl.

(PS the hand you see in the first picture is there for "spotting" purposes only. No "holding up" was preformed in these pictures...well, just a little.)

Monday, April 21, 2008

pics from my trip...

As requested from Camille. What can I say, you ask and I provide. (Don't get cocky!!)

This is my niece Julia. She is perfection. Everything I have ever wanted or admired in a 11 year old she possesses. She is kind, considerate, generous, smart, so creative, responsible, funny, spontaneous, giving, obedient but independent minded... the list goes on and on. I want to sit my sister down and ask her how this all happened in today's world. I think part of the answer is that she just came here with a determined spirit of her own. If this is what our youth looks like right now, then I'm not afraid for the end. Bring it on!

Ben taking the boys for an "adventure." Too bad that means running around my parents yard looking for who knows what. They are easy to excite when Uncle Ben is in charge. Everything seems magical and mischievous!! He is like the pied piper meets peter pan meets Willy Wonka meets Pee-Wee Herman (minus the criminal charges!)

Pizza party: Ruby and Colton

Gretchen's oldest Lauren. She's a sassy one, and so smart!!

Great food, great surprise, great company, crappy weather but an overall success.


Thanks for the birthday weekend! I love you guys...even though you never leave comments. I'll forgive you!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Regarding the diet...

All business having to do with the official "NO MORE LURPY LBS DIET" should be directed to

bring your legwarmers girls!!!

Clips and Bands

So, I know what you are thinking...everyone and their mom, and their mom's dog makes hair clips and headbands. You are right. But here I find myself joining the masses. I can't help myself. Let me begin with the back story to explain my blatant conformity... My sister Gretchen is really cool. She has kind of a mod/clean/eclectic style that I admire. She has a little girl named Ruby (also known as Ruby scoobie, Ruby boobie, Ruby Tuesday, Rubes...the girl has endless nicknames... (see picture below with my bro-in-law Jeff).

Ruby is 18 months old and one cute bundle of rolls. She has inspired my sister to find a hair clip that won't slip, but is also cute and fashion forward. She started experimenting and came upon an awesome design that is unlike anything out there. She has made a clip that does not slip...even in the thinnest of hair.

Anyways, she kept having people ask her to make clips and pan ahead 6 months later she has designed a beautiful website called Consequently, I have been making headbands for June using vintage buttons, metallic flowers and whimsical pompoms for some time now and Gretchen has asked me to come aboard. Here are some pics of both the headbands and clips.

this is my sister Cammy...she is the pretty one!!=)

these doves are my favorite! They are precious!!

Please visit the website when it launches May 1st. I will update more about the website launch and free clips/band giveaways. Also, If you are a personal friend of mine and live near me, I can get you anything from her line without you having to pay shipping. So, now that I have confessed...please don't hate me because I make baby accessories. It's just too much fun and I love collaborating with my sister! Here's to you Stretch Armstrong!!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Who's in?

As Monday approaches I need to get a count on who is in. This is no joke people!! A file is coming to download, print out and sign as your formal commitment to the diet. And once you make a deal with the devil, there' s no going back! Let's get any concerns or questions out in the open before we start. Also, I would like to put Camille in charge of listing recipes and/or ideas for snacks/food because she is good at that. Please, anyone who has south beach recipes/tips/food ideas etc... lets get them posted so we can all go grocery shopping on Monday! Remember it's only 2 weeks! Also, is anyone else going to do the Trader Joe's cleanse? Get ready to live girls!!!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

For your info...

Okay, so I have already received a response about the diet and understand the initial reluctance to give up sugar. My answer to that is, it is only temporary. The 1st two weeks is just a way to reset your body and get rid of the sugar/carb addiction. Once that is over, the diet slowly introduces sugars and whole grains. Also, I'm going to be doing the Trader Joe's total body cleanse(only 12.99$) which is a 2 week cleanse with a series of supplements that is easier on your system. Who's in? To be continued...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Diet Diaries...

Dudes...enough is enough!! So, here I am, 6 months after the baby was born and I have exactly 7 lbs left to be at my pre-baby weight. I am no longer breastfeeding, I fit into my clothes (barely), I don't look horrible but I am ready to kick the last few lbs. I know if I don't do it now, I will get used to a "new normal," being 7 lbs more than before. Then it's just a slippery slope and you pan ahead 3 years and I'm wearing mom jeans, perming my own hair, watching "days of our lives" with a scrunchie in my hair. Trust me... there is a very thin line between rockin' and lurpy! (Please realize that I am totally kidding!) Unfortunately, I'm not kidding about the losing weight part. So you may be asking yourself, "What does this have to do with me?" The answer is, "Absolutely nothing!" Unless of course... you have the guts to join me! This is an invitation for any and all who want to embark on a serious, hard core diet! Starting Monday, April 21st, we(meaning me and a few suckers I have persuaded to join me) are going to eat no sugar for 2 weeks. (long pause...) That's right...2 weeks. Basically we are going to follow the South Beach Diet because we think it is the best long term/lifestyle type diet that fits our needs. Think of it this way: You can do anything for 2 weeks... okay maybe not anything... but... okay, forget it... Let me restate that... there are very few things that you can do for 2 weeks, but I want you to try this anyway. So far I have Leslee, Lisa W., Lisa W., Camille and Ashley to join with me.(Yes there are 2 Lisa W. and you know who you are!!) I am going to start a temporary blog to interact during the whole process. If you commit, I will hold you responsible and you will not regret it. If you have been wanting to lose a few extra lbs... now is the time! There is strength in numbers people!! Please join us... or just watch us try.

(ps this picture has nothing to do with this post, but is just cute (atleast of June) and taken today up in the Sonol Wilderness Area by my sister-in-law Kristen Crockett>)

Like a lamb to the slaughter...

Okay, lets just say I have wooed a good friend of mine, Camille, to the dark side. Little does she know the pandoras box she has unleashed. Just letting everyone know she has pressure or anything... Please shower her with attention and validation... she's new!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Happy 6 months!

Well little girl, you have done it! The first six months can be the hardest of your life. You have overcome the need to be fed more often than a small rodent and survived the abuse of a brother who, as far as you know, is just one big giant person, in your face all day! Not to mention having to put up with your mother's incessant primping and dressing you up like a reluctant circus performer...with the bows and the jewelry and the tights...when does it end!? The answer...NEVER!! I don't really know how you have done it... and with such grace and patience? Now the next six months should be easy. Eating mushed up peas that not even a starving dog would touch, falling on you head a hundred times trying to sit up, putting small objects like marbles and thumb tacks in your mouth(whatever is on the floor), wondering why you are being awakened from sweet slumber, only to drop your brother off at school. Yep, the next 6 months are a breeze compared to your life so far. Here's to loving you every step of the way little trooper!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Cousins and Cupcakes!

This weekend was full of kids stuff. Not that it ever revolves around the adults...but I'm not complaining. Andy had a birthday party and the squirt guns in the party sacs plus 80 degree weather made for a classic combination. Lets just say at one point Will E. pored the ice bowl down my shirt. I felt like I was in a white t-shirt contest and an NFL football coach winning the super bowl all at the same time. Weird.

Then the cousins came over on Sunday and William got the biggest kick out of Carden saying the word "poof" over and over again. I think it was just close enough to the word "poo" without being naughty. Very tricky! This is Ben's brother's baby Charlotte who is part Kramer(the hair), part Tyler(her dad), and part sugar plum fairy(all around cuteness/headband)! Yummy to say the least!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Isn't she lovely!

I know this girl who forgives as easily as she laughs.
I know this girl who everyone wants to be around and always are.
I know this girl who is an open book you can't wait to read.
I know this girl who sees daisies in a dark ally.
I know this girl who can't wait to see where
her next trip will take her.
I know this girl who makes friends with the unfriendable.
I know this girl who is strong and soft all at the same time.
I know this girl and I'm so glad she knows me.
I love you. Happy birthday Annie.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Where has my baby gone?

I look at this picture and I think, "Where has my baby gone!!?" Gone are the pudgy ankles and sleepy eyes. All I see in this picture is a little boy with a cream cheese mustache, bloody knuckle, muddy sleeve, sketchy underwear, buzz cut and the ever constant stick in hand. Not to mention a spirit of independence that never lets up! I guess it's time to come to terms that he isn't my baby anymore. It's exciting and devastating at the same time. I'm still holding onto the fact that he's holding a sippy cup. It gives me some hope that the baby that needs me is still inside the boy somewhere. It seems like I'm seeing glimpses of the baby less and less each day.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Reagan is here!!

My good friend Whitney just had her baby today and what a day it was! I was blessed enough to be there with them and take some pictures! Here are a sample of a few and you can see her blog for more. What a blessing when a new little spirit comes into the world. I heart Reagan!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Who knew camping could be so fun? I guess we both did deep down... but it is just such a pain to actually pull it off. Not to mention the packing and the preparation... it just doesn't happen! Well, we made up our minds that we would make it a priority and it was well worth it. We left William with Grandma Vickie and baby June with our friends the Coopers and headed out! It was a bad sign when I started feeling the lactic acid burning up and down my legs within the first 10 steps! Lets just say it went down hill from there(as we went up hill!!) I was forced to use multiple excuses for my being out of shape. Some examples were: I'm still getting over this cold, I just had a baby(6 months ago), I worked out on Thursday and I'm still sore, I'm just a big old baby... etc...As you can imagine it was a pretty hilarious trip! I was the wimp on the hike, but lets just say Lisa was the wimp sleeping through the night. According to Taylor, she thought the tent was attacking her(aka windy) and decided to wake him up! Then she thought there were wild boars outside and little animals circling her tent. This all made me feel better about my constant whining. I think Ben and Taylor might have a guys campout next time. That may be fine with me and Lisa. We'll stay in and do each other's nails, watch a movie or perhaps have a pillow fight!

Ben's ridiculously big pack!! Taylor and Lisa

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