Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Is this a kissing puzzle?

There's something about how any port in a storm is a good port, right? Well, I'm here to tell you that any post during a pregnancy is a good post. This post while different will include two topics. Baby kisses and puzzles.

Anyone who knows Will understands that his brain works a little differently than most. This is not a bad thing, but he likes to have challenges in ways that most of us think are impossible and maybe even pointless. But, he likes them. And because he likes them, I purchase them. For $4 or $5 at Albertsons.

You see, this is the puzzle that is sitting on a table in front of our Christmas tree. It's a picture of the box, but if you'll look closely, there are 2 polar bears walking on snow/ice in front of a wall of snow/ice. Sounds like a REALLY fun puzzle, I don't think. I was in charge of the polar bears, since there are some distinguishing traits about them. They aren't pure white!

This is my finished product of the mama polar bear.

Baby bear is also done. And currently, they are both standing on ice with only a few pieces missing still. But, this is a thousand piecer puzzle. I think the bears make up maybe about 300 pieces of that 1000. Will is crazy...and this is what he's doing while watching his Jazz play (or BYU or any college football game, or history channel but I'm usually joining him for that).

In other news. The little guy has grown SO much. He's giving fantastic kisses, but all video and pictures of such make it look like we're the ones kissing him, not him kissing us. It's unfortunate. I mean, who doesn't want to kiss this adorable face?

Drool picture chosen on purpose. Totally not the same thing if you're not completely covered in drool by the end.

See? Totally looks like I'm "leaning" but really, I'm just trying to keep him from ripping my face off. He grabs REALLY tightly the skin on my jaw and won't let go. I'll admit it though. I love those kisses. He is also becoming a pretty jealous kid. If Mom and Dad kiss, he needs his turn too. With each of us, although he's more likely to kiss Will if he has shaved recently. Marcus is particular in his dislike for facial hair.