At the beginning of August, we embarked on our first-ever road trip with the quints. You are probably thinking 16 hours in the car + 5 two-year-olds + 2 big kids + 2 adults = TORTURE, and I have to admit that I was thinking the same thing before we went. In actuality, things went MUCH better than I expected! We had a great set-up with a dual screen DVD player (thanks to a Christmas present from my parents). Plus Riley and Kaiya had their own DVD player in the backseat. The entire 16-hour drive went pretty much like this: watch a movie, eat a snack, sing some songs, REPEAT. We stopped only to get gas and change diapers, but despite everybody being strapped in a carseat for hours and hours, there was not a lot of complaining.
Jayson’s biggest event of the year for work was happening right when we planned to leave, so I talked my friend Virginia into driving out with me and Jayson flew out to meet us a week later. Virginia is a saint!
Once we got to my parents house, we had a great time! My parents had just moved into a new house--and when I say “just” I mean the moving van got there 4 days before we did. This was great in some ways (they hadn’t unpacked everything yet, so there was less for us to break!) but it had its downside too (no hot water, no stove, no phone, no internet, no TV, and most importantly---no trash service!)
We got to see a lot of family while we were there. All of us were really excited to see my Aunt Jeanie and Uncle Rick again (whose house I stayed at when I went to Arizona to have the babies---they took care of me, and my kids at times, while I was on bedrest. They also let us take over their house as we brought all the babies home from the hospital). All but one of my siblings came for a few days while we were there, and my grandparents drove down from Utah for the weekend to see us. We also visited with my Aunt Kathy and Uncle Lloyd and several of my cousins while we were there.
One of the highlights of our trip was spending time with Dr. Candice Park, the resident who delivered the quints. She just graduated and is an official doctor now, but hasn’t started her new job, which meant she had more time to spend with us!! Dr. Elliott was out of town, so we weren’t able to visit him on this trip.
Here are a bunch of pictures from the trip:

Arizona, Here we Come! Kyndall, Kaydence, Ryder, Kassidy and Rustin
Off we go!
Our first day in Arizona we had the "great" idea to take everybody to Cheesecake Factory for lunch.
The babies had a fabulous time using the utensils as drumsticks, but I am not sure the rest of the patrons enjoyed their concert-----I think it will be a while before take everyone back there again!
Rustin and Mimi
Riley, Rustin, Kassidiy, Ryder and Kyndall play on the cart made out of Omagles (like giant tinker toys)
Lunch Time! No, you didn't count wrong---there are SIX two-year olds in the picture! My cousin, Cassie came over with her kids, including 2-year-old Jaeden who is only a few days younger than the quints.
Papa makes mashed potatoes in the microwave. Since the stove wasn't working when we got there, we all had to become very skilled at using the microwave---we learned how to make everything from pasta to scrambled eggs in the microwave :-)
We took the whole crew to visit my dad (aka Papa) at work. Picture above: Ryan (my brother), Tiare (my sister), Rustin, Kassidy, Papa, Gaile (my dad's secretary), Kyndall, McKay (my brother), Kaydence, Shane (another brother), Kaiya, Ryder, Rachelle and Riley
Papa with Rustin, Ryder, Kyndall, Kassidy and Kaydence
Papa with Riley and Kaiya
It didn't take long for us to wear out our welcome!
After terrorizing my dad's office, we all headed to Rainforest Cafe for lunch.
Most of the babies loved all the animals, including these gorillas near our table.
Kyndall was so afraid of the gorillas that she put her head down on the table and wouldn't look up--even to eat!
Kaydence, Kyndall, Rustin, Riley, Ryder and Kassidy. The kids loved to run from one end of the hallway to the other.
Papa with Ryder, Kyndall, Kaydence, Kassidy, and Rustin
The babies were excited to see Dr. Park!
Twins, Triplets and Quintuplets (plus 2)! We got together with my friend, Christina, who has twin 4-year-olds and triplet 2-year-olds. Christina and I lived only a few streets over from each other when I was in high school. Coincidentally, her triplets were born about a month before my quints--at the same hospital with the same doctor.
Christina and I with all the kids
Superdad (aka Jayson) singlehandedly feeds Ryder, Kyndall, Rustin, Kassidy and Kaydence
Rachelle and Candice (aka Dr. Park). My mom, aunt Jeanie, Candice and I all went to lunch at Oreganos---when I was in the hospital, Candice kept telling me how great Oreganos was, so I am glad I finally got to try it! (The Pablo Picasso salad and Pizza Cookie were amazing!!!)
Our favorite pastime is going to Costco, so of course we had to check out what the Arizona Costo's had to offer :-)
Trouble Multiplied! Rustin, Kassidy and Ryder check out the new cupboards at Mimi's house
Kaiya and Kaydence---this picture really shows how much they look alike!
"Nakey" Time! Kassidy, Rustin, Kyndall, Kaydence, and Ryder
Kaydence really took a liking to Grandpa Curtis!
Rachelle and Candice with Kyndall, Ryder, Kaydence, Rustin and Kassidy
While we were there, Candice made the babies five birthday cakes---the same five cakes that she made for their actual "birth" day two years ago. Not only is she an amazing doctor, but she is a baker extraordinaire in her spare time :-) Click HERE to read about the original "birthday" cakes...
The Cakes--Strawberry, Confetti, Chocolate Fudge, Carrot and Lemon Meringue (my personal favorite of the five)
Yum--the babies dig in! (Kyndall, Rustin, Kassidy, Ryder and Kaydence)
After Church on Sunday---Ryder, Kassidy, Rustin, Kaydence and Kyndall.
Kaiya and Carli. These two were best buds when we stayed with Jeanie while I was on bedrest. They were so happy to be reunited!
Riley the Pinecone Man
Rachelle, Betty Ann (my mom), Aunt Jeanie, and Ashlyn (my cousin)
Jeanie and Rick invited us over for brunch after church. It is a brave person who invites our family over to eat! They served pancakes (the quints favorite food) and even borrowed high chairs for all the babies to eat on.
Riley, Carli and Kaiya
The day before we came home it was my birthday. Anyone want to guess how old I am??? I celebrated by going out to lunch and getting pedicures with "the girls"!
Heading home! All good things must come to an end...
The awesome DVD set-up----how did people travel with kids before these were invented??
Arizona was awesome! We are already looking forward to going back next year!

Arizona Vacation--The Quints First Road Trip!