Fox 7 News Story
She’s cute and fun and really smart,
She swims, she reads, she draws fine art,
Now she’s 12 and getting tall,
Today is her birthday….that is all!
The American Girl Magazine just did an article on Kaiya for their March/April issue (coincidentally coinciding with her birthday). You can read the article below (or get your own copy---I found some at Target)! I thought it was a fantastic article!
Happy 12th Birthday Kaiya!!
Back in July, the quints became obsessed with Harry Potter---they watched all the movies, ran around playing Harry Potter games, and even started reading the books (which are a little above their reading level at the moment). Even though Halloween was still four months away, they started begging to do a Harry Potter costume theme. Riley and Kaiya have always been Harry Potter fans, so they were easy to convince. I consented, only if they could convince the grandmas into helping us with the costumes. Two phone calls later, the plans were set in motion (never underestimate the power of Kaydence’s sweet talking abilities).
The quints robes were ordered online, but Grandma Wilkinson made the scarves and ties. GG made Kaiya, Riley and my costumes. They all turned out fantastic!
Harry Potter (aka Ryder)
Ron Weasley (aka Rustin)
Hermione Granger (aka Kassidy)
Ginny Weasley (aka Kyndall)
Luna Lovegood (aka Kaydence)
Professor McGonagall (aka Kaiya)
Albus Dumbledore (aka Riley)
Professor Trelawney & Mad Eye Moody (aka Rachelle & Jayson)
The whole crew
We actually won the “Family Theme” costume award at our church Trunk-or-Treat….this is the first time we have gotten this award, despite some pretty great themes we have done over the years (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Five Little Monkeys jumping on the bed, etc.)
Ready for Trick-or-Treating (Riley is too cool to trick-or-treat with his family---he was already off collecting a record amount of candy when the picture was taken)
My never-miss-a-kodak-moment girls wanted a picture in front of the cute cat decorations in someone's yard.
Checking out the goods---Jayson actually weighed all the candy we got this year---a whopping 27 lbs! Yikes! We will still be eating Halloween candy next Easter!
Harry Potter Halloween!
This year we went for a Phineas and Ferb theme (it is from a Disney TV show). Rustin was Phineas, Ryder was Ferb, Kassidy, Kaydence and Kyndall were Fireside Girls, Kaiya was Candace (the older sister), Riley was Dr. Doofenshmirtz, I was Perry the Platypus and Jayson was Major Monogram.
Here are some pics of the cartoon characters, if you aren’t familiar with them!
We’ve been planning the costumes for months, but I wasn’t sure how we were going to pull it off until Grandma and Grandpa Wilkinson came to visit. Yay for fantastic Mother-in-law’s that know how to SEW! She totally designed and made the head/hats for Phineas and Ferb, which I think turned out amazing! She also made the fireside girls berets, skirts and sashes (not to mention my platypus tail!) GG made Ryder’s Ferb pants, which also turned out adorable!
“Mom! Phineas and Ferb are going trick-or-treating”
The Phineas and Ferb “hats” turned out so fantastic that I felt like they needed a close up….this picture still doesn’t do them justice. I was totally in awe of my mother-in-law’s ability to just whip these out.
Cutie-Patootie Fireside Girls! Kyndall, Kassidy and Kaydence
Our friend Nolan came Trick-or-Treating with us.
Our neighbors had a super-spooky creature rigged on a pulley to come flying at you when you went up the driveway. I think it creeped me out more than the kids!
Trick-or-Treating in action!
Riley went trick-or-treating with his friends….he didn’t think he was recognizable as Dr. Doofenshmirtz when he was by himself, so I made him and his friends into iPhone App Icons. Riley is the YouTube App, his friend Jared is the Facebook App and a third friend (not pictured) was the GMail App. The three of them won first prize for their group costume at a School Halloween Party!
Glue drying on the App costumes….nothing like making costumes on the DAY OF Halloween!
It cracked me up that as soon as Riley got home from trick-or-treating, he immediately started sorting his candy by type so he could look at the candy distribution. I think I have a statistician in the making.
One last picture of the whole crew at our church Trunk-or-Treat!