We are so happy to have our Brynlee Janice here with us!!! Here is a little of her birth story so I don't forget the details....
It started out on August 5th after my morning jog. I ran (with a lovely waddle) 5.5 miles which was normal for this pregnancy, but when I got done running I just felt "off". I did not necessarily feel sick but I did not feel like my normal self. Luckily Ethan was home so he let me take a nap and I was able to take it easy that afternoon while he played with Brooklyn. By the late afternoon I was pretty stir crazy. If anyone knows me I get pretty stir crazy when I'm home to long so we decided to get out of the house and go on a drive. Even though I was not feeling like my normal self I still wanted to get out of the house. So we ended up driving out to Antelope Island since I had never been, but wanted to see it. It was a beautiful day and we saw lots of Bison and a few antelope. While we were driving we saw a beach and even though I wasn't feeling so well, I still wanted a picture at the beach so I made Ethan stop. When we were driving the beach didn't look that far away so I figured I would be okay, but I was wrong. Flip flops in the sand, along with 90 degree weather and almost a mile walk to the beach for a 39 almost 40 week pregnant women was not the best idea. But I am a stubborn person so once we started the journey, I didn't want to stop. We made it to the beach and got pictures, but once we made it back to the car I started having contractions, not just the Braxton hicks contractions that I had been having daily for weeks, but real contractions. So I got a little excited that there might be a possibilty of a baby sometime soon. Once we got home I sent Ethan to young men's, and I decided to stay home since I was having contractions and didn't feel so well. While Ethan was gone I took Brooklyn to get dinner at Warrens then went to Swig to get sugar cookies. I'm glad I stayed home to have one last mini date with my Brooklyn before "little sister" arrived! While we were out my contractions stopped, which made me very disappointed. I was soooo ready to have our girl here. The rest of the night went normal except I just didn't feel like my normal self.
When we went to bed I could not fall asleep I just kept tossing and turning, this happened for about an hour and a half, then at 11:45 pm I felt a "Gush" of fluid (as a side note Ethan HATES the word gush, so I have to use it😜). I didn't experience my water breaking with Brooklyn, so it was hard to believe that it really was my water breaking, so I didn't wake Ethan up instead I went down stairs to watch Gilmore Girls because I thought contractions would start right away, but they didn't! Which made me doubt that my water actually broke. At around 2 a.m. I woke Ethan to tell him that my watr broke. He is a pretty deep sleeper so he didn't think anything of it since I wasn't having contractions. He went back to sleep:) I on the other hand did not sleep at all, I tried to get the contractions going, but had no such luck. I did not call the hospital because I did NOT want to get turned away. I had a fear that they would believe that my water actually broke since I wasn't having contractions, or they would say to labor at home. So I never called, plus I had a doctors appointment the at 11 so I figured I would just call the doctor first thing in the morning. Meanwhile to keep things a little clean I continued to leak fluid all night long, so I defiantly knew that my water broke, but no contractions. Finally at 8 am I tried calling the doctor, but of course they were in a meeting so we had to wait til 8:30 to call, so we decided they was a good chance we were having this baby today so we pcked our bags and Brooklyn's bags and headed to kneaders for french toast to kill the time. We got to kneaders right at 8:30, so I sent Ethan and Brooklyn in to eat while I called the doctor. Of course the doctor said call the hospital so I did, and we were instructed to come to the hospital since if my water had broke they needed to start antibitics since I was group b strep positive. So we called my dad and he meet us at the capital and Ethan and I headed to the hospital. When they checked me they verified my water had for sure broke, but I was not dilated or effaced at all. So they admitted us and started antibiotics.
The nurses at the University Hospital are AMAZING (at least the labor and delivery and mother baby unit and of course me;)! They were so friendly and were just great! Since I was not dilated the doctor decided to start a prostaglandin to help get my cervix ready, once the administer they wait 4 hours then recheck. It was a long 4 hours of waiting since I had this with Brooklyn and it had instantly put me into labor, but this time around nothing happened, plus I had to pee every half hour and it is not fun being connected the the monitors and having to get up, but oh well. Around 4:00 they checked me and I was only dilated to a one and 30% effaced, so the doctor decided to start pitocin (I was trying hard to not have pitocin since I wanted a natural birth and I knew pitocin make contractions a lot more intense). But we needed to get this baby out sometime in the next few hours since I was at risk of infection. So the pitocin and the contractions defiantly started coming hard and fast! They were very intense from the get go, it could be since my nurse started it at a high dose, which ever bialy had to be turned down due to the contractions coming so far Brynlee's heart rate would drop. I tried to last as long as I could with the contractions before I asked for an epidural, I really wanted to try to do it naturally, but around 9:30 p.m. I had an epidural (which only took on one side) and was trying to relax as much as I couldin between contractions. At this point I was dilated to a 4 and 70% effaced. Around 10:30 I was in a lot of pain still from the one half of the epidural not working and I felt like I needed to push so I called the nurse in. Which by the way I had a male labor and delivery nurse which surprised me, but he rocked! He came in and was a little skeptical, he said if I continued to feel the urge to push to call him back in, which I did but I didn't want to be a bother so I waited a few contractions to make sure it was real, finally I called him in and I was for sure ready to have this baby, he was very suprised but things got ready very quickly for me to start pushing. I in the meantime had a total melt down and started doubting whether I could do this or not, luckily Ethan calmed me down and it was go time. Since we were at the University Hospital there were a lot of residents and students who came so the room was very crowded. I ended pushing through 5 contractions and our little Brynlee Janice Wilford made her appearance! Dad got to cut the cord and I heard a cry so I was beyond happy! The nurses took her to check her out and I just tried to catch a few glimpses of her while the doctor finished up on me. I ended up not needing any stiches which I was happy about. Here are some of the first pictures of our Bryn
Our Brynlee Janice Wilford (we spelled it this way because we want to call her Bryn along with Brynlee and her middle name is after Ethans grandma Janice) was born at 11:17 pm on August 6, 2015 and weighed in at 7 pounds 7 ounces and 21 inches long! We instantly fell in love with her just like we did with her sister. Our love for her had both Ethan and I in tears! We spent the next two hours cuddling and snuggling Bryn before they moved us out of labor and delivery into the mom baby unit. We had a very restless night, but we enjoyed our time with our girl. The next morning Brooklyn was able to meet her little sister which she was not to happy about. She really didn't care that I had a baby, she was more preoccupied with the balloon her and grandpa brought us, but she has since shown us how much she loves her little sister.