Brynlee Janice Wilford

We are so happy to have our Brynlee Janice here with us!!! Here is a little of her  birth story so I don't forget the details....

It started out on August 5th after my morning jog. I ran (with a lovely waddle) 5.5 miles which was normal for this pregnancy, but when I got done running I just felt "off". I did not necessarily feel sick but I did not feel like my normal self. Luckily Ethan was home so he let me take a nap and I was able to take it easy that afternoon while he played with Brooklyn. By the late afternoon I was pretty stir crazy. If anyone knows me I get pretty stir crazy when I'm home to long so we decided to get out of the house and go on a drive. Even though I was not feeling like my normal self I still wanted to get out of the house. So we ended up driving out to Antelope Island since I had never been, but wanted to see it.  It was a beautiful day and we saw lots of Bison and a few antelope. While we were driving we saw a beach and even though I wasn't feeling so well, I still wanted a picture at the beach so I made Ethan stop. When we were driving the beach didn't look that far away so I figured I would be okay, but I was wrong. Flip flops in the sand, along with 90 degree weather and almost a mile walk to the beach for a 39 almost 40 week pregnant women was not the best idea. But I am a stubborn person so once we started the journey, I didn't want to stop. We made it to the beach and got pictures, but once we made it back to the car I started having contractions, not just the Braxton hicks contractions that I had been having daily for weeks, but real contractions.  So I got a little excited that there might be a possibilty of a baby sometime soon.  Once we got home I sent Ethan to young men's, and I decided to stay home since I was having contractions and didn't feel so well. While Ethan was gone I took Brooklyn to get dinner at Warrens then went to Swig to get sugar cookies. I'm glad I stayed home to have one last mini date with my Brooklyn before "little sister" arrived! While we were out my contractions stopped, which made me very disappointed. I was soooo ready to have our girl here. The rest of the night went normal except I just didn't feel like my normal self. 

When we went to bed I could not fall asleep I just kept tossing and turning, this happened for about an hour and a half, then at 11:45 pm I felt a "Gush" of fluid (as a side note Ethan HATES the word gush, so I have to use it😜). I didn't experience my water breaking with Brooklyn, so it was hard to believe that it really was my water breaking, so I didn't wake Ethan up instead I went down stairs to watch Gilmore Girls because I thought contractions would start right away, but they didn't! Which made me doubt that my water actually broke. At around 2 a.m. I woke Ethan to tell him that my watr broke. He is a pretty deep sleeper so he didn't think anything of it since I wasn't having contractions. He went back to sleep:) I on the other hand did not sleep at all, I tried to get the contractions going, but had no such luck. I did not call the hospital because I did NOT want to get turned away. I had a fear that they would believe that my water actually broke since I wasn't having contractions, or they would say to labor at home. So I never called, plus I had a doctors appointment the at 11 so I figured I would just call the doctor first thing in the morning. Meanwhile to keep things a little clean I continued to leak fluid all night long, so I defiantly knew that my water broke, but no contractions. Finally at 8 am I tried calling the doctor, but of course they were in a meeting so we had to wait til 8:30 to call, so we decided they was a good chance we were having this baby today so we pcked our bags and Brooklyn's bags and headed to kneaders for french toast to kill the time. We got to kneaders right at 8:30, so I sent Ethan and Brooklyn in to eat while I called the doctor. Of course the doctor said call the hospital so I did, and we were instructed to come to the hospital since if my water had broke they needed to start antibitics since I was group b strep positive. So we called my dad and he meet us at the capital and Ethan and I headed to the hospital. When they checked me they verified my water had for sure broke, but I was not dilated or effaced at all. So they admitted us and started antibiotics. 

The nurses at the University Hospital are AMAZING (at least the labor and delivery and mother baby unit and of course me;)!  They were so friendly and were just great!  Since I was not dilated the doctor decided to start a prostaglandin to help get my cervix ready, once the administer they wait 4 hours then recheck. It was a long 4 hours of waiting since I had this with Brooklyn and it had instantly put me into labor, but this time around nothing happened, plus I had to pee every half hour and it is not fun being connected the the monitors and having to get up, but oh well. Around 4:00 they checked me and I was only dilated to a one and 30% effaced, so the doctor decided to start pitocin (I was trying hard to not have pitocin since I wanted a natural birth and I knew pitocin make contractions a lot more intense). But we needed to get this baby out sometime in the next few hours since I was at risk of infection. So the pitocin and the contractions defiantly started coming hard and fast! They were very intense from the get go, it could be since my nurse started it at a high dose, which ever bialy had to be turned down due to the contractions coming so far Brynlee's heart rate would drop. I tried to last as long as I could with the contractions before I asked for an epidural, I really wanted to try to do it naturally, but around 9:30 p.m. I had an epidural (which only took on one side) and was trying to relax as much as I couldin between contractions. At this point I was dilated to a 4 and 70% effaced. Around 10:30 I was in a lot of pain still from the one half of the epidural not working and I felt like I needed to push so I called the nurse in. Which by the way I had a male labor and delivery nurse which surprised me, but he rocked!  He came in and was a little skeptical, he said if I continued to feel the urge to push to call him back in, which I did but I didn't want to be a bother so I waited a few contractions to make sure it was real, finally I called him in and I was for sure ready to have this baby, he was very suprised but things got ready very quickly  for me to start pushing. I in the meantime had a total melt down and started doubting whether I could do this or not, luckily Ethan calmed me down and it was go time. Since we were at the University Hospital there were a lot of residents and students who came so the room was very crowded. I ended pushing through 5 contractions and our little Brynlee Janice Wilford made her appearance! Dad got to cut the cord and I heard a cry so I was beyond happy! The nurses took her to check her out and I just tried to catch a few glimpses of her while the doctor finished up on me. I ended up not needing any stiches which I was happy about. Here are some of the first pictures of our Bryn

Our Brynlee Janice Wilford (we spelled it this way because we want to call her Bryn along with Brynlee and her middle name is after Ethans grandma Janice) was born at 11:17 pm on August 6, 2015 and weighed in at 7 pounds 7 ounces and 21 inches long! We instantly fell in love with her just like we did with her sister. Our love for her had both Ethan and I in tears! We spent the next two hours cuddling and snuggling Bryn before they moved us out of labor and delivery into the mom baby unit. We had a very restless night, but we enjoyed our time with our girl. The next morning Brooklyn was able to meet her little sister which she was not to happy about. She really didn't care that I had a baby, she was more preoccupied with the balloon her and grandpa brought us, but she has since shown us how much she loves her little sister. 

We wanted to leave Friday night, but they make you stay at the hospital for at least 24 hours so we had to stay until Saturday, we did have a few hiccups with her sugars belong pretty low so we had to get a couple boluses and started supplementing her, but luckily we were able to leave Saturday afternoon. We are so in love with our girls!!!! Welcome to the world Brynlee Janice Wilford!

P.S. I had such a great experience at the Unicersity of Utah Hospital. The nudes and aides were the bomb and always so happy, and can't say enough how great Dr. Howard Sharp was, if I wasn't planning on quitting I would for sure deliver there next time. 

Getting ready for baby sister to arrive

The time is getting close for our new little girl to arrive. We are super excited, and very anxious for her arrival. About 2 and a half more LONG weeks until her due date. With the arrival of our little Brinley, we really wanted to spend as much one-on-one time with Brooklyn as possible. It is not every day that you go from being an only child to always having a sibling. Brooklyn loves babies, and seems to be a great helper whenever we are around other babies, but with more attention on a new baby we are not sure how it will go. We are hoping to make this transition as smooth as possible, but we will have to wait and see how it truly plays out. Here are some photos of just some of the things we have done with our Brooklyn before the arrival of "baby sister".
Feeding the ducks at Weber State

Daddy trying to be as stylin as Brooklyn

Brooklyn LOVES horses, thanks to Grandpa Wilford. Last year she was terrified to even touch a horse, this year we had a tantrum when we took her off "Bo". She loves animals.

If only I could be as cool as Brooklyn....

Family night walking around the Ogden Temple, followed with ice cream after.

Swimming as much as possible this summer. Brooklyn LOVES the water!

Playing in the lake at the Wright family reunion.

First time on a jet ski

Taking selfies on momma's phone

We sure love our girls!!!! 

Fathers Day BBQ

We had our first ever BBQ at our home to celebrate Father's Day, and can you say it was fun! I am not one to throw parties or dinners, but luckily this one turned out ok, I think:) We were able to use Ethan's new BBQ that he got for Father's Day, and turns out he might be a master griller! I think everyone had a good time. I love summer, BBQ's, and family!!!
Showing off the growing belly

LOVE him



The cool kids


How could you not love that face
Papa Kelly and Brooklyn

Cousins are the BEST

I am soooo lucky to have Ethan in my life who helped me get my Brooklyn girl and how good he is to Brooklyn! Ethan is the BEST dad to her! Also grateful for my dad and the example he has been in my life. Fathers are amazing! Happy Father's Day!!!!!

Brooklyn's 2nd Birthday

I am very late with this update, but here is my Brooklyn girl at two years old!

This little girl turned 2 on March 6. She is literally the happiest girl around! Here are a few things about her at age 2

-Loves Minnie Mouse, Thomas the Train, Chuggington, horses, dogs, and cats. 

-Interested in potty training, just hard with mom and dad working

-Loves to eat! Especially likes fruit snacks, applesauce, juice, chicken nuggets, corn dogs, and cereal. 

-100 percentile for height and 92 percentile for weight. Poor girl doesn't have a chance at being short, but she is beautiful and being tall and beautiful is a wonderful thing. 

Our Brooklyn Sherie has been the best thing for both Ethan and I. She has been such a great sleeper since she was born, loves to do things mommy is doing, loves to wear purses, hates to wear bows, enjoys watching "shows", loves her grandparents (she even talks on the phone to Grandma Sherie something she learned to do all on her own), and loves nursery. We are soooo happy that our Brooklyn girl joined our family. These have been the fastest two years of my life, but would not trade being a mommy for anything! Sure love you Brooklyn Sherie! 

Talent show

Ethan as we all know is one of the most outgoing guys in the world! That is why he is such a great teacher!!!! Last year some teachers from the school Ethan teaches at (North Layton) started a new tradition of performing a fun song at the end-of-year talent show. Last year they sang "Ring of Fire" by Johnny Cash. It was such a hit last year they decided to do it again this year. 

This year Ethan and three other teachers performed "We're Not Going To Take It" originally performed by Twisted Sister, an 80's rock band. Ethan was the lead singer, and they had a teacher on the drums, and then two teachers on guitar. Even though Ethan looked kinda scary he did a GREAT job! He has a good voice and was able to get the kids and teachers involved in the song. I am just amazed at how much confidence he has. The kids all got into it. As soon as they started and Brooklyn realized that was daddy on stage she started to cry, but luckily she saw the other people clapping and getting into the song that she stopped crying and started clapping along with the kids. I am so glad Ethan loves his job as a teacher even with putting up with junior high kids and parents and the low salary he still loves going to work everyday. Not every one can say that about the work they do. Teachers are such an important part of kids lives, not just the teaching, but also the friendships that are made and life skills that are learned. This awesome rock show concluded Ethan's third year as a teacher. He is excited for  a well deserve summer break and so am I. 

Memorial Day 2015

This year for Memorial Day we celebrated with Ethan's side of the family in Driggs, Idaho where Ethan's grandma lives, near the beautiful Teton Mountains. Driggs is a small town where Ethan's grandparents are from close to Rexburg, Idaho. This is Ethan's Mom's side family reunion so a lot of uncle, aunts, and cousins all get together for the whole Memorial Day Weekend. It was fun getting to know Ethan's extended relatives a little better and to enjoy the beautiful area, along with yummy food, fun games, service that was done for Ethan's grandma who is leaving on a mission, and decorating grave sites. 

I always enjoy Memorial Day Weekend. It is important to remember those that have past away, along with those who served our country. I am so grateful for my freedom. Let the summer begin!

Updates on the Family

Ethan James: 

-Ethan is currently still working at North Layton Junior High School as a history, geography, and current issues teacher for 7th, 8th, and 9th graders. He LOVES working with this age group, which I think most humans would struggle with. That shows how good of a guy he is.

-Along with working as a teacher, he is now the head basketball coach for the boys team. He loves coaching and helping the boys learn the game of Basketball. It is fun to watch him coach. This last year was there best year yet, the team made it to the semi-finals and lost to the team that took it all. Which is a huge improvement from his first year of coaching where I think the team only won one or two games. I am excited to see them play again in the fall.

-Ethan is currently serving in the Young Men's in our ward. He is the first counselor, so that means he is over the teachers. He enjoys his calling for the most part. It is fun to serve together in similar callings.

-This next year Ethan plans on starting the Master's of Education Administration at Utah State University. He hopes to become an administrator (ideally an athletic director) sometime in the future. This program is great for people working full time, it is mostly all online.

-I sort of love Ethan James and am so proud of everything he is doing for our family. I am glad I chose to marry the tall red headed guy! :)

Amanda Faye:

-I am currently loving life! I get to spend the majority of my time playing and hanging out with my Brooklyn girl. Being a mostly stay-at-home mom has had it's struggles, but for the most part I have LOVED it. It is amazing to watch your baby girl grow up and learn so many new things. She currently is just developing this fun personality that makes Ethan and I giggle almost everyday with the things she does.

-Our little family is growing! We have a new little girl expected to arrive the beginning of August! Woot woot! I am currently 26-27 weeks pregnant and am feeling great. The first few months were a little rough. I had a lot of nausea and vomiting, and working with bodily fluids did not help any! But for the most part this has been an okay pregnancy. I will talk a little more about this pregnancy under baby girls blurp.

-Along with being a full time mommy, I am currently working part time down at the University of Utah hospital as a Registered Nurse. I currently am in the resource pool for all the ICU's and ED. The University of Utah is a Level 1 hospital, which means we accept any and all patients, which is good for my nursing skills, but not so much for my heart. I currently work in the Medical ICU, Surgical ICU, Neuro ICU, Burn ICU, Huntsman ICU (cancer), and the Emergency Room. The only ICU I have chosen not to float to as of right now is the Cardiovascular ICU (It scares me!). I never have had the passion to be an ICU nurse, at least in this high of an acuity hospital. Almost every story is so sad, and sadly we see a lot of deaths and poor outcomes. I am grateful I have this job because it is teaching me so much and helping with my nursing skills, and it allows me to work nights so I can be home with my girl for almost all of her time she is awake, but I do look forward to looking for a new job after I take a few months off after baby girl arrives in August. I hope to find a job that does not have a commute, and hopefully is maybe a little more uplifting. But we will see what jobs are available when I look for a new job. For now I am just learning as much as I can and trying to enjoy the journey.

-My current calling in out ward is the Laurel Advisor. This has been a fun, yet challenging calling. I never realized how hard it is to relate to the youth. I also, unlike my husband,  am NOT a good teacher. I really struggle with coming up with lessons to help the girls participate and learn, but I am trying and hopefully the girls are learning something and hopefully feel the spirit. I have enjoyed this calling, it keeps me busy. We are in a great ward that we are loving. We feel very fortunate about where we live and the great ward we are in.

Brooklyn Sherie:

-Brooklyn is currently 2 years old and sooo full of energy. It is hard to keep up with her. She turned two this last March and we celebrated with a little minnie mouse party and bowling.

-Brooklyn loves animals, especially our dog Lila. She is always concerned about what Lila is doing. She asks all the time "where lila go". She also loves making animal sounds. I wish there was a zoo that was a little closer cause I have a feeling we would be going there almost everyday. Brooklyn is a quick learner and catches on to things fast. It amazes me how fast she learns things, and how observant she is. She is a smart little girl.

-Brooklyn loves watching "shows" as she calls them. She loves them so much we have to limit her shows to 1-2 times a day, even though she asks for shows almost constantly. Brooklyn currently loves watching Thomas the Train, Chuggingtion (train show), Minnie mouse, and Sofia.

-We have not started potty training yet, we hope to start in June. We just have had a busy few months and felt it would be best to do it when we have 4-5 days to dedicate to potty training. She is fascinated with going to the potty and asks to go and has already picked out her pretty under ware. We just need a little more time to dedicate to potty training. We are first timers, so hopefully we can figure this out!

-Brooklyn slept in her "big girl" bed for the first time yesterday and totally rocked it! We did not have that many issues at all. Hopefully tonight goes just as well. The only issue is that Brooklyn moves A LOT in her sleep, and she ended up on the floor twice last night from moving so much. Luckily it is just a toddler bed, so the floor is not that far from her bed.

-Brooklyn loves going to nursery until it is actually time to drop her off. She gets a little fussy when we drop her off, but then when we go pick her up she is loving it. She talks about nursery during the week, so I know she is liking it. She loves singing songs, so it is fun to see what songs she comes home singing.

Baby Girl Wilford:

-Due August 2015

-Currently am 26-27 weeks pregnant.

-Current cravings: WATERMELON (just so dang expensive), peanut butter, and salads.

-No other issues at this time with mommy or baby. Baby girl looked great at the anatomy scan. 10 fingers, 10 toes, heart and all other systems look good. Which helps mommy to relax a bit. Mommy sleeps pretty well, does not currently have any nausea, and overall feels pretty good, except for the fact that I feel fat, which is a good thing because baby is growing.

-Mommy is still running about 4-5 times a week anywhere from  4-5.5 miles at a time. Still at a 9:30 ish pace. (Which is slower than normal, but faster than when I was running with Brooklyn). I probably look like an idiot at the gym, but running makes my body feel better. So I really do enjoy running while pregnant. I do have to stop every 1.5 miles to drink, and occasionally I have to stop to pee. Other than that running is going great!

-We are excited to meet our little skittles!:)

Photo Dump

As you know, I am HORRIBLE at keeping up with my blog. But I really want to get back on track using this as our families journal, so hopefully I will be better at this whole blogging thing. Here are a few pictures from last year.
Brooklyn October 2014

Family of Three October 2014

So grateful my sister lives a little closer (Payson) so we can get together more often!

Thanksgiving 2014

Brooklyn Working on her own gingerbread house 2014

LOVE this little family of mine! P.S. I love Ethan with a beard!

My little kitty. Halloween 2014.

Brooklyn went trick-or-treating with her cousins for the first time. 

Zoo day! Brooklyn is in love with all different types of animals