Friday, January 30, 2009

Beginings of a quilt

Okay, life is really, really busy, and it is my own fault. We have now begun to gets lots of college homework and there is also two tests coming up on Tuesday. Yay. :P And of course, I *have* to take the quilting class right now, cause Mrs. M. won't always be able to do it, and I really, really want to learn quilting. I would much perfer to be working on a quilt than doing psychology. I can do homework tomorrow night after the quilting class........

Oh, and yes, I was dumb and started reading the Book Thief yesterday, so I couldn't go to sleep until I finished it, and thus, was up really late. Such intelligence. I *aught* to have been good and just finished reading Bonhoffer instead of longing for a new book, or I should have re-read the Hiding Place, but no, silly me *had* to read the first page, and then the second and then....

Anyways, this is the fabric I'll be using for my quilt which we will start tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Oh Dear.....

I think that if I ever had to go to college away from home I would be too homesick to do anything, and would eventually shrivel up and die. Just thinking about it makes me homesick already. I don't want to got to college, but it looks like I won't be getting away from it this time. Mom and Dad no longer say "If Snap wants to go to Augustine......" instead, it is, "When Snap goes to Augustine...".

Monday, January 26, 2009

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Home(ish) Tomorrow(ish)

I'm lazy, and I don't have any more computer space, so I'll have to wait to post photos from the past couple days.

On Friday night, we had to got to a ceremony and reception for one of Mom's prolife things. The main reason why we went to DC was for this ceremony. We all had to dress up; Matt and Bunny wore suits. : ) After the ceremony, there were tons of people gathering around for the reception, so us kids went up in the balcony and watched everyone. Matt and Nana and Bunny would run down and get food and then we would sit and eat it up there. The dessert table was the least crowded, so we ate chocolate strawberries, and truffles and cakes. We finished up our meal with pasta, since the main course table was still so crowded that we couldn't get to it. : ) So healthy. Oh well. Mom and Dad talked until they were almost done putting everything from the dinner away. I think we were the last people to leave.

Yesterday we hiked out to Arlington National cemetery. On the way, we stopped at the Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial, and the Vietnam Veteran's Memorial Wall. We had to cross the Potomac with an icy wind whipping over the bridge, making our fingers and toes and ears freeze. If you looked down you could see ice floating in large sheets below us. Nana and I didn't have any hats (bad us) so our faces got wind burnt. We went to one of Mommy's friends houses for dinner, and we didn't get back to the hotel till around 11:00.

Today, we went to a predominately African American Lutheran Church. It was okay, but definitely not Emmaus. Mom, Nana and I walked to the Textile Museum, and Dad and the boys are still at the American Indian Museum.
This is our last day in Washington, we get to leave on the 6:30 flight tomorrow, so we have to wake up around four or so. :P Lovely.

So much for getting much of the Cost of Discipleship read. It is hard to read when riding on the Metro, or when your little siblings are yelling at you to turn off the light and go to sleep. It is especially hard when the book by itself is very difficult to understand.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


This guy was defiantly a secret agent for something. You could tell by the important way he leaned against the tree, bit his lip in thoughtfully, and looked out from under his hat with his hands in his pockets.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Washington DC(ish) Things

We left this morning at 4:00 and drove to the airport for our 7:30 flight to Washington DC. We were doing fine, and were even going to be really early, but we got lost cause we missed the exit. : P Anyways, we lugged our fifty pound bags across the airport and went through security. We took off our shoes, put all our liquids, nicely packed in quart-sized bags, through the x-ray machines, along with the laptops and our bags. When it was time for us to go through the metal detector, I was scared to death that there would be some weird thing that would set it off and then we would be delayed, but we were fine. As we scrambled to gather up the luggage that we had to remove, I noticed with alarm that my second bag was missing!

I looked over at the security guards and they were shaking their heads. One of them was holding the bag and looking at it distrustfully. That really scared me, cause I had thought for certain that I had gone through all my bags before we left to make sure that there wasn't anything in it. The held up the bag and asked whose it was. Timidly, I acknowledged that it was mine. "Well, ma'am," he said, "We are going to have to search this bag. Stand over here." He pointed to the desk in front of him. They pulled out all of my nicely packed stuff and stewed it across the desk. Thankfully, it wasn't my clothes bag, and just had my purse, dress boots and school books in it. He turned the boots upside down and shook them and thumbed through all the books. Eventually, he decided to run my purse through the metal detector by itself. Sure enough, the object of suspicion was in there. I thought perhaps maybe I forgot to take out the crochet hook, and that was the problem, but digging into the corner of my purse he pulled out a pocket knife. He was nice and didn't glare at me or anything, just nicely told me that he would have to confiscate it. Thankfully, it wasn't a really good pocket knife...... I'm not sure how it got there. I was certain I had taken the pocket knife out of my purse over a month ago.... but then again, most likely I was daydreaming, as usual, and instead of taking it out of my purse, put it back in. :P

Anyways, today was busy. One of the New Jersey Rep. arranged for us to have a tour of the Capital Building. It was pretty awesome.

The streets are strewn with litter; tons of trash and cigarette buts left over from much celebrating. It looks pretty terrible, and quite a few people can be seen smoking.

Of the people still left in Washinton, a vast majority bore T-shirts with things like "I love President Obama"and "Obama is an answer to prayer". There were also a good deal of shirts with his face made out of rhinestones...... :-/ That is a bit strange. In the hotel, there is this life sized cardboard figure of him sitting in the lobby. I would feel strange to have replicas of myself around. That would be creepy! :0

It is colder than it is back home, though it is suposed to get warm tommorrow. That is good, since we will be outside alot for the March for Life. I think we are also going to try to see the Air and Space Museum.

Oh, and most of the people here don't smile a whole lot. 'Tis very sad. :(

Maybe I'll think off some other random thing to say before I fall asleep..........


This goat gargoyle was on one of the government buildings....
I've never heard of a winged goat on a trumpet before.......
It is so weird, but then again, most gargoyles are.

Friday, January 16, 2009


candles and roses


......and you all can probably guess what I'm going to say.

I cut myself.
Only, this time it was my right hand, not my left. And I didn't cut my hand with a knife. There were absolutely no sharp utensils close to my hand. I cut myself with a pumpkin. A pumpkin!!!! So lame. How in the world did I do that?

Thursday, January 15, 2009


No college today. The campus is closed, and that is a good thing cause Grandma and Grandpa probably wouldn't have wanted to take me if there was any snow on the ground.

No other co-op for the kids. I wish there was, but oh well.

The whole house is a mess cause everyone left in a hurry yesterday morning after making supper. Even my bedroom, which is basically the only place that I can manage to keep in some semblence of order is in utter chaos from packing. No place to hide from messes.

oh joy

Thursday, January 8, 2009


...for green grass and flowers and trees with leaves and mountains and butterflies and walks in the woods and summer rain and canoeing and swimming and traveling to faraway places and waterfalls and ..... and.....oh......

Remains of Autumn

College Classes

Ah, my own sweet Windows Vista! I am so glad to have you. No matter how much my Art 100 teacher rants about your faults, I will still hold you in highest esteem. And you, Macintosh! You difficult and backwards form of technology! I utterly despised working with you. You do not deserve to be in our computer lab, or be preferred over my dear familiar Windows. Your mouse is inept, your screen is too big, your desktop unmaneuverable, and you don’t have a control key!!!! How lame is that?!?!?

Anyways, everything went okay(ish) today. It is kind of odd cause all of Sarah’s teachers at [local community college] were women, whereas, all of mine are male. Psychology was actually the best of all the classes. The professor looks almost like Dr. Heidenrich, and he is really short. :D His only fault, if it can be considered a fault, is that he constantly wears a huge smile, but you can see when it is just a pasted smile and when it is genuine. We didn’t get much of a lecture today, since all the teacher had to read the syllabus out loud to the students, but what he was able to say was very interesting.

The math class was terribly boring. So dull, since it was all review. I don’t think I’ll like this class that much, but I can’t not take it because I didn’t test out of it. The only bright spot in the whole class was the lovely white board on the wall. So smooth and clean. The professor’s markers were new and glided effortlessly onto that elegant white expanse. With such a beautiful board, one would expect the writing on it to at least hold some respect for the board’s nobility, but, oh horror, the professor had awful scrawling script. That great board was humiliated by the heedlessness and insensitivity of its treatment. He didn’t even use the bottom half of the board. With his giant reckless penmanship, the professor would write only three lines and then move to the next board, and then when he had used up what he wanted of that he returned to the first board and rudely wiped at his mess, not even was he gentle in erasing. It was such a same to see a board of that sophistication scribbled with ghastly handwriting; it should have been covered from the top, all the way to the bottom with the solution to a complex problem, not distastefully abused. I guess I didn’t really get much out of that class. :P

Monday, January 5, 2009

Can you tell?

Which famous WWII battle is this? :D

The Battle of the Bulge, of course. :D The pipe isn't actually pipe, it is a Howitzer field gun, or at least that is what Matt says it is.

this and that and other things but not really

I must be going crazy or something. Matt and I went around the house with stuffed animals pretending that they were guns. And yes I was the one who started it. :-/ Not sure why I did that.

Last night, Nana went in the garage to get two pumpkins for me and she stepped on a mouse trap. Bunny makes himself laugh and once he starts laughing you can't get him to stop and his laugh is so silly that pretty soon everyone is laughing at his laugh. We made a galon of applesauce yesterday with the apples that were going bad in the garage. Our smoke alarm is annoying. We can have alot of smoke in the house from the woodstove, and it won't go off, but if there is any steam from cooking, it starts beeping. If we even boil water we have to turn the fan on. Every five seconds Matt and Bunny get into a tussle over some little thing. The cows get out of the pasture everyday because someone "forgets" to shut the gate. Instead of telling us before so we could get it ordered, Nana just anounced that we ran out of grain for the goats. I gave her a bag of old corn that we had in the garage, and then she dropped the bag on the floor and the corn went everywhere. Oddly, I'm not actually stressed out like I usually am when things happen.

The boys just called me upstairs to "come see the progress we are making on cleaning our bedroom". They had stretched fishing line across the hallway door and thought it was very funny when I ran into it. Cleaning their room indeed. :P

I will be so glad when Mom comes home.