Heading North For Seabirds - Boat Journey and Staple Island PuffinsI never sleep well the first night in a new place and so was up at 6a.m and decided to do a quick lap of the harbour before breakfast. The sun was shining but eastward out over the Farne Islands, hung a grey low bank of mist which was slowly approaching. By the time we set sail the mist had enveloped the Seahouses harbour. Give me sun, wind, rain or snow but mist is probably the worst for photography. The boat took its usual route out around the islands but the only photography possible was of some lounging grey seals.
We were duly depoisted on Staple Island for 2 hours. A more comfortable landing than Inner Farne Island with the absence of Arctic Tern attacks. Plenty of puffins, guillimots, fulmar, razorbill, shag and kittiwake to choose from. I mainly concentrated on the puffins as potraits seemed a better option than flight shots under the conditions.
A warm welcome to Staple Island.
Always good fun to photograph.
For the next installment I will show some other birds that can be found on Staple Island before heading over to the photographs from Inner Farne Island.