Happy Monday! This week in Come Follow Me we are supposed to be studying Jacob 5-7. I’ve prepared some thoughts on the chapters for this week and have some questions. Feel free to comment on any or all. On Sunday, I’ll share some insights from my own study.
The first thing we notice about Jacob chapter 5 is that it is LOOONG! In fact it’s the longest chapter in the Book of Mormon. It’s often referred to as the allegory of the tame and wile olive trees and revolves around the imagery of a vineyard owner who is trying to bring forth good fruit from his olive trees.
What’s an allegory? The manual tells us that allegories stories that teach spiritual truths through symbols. But to be more specific, an allegory is a type of metaphor where everything in the story represents a particular idea or real-world event. Allegories are full of parallels to actual events.
I’m going to approach Jacob 5 a little differently. I oftentimes like to read this chapter more as a parable. Now a parable is a bit different from an allegory. Its purpose isn’t so much to represent actual groups or events, but general principles and truths about life. So this week in my studying and pondering I’m going to look for principles that Jacob 5 teaches us about God and the ways he works in our lives. And actually, I can’t think of many other places in the scriptures where I feel I get a better understanding of the character and heart of God and his connection with us, his children, than Jacob 5. I think this is so appropriate for what is happening in the world today. I’m going to call the principles I find here “Truths from the Vineyard”.
· The Vineyard: The World or mortality
· The Master of the Vineyard: God or Jesus Christ
· The Servant: Jesus Christ or Prophets
· The Olive Trees: Me/People
· The Labor in the Vineyard: How God works with us
· Good Fruit: Righteousness and blessings
· Bad Fruit/Decay: Wickedness and consequences
· The Soil: The circumstances under which we are born or raised
I’ve identified 6 truths and have some questions for you all to consider as you study.
Truth #1
What is the goal of the gardener? What does the master hope to accomplish with his vineyard, with us?
There is a lot of repetition in this chapter and usually, if an idea is repeated, it’s because the author is trying to communicate its importance. It’s a means of expressing emphasis.
So, find the phrase or idea that is repeated in each of the following verses that answers the above question:
:13, 18, 19, 20, 23, 29, 31, 33, 46, 54*, 60*, 61*, 71, 75, 76
Truth #2
What is the Master willing to do to help his trees to produce good fruit?
There is one keyword that stands out to me as the definitive answer to that question, and then a whole list of other words that are associated with it. But see if you can find the overall keyword. It’s repeated in the following verses:
:15, :16, :32, :61, :62, :71, :72, :74, :75.
Truth #3
What are some of the methods he uses to work with you? How does he labor?
There are a number of different verbs that show up over and over and over again in this chapter. In fact, a great marking activity would be to go through and mark every time you see one of these words show up. I’ll give you the first letter of each word.
N - :3, :4, :5, :11, :12, :20, :22, :23, :24, :25, :27, :31, :34, :47, :58, :63, :71, :75, :76
D - :4, :27, :47, :63, :76
G - :8, :9, :10, :17, :18, :34, :52, :54, :55, :60, :63, :67, :68
P - :4, :5, :11, :27, :47, :62, :64, :69, :76
D - :47, :64, :76
B - :7, :9, :47, :77
As you find and review the words ask yourself how Heavenly may have performed each of these things in your own life.
Truth #4
What repeated phrase do you find in each of the following verses:
v.7, 11, 32, 46, 47, 51, 66.
Truth #5
What do the phrases found in verses :41, 46, 47, 49 and 50 teach you about the master of the vineyard?
Truth #6 Does it matter what kind of soil you are planted in?
Question about Chapter 6
Have you seen and felt the hand of God working in your life? How?
Chapter 7 is all about Faith Shakers
How do you earthquake-proof your testimony and reinforce your faith?